

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario Parts Unknown
The old neck tatting Chapstick gives up the game winner! Gotta love it. Largest payroll I believe in baseball...maybe Dodgers?? Lmao.
Oh yeah and Booins lose also.
Maybe Jets can pull off the hat trick lol.


The old neck tatting Chapstick gives up the game winner! Gotta love it. Largest payroll I believe in baseball...maybe Dodgers?? Lmao.
Oh yeah and Booins lose also.
Maybe Jets can pull off the hat trick lol.

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I’m pretty happy yankees lost I do believe the RedSox have the highest payroll this year. Yankees and Dodgers aren’t far behind.
“Boo-in’s?” Who’s that?

Yankees = A love’em or hate’em team.
I guess that’s what happens when your the most winningest team in baseball history?

LOL, major league anything = overpaid children!

There are a number of first class acts and gentleman out there. Not enough IMO.

Im not into sports enough to care. I’ll watch champion chip games. That’s about it at best. Hey have better things to do for the most part. I’ll always root for the home team. If they do t make it, that’s OK. I’ll loose NO sleep over it.
The old neck tatting Chapstick gives up the game winner! Gotta love it. Largest payroll I believe in baseball...maybe Dodgers?? Lmao.
Oh yeah and Booins lose also.
Maybe Jets can pull off the hat trick lol.

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Jet plane flying women carousing limousine riding son of a gun!! WOOOOOOOoooo!!!!!
My all time fav....
:( lost........ I know, it's easy to be jealous of the team that had > the Babe, Gehrig, Di Maggio, Mantle, Maris, Ford, Rivera, Jeter, I know, it hurts.( You know ALL those names, don't you :D) Also I will not mention the 27 World series wins, honest I won't. Your forgiven.:thumbsup: I hope it's a great series.
:( lost........ I know, it's easy to be jealous of the team that had > the Babe, Gehrig, Di Maggio, Mantle, Maris, Ford, Rivera, Jeter, I know, it hurts.( You know ALL those names, don't you :D) Also I will not mention the 27 World series wins, honest I won't. Your forgiven.:thumbsup: I hope it's a great series.
I was jealous til you added Jeter. He was a class act but nowhere near the player of the other legends.
Not jealous at all. Always love seeing the "evil empire" fall. Not old enough to have seen most of those players you listed, except Jeter and Rivera. From what I've read Ruth was a dick and a drunk (so was cobb) Mantle was a drunk. Gehrig was the epitome of class. Dont get me wrong they were great players, SOME of them had class. For me class and humbleness is a priority.....keep you forgiveness as I'm not sorry for my opinion. I may be sorry for something later on though lol
For the World Series, I like the fact a wild card team made it and I'll "cheer" for the Nationals. Love the fact they made it after getting rid of that arrogant prick Bryce Harper.
Go Nats!:thumbsup:
:( lost........ I know, it's easy to be jealous of the team that had > the Babe, Gehrig, Di Maggio, Mantle, Maris, Ford, Rivera, Jeter, I know, it hurts.( You know ALL those names, don't you :D) Also I will not mention the 27 World series wins, honest I won't. Your forgiven.:thumbsup: I hope it's a great series.
Care enough to respond though??
Yankmees= I'm on the hate em side, always will be.
Doncha have.something better to do??
“Boo-in’s?” Who’s that?

Yankees = A love’em or hate’em team.
I guess that’s what happens when your the most winningest team in baseball history?

LOL, major league anything = overpaid children!

There are a number of first class acts and gentleman out there. Not enough IMO.

Im not into sports enough to care. I’ll watch champion chip games. That’s about it at best. Hey have better things to do for the most part. I’ll always root for the home team. If they do t make it, that’s OK. I’ll loose NO sleep over it.
A few Yankees were drunks.. OH MY GOODNESS ! ..Just think how much greater ball players they would have been if they weren't. Is that possible to imagine.

4sp, You have found a fault, you must have been a great player without fault, hope to see you at Cooperstown... today there is every kind of degenerate behavior in sports and people treat them as gods. I never said they were saints or role models, just great ball players that happened to be Yankees .. Lets not confuse the two.

I agree Jeter was a class act in a city were it is soooo easy to fall off the edge of the world. Also 3,465 hits, (most by a Yankee) ..321 batting in the playoff, .307 career batter, etc., not Ruth (although nobody is), but not to shabby.
Oh im not confusing them at all. I understand some of the YANKMEEE greats were degenerates. See you IN Cooperstown. :poke:.
A few Yankees were drunks.. OH MY GOODNESS ! ..Just think how much greater ball players they would have been if they weren't. Is that possible to imagine.

4sp, You have found a fault, you must have been a great player without fault, hope to see you at Cooperstown... today there is every kind of degenerate behavior in sports and people treat them as gods. I never said they were saints or role models, just great ball players that happened to be Yankees .. Lets not confuse the two.

I agree Jeter was a class act in a city were it is soooo easy to fall off the edge of the world. Also 3,465 hits, (most by a Yankee) ..321 batting in the playoff, .307 career batter, etc., not Ruth (although nobody is), but not to shabby.
Well I dont know if its OUR sport, but us Canucks perfected it. They love coming home, donning the Maple Leaf and kicking the US ***..... REGULARLY. They also come HOME in the off season:canada: gladly and proudly. Its nice waking up not having to worry about carrying a gun:elmer: lmao.
Pretty sure our Womens team could beat the "best" of your "mens" US team.
Google Peterborough Petes, our hometown team. The most successful OHL team to produce NHL talent, both coaches AND players. Nice deflection tho from your LOSER YANKMEES!! That game last night was absolutely beautiful and just, and deserved, but thats in the past like most things you bring up related to the YANKMEES LOL
It is YOUR sport isn't it.. guess you can't just can't keep them home once they have seen the light :) and the bridge >US :bs_flag:but hey, there's always curling :rofl:
Unless you're a Nats fan or Astros fan, how can you rag on a team that got to the LCS? They simply ran into a better team, and there's no shame in that.
Im a fan of ANY TEAM that plays the YANKMEES. I didnt know I had to justify which team I cheered for? And Nats are a transplant Montreal Expos, 4 hour drive from me, so its a win win right? Its sports and some friendly jabbing. Seems like its taking a bit of a turn though?? At least Chapstick had a smile on his face when he coughed up the game winning gopher ball to 5'6" Altuve.
Unless you're a Nats fan or Astros fan, how can you rag on a team that got to the LCS? They simply ran into a better team, and there's no shame in that.
Isn't Stroken It a Yankee fan ?
Only talks **** when his front running azz is winning.

Yep, Booins, Yankmees and Gaytriots. I think he has me on ignore or hes crying in the fetal position cuddling with his TB doll, I think thats his "happy place" when he loses, in Toms ***.
Isn't Stroken It a Yankee fan ?
Only talks **** when his front running azz is winning.
27 Championships... the closest, if you want to call it that, has 11 .. it's a ***** when you have to hate a winner because you've backed a loser.. I have been a fan of the Yankees for many years and have enjoyed a LOT of victories, How about you. >>>> :( ..oh wait, you have those minor league teams, I forgot. :D
Funny how when people quote the amount of championships, they always say they have been a fan for years lol. Ill HATE the YANKMEES forever and will LOVE doing it!
Yer speaking past tense again lmao.

yankmees suck.gif

Sooo yet a YANKMEES FAN??See gifs above lmao.
This thread is about the wonderful YANKMEES and their 27 championships. Start yet own thread.
Just curious - who's your team? Riding the Nats jock because they were a canadian team 15 years ago? :rofl: