I am so looking forward to winter, and hot summer days being gone.



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
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Topeka, KS
In the past, I have always preferred summer because everything I like to do is outside. Working on cars, bodywork, rust repair, painting, yard work, etc. I never had a problem with the heat. The last few summers, I have gotten more susceptible to the heat. For the first time in years, I am actually looking forward to winter so I can slow down a little bit. I am 74, and I have had something to do every single day for the last two or three months. It is time for me to slow down at least a little. I usually take on a winter project like badly rusted doors, badly rusted tailgate, or something like that. I can do that in my heated garage no problem. But I spread it out over a long period of time. I just gotten to the point where I don’t like being out in the heat. I might air condition my garage for next summer. Also, I might mention that we have an RV and haven’t gone anywhere in two years. That’s because I take on so many projects and obligations and help so many people with so many things that I don’t have any time to myself. That ends in 2025. I have to learn how to say, “No” sometimes when people ask for help.
Winter sucks ***.
The cold, the short daylight hours, the overcast skies, the rain or snow....It all sucks.
In the Summer, you have ALL day to do things. Sure, the heat can be taxing but you can take breaks from it. From inside the house, you can look through the windows and see sunny skies, a huge difference from gloomy cloud cover.
Cold hands where every slip of a wrench hurts worse than ever.
Wet and cold car parts that sit outside.
Cold shop floor, sucking the heat from your feet when walking on it and your body when laying on it.
Paint dries too slow. Bodywork and filler takes longer.
I don't like being soaked in sweat but if you plan your work around the day to be out there away from peak heat times, it is always better than Winter.