I got the Project Blues



Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
MI 49203
Well, had the duster for over a year now....I have made a TON of progress but was still hoping to be a little further along than what I am.....so at this point I would like to atleast get my interior finished and get the duster in primer.

Just a bit in a bummed out mood lately, not much cash flow to put anything into the duster because we were in a financial slump for a bit and we are still catching up.

Wife has a new job and is working 3rds so my schedule got switched around also and I watch our boy while she is at work and while she sleeps when she gets home.....so it doesnt leave much free time to work on the duster...and then when the weekends come around we spend it together so we can get some family time in.

Plus I have been doing most of the project on my own and its hard tackling so much work alone.

I started off with tons of ambition with the project but just like last year....I can feel winter coming and holidays coming and I see ambition going out the window lol....

SO ....I hope I can atleast get the interior finished ( im about 40% 'ish finished with it so far) as for the body......I would like to get it in primer but I still have metal work I need to do so I may have to get back into it over the winter before I can do all my "final" body work and priming.

I have talked with a few members here about various parts I need but each one has not kept in contact with me...so I am still up in the air on certain parts I need....so I may have to buy new...which is definitely not in the budget for any time soon lol.

anyways, don't mind me guys.....just one of them depressing days where everything is running through the mind and feels a bit overwhelming ( I AM NOT GETTING RID OF THE DUSTER THOUGH!!!!! ) Just waiting for a streak of ambition/time/money to come along LOL :clock:
I have gone through this myself, more than once. I was hoping to be done by now, then it slide back to this fall, now I am hoping to have it done "this year". As I note the days getting shorter and "cooling off" (to only the mid 90's) I wonder if I will get it done by next spring...
Like you, I have some weekends where I don't seem to touch it for all the other things going on.
I'm on a no budget build so I've not set any deadline to finish... Trade and scroung, you'll get there sooner or later...
I am in the same boat. I have a horrible back and it has been 104 to 106 degrees not counting the heat index. Oklahoma is super humid just like always and that makes it hotter. I am past years to finish and looking at decades. No extra money and I hate life right now.
I am HOPING to be able to call it "done" by spring 2011 but as with any project...its pretty hard to call it "done" LOL.

but Ill keep working at it little by little even if its little stuff that doesnt cost anything to do......just waiting for some ambition and time I can devote to the duster because lately I have just felt whooped.

by the way, there is a link to my build thread below in my signature for anyone interested in what I have done so far.
Honestly these cars are never done. Hang in there and don't give up on it.
One thing that I never run out of is ambition. My Fury has been in the muffler shop for a few days now and my dart is running good and doesn't need any attention right now, so I have been climbing the walls. LOL. My garage has never been cleaner.
I would have alot more ambition to go out and work in the garage if it wasnt a 14'x20' garage lol...stuff a couple tool boxs,air compressor,bench,odds and ends NOT TO MENTION THE DUSTER....and its a pretty tight working space.

But I make due with what i have....I have already done everything I have done to the duster so far out of that garage so its not impossible by any means and I am sure there are plenty of guys working with less.
Plus I havnt got much comments on my build thread lately and I havent seen very many people post up new build threads lately.....and that type of stuff gave me extra motivation.

so maybe if I spend a couple hours raking over fabo I can dig up some ambition/energy LOL
Step back for a bit and take a break.You're a young fella,you got lot more time than some of us.Spend some more quality time with the family.You'll probably feel energized when you get back at it.8)
Dude I feel your pain. Same kind of situation here. We have had our car almost 4 years now, and there is very little light at the end of the tunnel. The effort is there, but the cashflow is not right now. All we can do is keep working, and KNOW that when its finally done, it will all be worth it.
There were many times that I felt the exact same way. I was behind my own time table, worked on it all by myself in my spare time and I could only spend what I had left over from my paychecks.

Now that it's just about complete there is a great satisfaction knowing that I was able to pull off such a big project.

Stick with it, it will all pay off for you.
HAHA James....yeah but it took me dang near a year to make it a runner.

