I f*in hate this car.

you say you worked on jags for years??????????????
I CALL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone with any little bit of common sence and has any wrench turning ability would of figured out why your dist. cap was not going back on.

everyone on here trying to point you in the right direction, but to me, it seems as though all you want is pity.

nuff said. i'm out!
you say you worked on jags for years??????????????
I CALL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone with any little bit of common sence and has any wrench turning ability would of figured out why your dist. cap was not going back on.

everyone on here trying to point you in the right direction, but to me, it seems as though all you want is pity.

nuff said. i'm out!

Seems like he missed basic 101.
from the looks of your box i would replace it but thats not to say that its bad....ive seen worse but was still functioning. are you sure you dont have a burnt ignition wire from the switch? the "start" wire from the switch is good otherwise it wouldnt crank but the "run " switch wire is what feeds the power to the ECU after it is started which should carry 12 volts when the switch is on....
you say you worked on jags for years??????????????
I CALL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone with any little bit of common sence and has any wrench turning ability would of figured out why your dist. cap was not going back on.

everyone on here trying to point you in the right direction, but to me, it seems as though all you want is pity.

nuff said. i'm out!
LOL go easy on em, not all of us have learned patience
***(QUOTE)***We're talking about a 35 year old car you are using as a daily driver.

I have a 33 year old Chevrolet Van I use as my daily vehicle and travel all over the state of NC to run my installation calls. I know it's not a Mopar but hey I got it for free!!! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with having an older vehicle as a daily driver. In fact I would rather be driving this truck as opposed to a new van which if broke down on me, I would need a computer to figure out which code to find out what was wrong with it. I prefer simple older vehicles as opposed to these newer vehicles.


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ive heard more venting here than on the vent thread and yes my 38 year old duster is my D.D. and i wouldnt have it any other way
you say you worked on jags for years??????????????
I CALL BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone with any little bit of common sence and has any wrench turning ability would of figured out why your dist. cap was not going back on.

everyone on here trying to point you in the right direction, but to me, it seems as though all you want is pity.

nuff said. i'm out!

Since you called "bullshit" :

Me with my 2 Jaguars - both project cars built from the ground up - (April 2007.)


A Jaguar engine I built from the bottom up:



Anyways, I don't want pity. I want help, and these guys are helping me for which I am eternally indebted to them for it. Try having Fibromyalgia at age 27 and go from making $60,000 a year to minimum wage with a body that's as durable/reliable as a Chevy Vega and get 19 hours a week at that job. I had to retire from working on cars at age 26. That's pretty sad dude, wouldn't you say? Then on top of that, figure in the fact that your daily driver doesn't drive which means you have to walk 10 miles to work, plus rent's due in 3 days and you ain't got the money.

Look, I'm not trying to throw a pity party and if I'm whining/bitching, it's the least of my intentions. At least I have a job and a vehicle, running or not. I'm honest and I'm genuine and that's what I am on this board. Every post you have seen me type is of raw, genuine emotion. Yes I can work on a stranger's ,a friend's or even my wife's car and I'll diagnose it / repair it very quickly and properly. (Body permitting.) But if it's my car and I'm in the situation I'm in - no...I can't. I'm doing it now, but very slowly because my back is acting up again. I'm gonna figure this freakin' problem out because I have to.

You gotta play with the hand you're dealt with man, and I am. I might blow off some steam of having the metaphorical equivalent of a 3/9 offsuit, but I'll make something out of it.
Since you called "bullshit" :

Me with my 2 Jaguars - both project cars built from the ground up - (April 2007.)


A Jaguar engine I built from the bottom up:



Anyways, I don't want pity. I want help, and these guys are helping me for which I am eternally indebted to them for it. Try having Fibromyalgia at age 27 and go from making $60,000 a year to minimum wage with a body that's as durable/reliable as a Chevy Vega and get 19 hours a week at that job. I had to retire from working on cars at age 26. That's pretty sad dude, wouldn't you say? Then on top of that, figure in the fact that your daily driver doesn't drive which means you have to walk 10 miles to work, plus rent's due in 3 days and you ain't got the money.

Look, I'm not trying to throw a pity party and if I'm whining/bitching, it's the least of my intentions. At least I have a job and a vehicle, running or not. I'm honest and I'm genuine and that's what I am on this board. Every post you have seen me type is of raw, genuine emotion. Yes I can work on a stranger's ,a friend's or even my wife's car and I'll diagnose it / repair it very quickly and properly. (Body permitting.) But if it's my car and I'm in the situation I'm in - no...I can't. I'm doing it now, but very slowly because my back is acting up again. I'm gonna figure this freakin' problem out because I have to.

You gotta play with the hand you're dealt with man, and I am. I might blow off some steam of having the metaphorical equivalent of a 3/9 offsuit, but I'll make something out of it.
its all good weve all been through our share of crap, oh and just to let you in on it , there is an outstanding vent thread next door happening RIGHT NOW
yea, i think i need to hit that thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get over the fibro deal dude. My wife went from close to 100k a year at the Post Office, now is collecting disabilty, has fibro, Lupus, Several different types of arthritis and recently had breast cancer. Life is tough, get used to it.........