Interesting thoughts and observations on OD transmissions

I found an alternative pressure switch suco 0166407031027 which seems very well made and is easy to adjust.

I have pressure switches set for overdrive to come in at about 45MPH and drop out at just over 40. Lockup comes in just below 50 and drops out at about 45. In the UK we fairly often have freeway speed limited to 50MPH in roadworks and this allows comfortable cruising in lockup OD.

I have the lockup controlled on an adjustable vacuum switch that switches out at anything more than light throttle and overdrive controlled through a half throttle switch on the carb linkage. If I mash the throttle into the carpet both LU and OD switch out and dependent upon speed I get kickdown as well. More gentle application of the loud pedal drops the gears sequentially.
Pressure switches mounted on a distribution block just under the hood makes adjustment very easy. It's a screwdriver slot between the Lucar terminals.

Overdrive switches.jpg