Your ought to be coming along good by now? I havnt seen you post anything in awhile, did your RHS's ever come in? anything new on that "318"? how ya been buddy?
you will get there one day, try not to get discouraged. It took me a little over a year but every hour, and drop of sweat and blood is well worth all the looks you get.
You are only a year in and look what you have accomplished. I had the idea to collect every NOS part that I could get and by the time I was getting close I was seriously hurt when I was hit by a car while I was on foot. Now I can't do much and it just sets in the shop.
We all get this way at time's :happy10: so get ready for another blast of excitement when you have time and funds to continue forward :cheers:
You have got allot dun this spring and summer after looking at your build thread 8)
I will take care of these summer time blue's as soon as mother nature lets me out of this oven she is holding us in 8)
We all get this way at time's :happy10: so get ready for another blast of excitement when you have time and funds to continue forward :cheers:
You have got allot dun this spring and summer after looking at your build thread 8)
I will take care of these summer time blue's as soon as mother nature lets me out of this oven she is holding us in 8)

I think we're in the same oven brother, went through 4 shirt changes in about 2-hours, safty glasses were so puddled with sweat I couldnt see.. I said screw it till the sun goes down, then we got 2 thunderstorms in a row.. I didn't get crap done today....
Here in MI the heat isnt as mad as it has been but the humidity SUCKS.....you cant be outside without sweating away.

and since I live next to a lake (the pond end of the lake lol) it is mosquito heaven!!!!! ....so mix that and the sweat together and it makes me not want to do ANYTHING to the duster lol.

and I know fall is just around the corner which means colder weather which means winter and SNOW isnt much farther away which is putting the pressure on me and at the same time bumming me out.

Ill get out on it here soon because I atleast have to get the duster to the set "check point" I have envisioned before I can park it for the winter lol.

plus some time this winter I am thinking I will drive it over to my cousins paint shop and have him spray it for me and then I am HOPING by spring I will be looking at little stuff like putting the stripe kit on and carpeting the trunk and little things like that.

thanks to those who have chimed in on the thread and given me a bit of encouragement and a kick in the butt.

keep an eye on my thread and as soon as I do some work to the duster I will update the build thread
where are you at in MI? im in detroit need some help?

Im in the jackson area.

I would hate to bring yet another person over to work in my tiny garage lol.....I by myself get cramped in there lol I wouldnt want to make anyone else uncomfortable.

Thanks for the offer!

I have buddies....of course they are all more than willing to let me help on all the projects .....but none of them have ever came to help on mine.....thats fine though, not sure I would trust any of them not to break anything HAHAHA
I know exactly how you feel. Been so wrapped up in life and family and work I haven't even had a chance to work on my project truck. Got it in 2000 and haven't even had a chance to do rust repair on it.

This spring and summer the son's Duster has consumed every dollar and hour that we could spare, and it's still not running, so guess he'll have to go to college without it. But then he'll have a very nice Christmas present when he comes home! :)

Hang in there, take a break from it, pretty soon you'll have the motivation to get it done, at least this iteration.
Maybe this will make ya feel better about your Duster, heres my headache, I'm having to fab '73 junkyard floor pans to fit in my 66-Valiant.. No garage... ;)

Ive been feeling the same way,along with frustration.I had to quit working because my sis suffered a stroke and had to help out and whenever I had very little time and money to work on my Duster.I had to literally do everything on it myself including pulling the /6 and installing the V8 and with having only a gravel ground to work on outside I couldnt move the cherry picker,so I had to crank the /6 up,and push the car back to yank the motor out(I couldnt move the cherry picker since it was on gravel)and do the same in reverse.Not to mention 2 bolts failed on the engine stand and the motor almost fell off.I did this out in the heat and I had bruises,sore arms and legs and mosquito bites everywhere from doing this outside.Then after that it was one thing after another,I had a hell of a time putting the headers in,then I had to replace the fuel pump,got fuel,but no spark,had to replace the dist. cap,had to replace some stripped studs on a wheel.Today I finally got it registered (after paying a ridicoulous fee at the motor vehicle dept.) and finally got to drive it only to have it stall out and had to push it back home(thankfully I was only down the road:angry7:)Discovered my master cylinder leaks and installed my V8 radiator and the damn thing still gets hot(only after a short time running) thermostats new also when I got the car back home,what a suprise,it started up,idk what is wrong with it and Im at my wits end with it like you are.Finding parts locally is impossible also and the car is seriously draining me financialy.Im going to stick to it,Im usually a really calm guy but I need to seriously take a break from it before I take a hammer to the windows,its been such a let down after putting so much money into it.Sucks it only made it down the road and died and would not start again,epic failure.=(I know how you are feeling,hang in there.