Guns, Dogs and Blades QnA

And pretty good muzzle control after getting whacked in the face. She kept the pistol pointed down range.
While breaking in Cindy's AR 15-22 I was walking from one shooting bench to another when the wasp nest under one of the seats decided my calves looked really good. As I felt the sting my index finger never left the receiver, and the gun never deviated from being pointed straight up as I broke into a quick jog. Repetitive training in the shooting hobby is worth it's weight in gold.
Interesting, I have now made the whole sale switch to red dots on everything. My age and vision deterioration made it fundamentally necessary. It is hands down the smartest thing I have done in a very long time. Obviously I cannot use them when I compete in Cowboy Action tho. As for slowing you down-finding the dot? That is not how I teach it or use them, that being said many do it that way. I go with the heavy reps plan so the dot appears on what I am looking at During presentation. Now I am not the fastest guy on the planet. In fact I would call me kind of middle of the road. At a recent timed event however I was the fastest of the day (clearly a low bar) using red dot at ten yards from the holster I managed to draw and shoot ten shots on a B8 target, (black Is aprox 3.5 inches across)in 6.013 seconds scoring a 95/3x. All in the Black. I was competing against a bunch of young hard charging SWAT officers. Never underestimate the old fat guy who's pistol looks like hammered dog slobber!
Interesting, I have now made the whole sale switch to red dots on everything. My age and vision deterioration made it fundamentally necessary. It is hands down the smartest thing I have done in a very long time. Obviously I cannot use them when I compete in Cowboy Action tho. As for slowing you down-finding the dot? That is not how I teach it or use them, that being said many do it that way. I go with the heavy reps plan so the dot appears on what I am looking at During presentation. Now I am not the fastest guy on the planet. In fact I would call me kind of middle of the road. At a recent timed event however I was the fastest of the day (clearly a low bar) using red dot at ten yards from the holster I managed to draw and shoot ten shots on a B8 target, (black Is aprox 3.5 inches across)in 6.013 seconds scoring a 95/3x. All in the Black. I was competing against a bunch of young hard charging SWAT officers. Never underestimate the old fat guy who's pistol looks like hammered dog slobber!
:rofl:Those young'ns all think they are the cats whiskers. Hope you didnt ruin their week.
So this week I was teaching a NRA rifle Instructors class. Then immediately after I taught a Defensive Carbine class. One of the attendees had just built a new AR and had never even fired it yet. He showed up a day early and caught me after hours to dial it in for him. I was in “casual” attire. His Dad took this picture and abused me all day for the size of my feet! I explained I was merely getting purchase on Mother Earth to keep my group small. Hah! Jodi says I will retain my title as her fashion icon! Great week of training, but man it was hot, heat index was way North of 100. I shut down the training on last day as a result of three students succumbing to heat. I got no protest from anyone. My assistant instructor was also on the very edge of a problem from heat. Pro Tip, hydrate well the day BEFORE your heat endurance test, not once you become dizzy! Liquid IV for the win!


OK gang. Misplaced my E D C knife.

Figure it's in the garage somewhere while working on the car.

How long do you wait to n replace? I'm certain that the moment I send the order I will discover the blade.

Tonto blade, spring assist, Kevlar grip

I have the backup in place... but not the same

Two is one, one is none
OK gang. Misplaced my E D C knife.

Figure it's in the garage somewhere while working on the car.

How long do you wait to n replace? I'm certain that the moment I send the order I will discover the blade.

Tonto blade, spring assist, Kevlar grip

I have the backup in place... but not the same

Two is one, one is none

Funny I used to carry a knife everywhere but I put it in my drawer and carry a gun everywhere now. But a knife on Facebook caught my eye. So far I’ve fought the desire to buy it. Lol
OK gang. Misplaced my E D C knife.

Figure it's in the garage somewhere while working on the car.

How long do you wait to n replace? I'm certain that the moment I send the order I will discover the blade.

Tonto blade, spring assist, Kevlar grip

I have the backup in place... but not the same

Two is one, one is none
Pocket knives and reading glasses have a knack for doing that...
Don't carry your vintage Boy Scout knife into a Federal courthouse to do jury duty. I carried that thing everywhere. Thought I was gonna get Sigged when the metal detector went off. Getting it back was a real chore also.
OK gang. Misplaced my E D C knife.

Figure it's in the garage somewhere while working on the car.

How long do you wait to n replace? I'm certain that the moment I send the order I will discover the blade.

Tonto blade, spring assist, Kevlar grip

I have the backup in place... but not the same

Two is one, one is none
As stated, the absolute easiest solution is to order a replacement. Once you drop the cash for it, the wayward knife will magically appear. Think of it like a 10mm socket! My EDC is bright yellow. I got tired of not being able to see it in the field late at night working bales when I dropped it In the pasture!
As stated, the absolute easiest solution is to order a replacement. Once you drop the cash for it, the wayward knife will magically appear. Think of it like a 10mm socket! My EDC is bright yellow. I got tired of not being able to see it in the field late at night working bales when I dropped it In the pasture!
You have a sublime gun too! I like that/:lol:
As stated, the absolute easiest solution is to order a replacement. Once you drop the cash for it, the wayward knife will magically appear. Think of it like a 10mm socket! My EDC is bright yellow. I got tired of not being able to see it in the field late at night working bales when I dropped it In the pasture!

I bought a set of 10mm sockets from Harbor Freight over 8 months ago because that’s the one you can never find. Gotta be 6-7 of them. Do you know how many of them I’ve used so far??? Exactly. Not a single one yet. Lol
So here is a crying shame pix. My wife and I have a gentleman's agreement that she stays out of my gun safes and I stay out of hers. Well she asked me to put her new B day rifle in her safe for her. I opened it to a very sad view of white mold on all her leather and most every wood stock in the safe. She inherited several from her father when he passed. They were in sad shape. It migrated on to her hunting rifles etc. one of the winchesters was so bad I had to soak the butt stock. I use white vinegar when I am doing battle with white mold. I have heard Ballistol also works great (no surprise) but I have never verified. White vinegar has always worked great for me. I have totally emptied the safe and deloused it. I will let it air a day or two and repeat while I clean all the rifles. Argggh
I reckon I should realize how fortunate I am to be married to a woman with her own gun safe!

Well any of you that have worked with Mals know that they are intense to say the least, and they have an unbreakable bond with their partner. Here is the fur missile in a quiet moment at home and not in the field. Nobody is at work here that’s for sure. We be chilling, holiday weekend!

Well any of you that have worked with Mals know that they are intense to say the least, and they have an unbreakable bond with their partner. Here is the fur missile in a quiet moment at home and not in the field. Nobody is at work here that’s for sure. We be chilling, holiday weekend!

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The calmest I have ever seen one!
Some 308 HK ****... I have these on display at my BF's gun range/store. They never get used. Sad.
SR9TC at DA.jpg

MSG90 mine.jpg

HK-MM11 at DA.jpg
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