Internet purchases

Which Method of payment do you use for internet purchases?

  • Credit Card

    Votes: 30 34.9%
  • Paypal

    Votes: 52 60.5%
  • Check

    Votes: 4 4.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I am going with credit card payments because when I have had issues in the past (with sellers/merchants), they pretty much stood behind me. I have only once asked Paypal for the same support and it was like pulling teeth. I believe that (like credit cards) you have to know what their parameters are for backing you up. If it falls outside their guidelines, they will let you know right away that "their is nothing that they can do".

As far as checks go, not very many people or businesses want to deal with them any longer (unless you are talking about cashiers checks - which would be a different story).
I've had great luck paying for online purchases with US Postal Money Orders. The one and only time I had a problem (a pair of A body mirrors on ebay), I had the Federal government to back me up. Ended up getting all of my money back from the post office a few weeks later, as well as part of the purchase price (all but 12%) from ebay's buyer protection program. Sure, I made out like a bandit on that deal but I'd rather have had my mirrors.
I use paypal but when i had a problem Paypal sucked. I called my credit card co and they checked into it and they put a stop payment with paypal. Paypal wasnt happy about it and tried to charge me for their services. Concacted my credit card co and they took care of it with no charges on my part. That was 2 years ago and i still use paypal. The credit card co was mastercard if makes any difference or not.
leann how did you get money back from the post office ?? and i have never heard of E BAY buyer protection,,im sure thats a paper work night mare,,,

iwas ripped off once on pay pal by mopar larry,when i recieved my purchase,,i couldnt believe some one would try to seel junk,,i have thrown out better stuff that what i recieved,,,i sent it right back and my credit card refunded me,,,never buy pot metal parts on e bay again
leann how did you get money back from the post office ?? and i have never heard of E BAY buyer protection,,im sure thats a paper work night mare

Don, getting my money back from the Post Office was a simple matter of filling out a form to trace the money order to make sure it had been cashed. I just had to verify under penalty of perjury that I never received what I paid for and a few weeks later had a check for the amount of the money order.

The lady (for lack of a better term) that sold me the mirrors on ebay had great feedback ... until I made a purchase. Between the time I won the auction and figured out three weeks later that she wasn't sending my mirrors, she received 18 other negative feedback reports all from the same time period as mine was. :wack:

She ripped off a lot of people and moved (her ebay contact info was incorrect). I notified ebay, they conducted an investigation, and sent me all but 12% of my $145.00 back about three months later. I couldn't complain too much in light of the Postal Service's prior full reimbursement. (Almost wish more people would flake on me LMAO just kiddin!)

That's why I always pay for things through the mail with a Postal money order. They're easy to get and easy to cash. Once that envelope crosses state lines it becomes a federal matter anyway and you can then invoke the power of the Attorney General if you really have a problem.
Depends, I am like the majority I guess, E-Bay stuff I use PayPal. Most everything else I use my credit card. I haven't ever had an issue, knock on wood, with one so far.
I use a credit card for everything, even eBay ... I'll make the payment w/ paypal but not as a debit ... I'm not too keen on anyone sucking money out of my checkbook.. Paypal WANTS you to use them on eBay, but in reality you'll find there's much better protection with your credit card company...

I have a single credit card just for my "Hot Rod Parts'" and only that card gets used for just that. (OK, maybe something for the house too.)

I'm with the Cuda Chick on Post Office M/O's. When I sell something, I ask for them by name. Once I cash'em in, I send the part, no problem. Unlike other sources of payment I had to deal with.

Some people still use checks. Again, once they clear.........the part is yours.
For online purchases I use a credit card. On Ebay I use Paypal. Paypal is great if you`re the buyer because you can use your credit card and have two layers of protection. As a seller it opens up your merchandise to people internationally and who use credit cards, but that 3% can add up. I guess if you want to play you`ve got to pay! I once had an issue with a transaction through Paypal and they refunded all of my money so I`m 100% satisfied with Paypal!
i like to ues paypal. i had some problems with them but their tech saport took care of it real fast when i called them.
Thanks everyone for the replies to the poll. Just to explain the reason I asked what method of payment everyone used is that in a month or so I plan on starting an online business. I know that you really need the ability to accept credit cards but with all the merchant fees and discount fees an bs charges it would be so much less expensive to just go with paypal. But I think I have decided to accept both paypal and credit cards.

Thanks Everyone!,

Thanks everyone for the replies to the poll. Just to explain the reason I asked what method of payment everyone used is that in a month or so I plan on starting an online business. I know that you really need the ability to accept credit cards but with all the merchant fees and discount fees an bs charges it would be so much less expensive to just go with paypal. But I think I have decided to accept both paypal and credit cards.

Thanks Everyone!,


Good thinking. These days, you have to if you are running a business (especially an on-line biz). Good luck!
XStream, please let me know what authorization company you ultimately decide to use. Customers have been hounding me to take credit cards too but, from what I've learned so far, getting it all set up looks to be a big hassle. And since I wear all the hats in this biz, my time is pretty limited as it is.

Thanks in advance!
XStream, please let me know what authorization company you ultimately decide to use. Customers have been hounding me to take credit cards too but, from what I've learned so far, getting it all set up looks to be a big hassle. And since I wear all the hats in this biz, my time is pretty limited as it is.

Thanks in advance!

I went with Nova Systems through Costco (if you have Costco out there).
Being on the receiving end of the deal is different but here is what I do.
I use Pay Pal for Ebay. But I won’t buy anywhere else online without using Visa.
I recently made a small purchase from Cellular Blowout and used Paypal. It was a “Sponsored Link” and I figured they were reputable. I should have done some easy checking first. If I had used Visa I would have put the purchase in dispute. So I won’t use anyone that doesn’t accept Visa (except Ebay),
Had one bad experience with PayPal. I sent CudaNewB $135 via PayPal for a trunk lid but never received the part. PayPal didn't refund a cent after going through their dispute process. Otherwise, it's fast and easy. I also like P.O. money orders but I'm never in town when the Post Office is open as I work in the country. Using the credit card is nice too. I'm open to all 3 payment methods but I do like to use my credit card if the amount is very much.