It's finally happened



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
After 20+ years of climbing in and out of customers cars, today I refused to get in one.
Tow truck brought in a lady's 2001 Caravan, no start issue. Walked out to hook DRB up to see what was going on and I about puked.
This car has roach's in it and I don't mean the kind the cops find in the ash tray. This is the smelliest, nasty, dirty, gross car I have ever seen. Some threw eggs against the rear windows, from the inside.
I called the lady back and told her the van wasn't coming in the shop, and no one was working on the car until it was cleaned and sanitized. She seriously got nasty with me. Told me I had to work on her car, that AAA said that we would. The lady showed up at the shop, nasty looking, wearing pajama pants, flip flops & and bunch of kids she let run all over the place.
I handed her a couple of trash bags and pointed to the dumpster.
Man I hope that car is gone in the morning.
After 20+ years of climbing in and out of customers cars, today I refused to get in one.
Tow truck brought in a lady's 2001 Caravan, no start issue. Walked out to hook DRB up to see what was going on and I about puked.
This car has roach's in it and I don't mean the kind the cops find in the ash tray. This is the smelliest, nasty, dirty, gross car I have ever seen. Some threw eggs against the rear windows, from the inside.
I called the lady back and told her the van wasn't coming in the shop, and no one was working on the car until it was cleaned and sanitized. She seriously got nasty with me. Told me I had to work on her car, that AAA said that we would. The lady showed up at the shop, nasty looking, wearing pajama pants, flip flops & and bunch of kids she let run all over the place.
I handed her a couple of trash bags and pointed to the dumpster.
Man I hope that car is gone in the morning.

Good for you, people are such slobs.
How dare you. I mean really how dare you tell her she has to clean her car first. Clearly she is ENTITLED To drive around in As much filth as she wants.
I see dirty/smelly cars come into the shop everyday, but not THAT bad. I can't see how people can live like that.
You have not seen anything till you have seen some of the nastiest basement's I have had to work in !!!! I have been in the h.v.a.c trade for 28 years and just can't imagine the things i have seen and have smelt,most times in the most elegant homes - How would you like to work in a basement that the people let the cat's use as a litter box-2in deep with cat chit!!!! I turned around and went outside and puked!!!!! The lady came up to me and asked what was the matter!!!!! I don't blame you one bit!!!!!! that is a lack of respect for other human beings!!!! Good for you!!!!!
There is no excuse for such things. I had a mowing contract with a city not to far from me for doing lawns that people refused to do themselves or the properties were vacant.

We got sent to a house one day to mow and I looked in the lady's car and there was just enough room for her to sit in the driver seat. The back seat and passenger seat was piled to the bottom of the windows with trash, no joke.

As we were mowing around the house we could see in the house and it was the same way with little paths to move about the house, the trash was at least 4 feet deep throughout the house, and mice by the dozen crawling around on the INSIDE of the windows.
If she continues her attitude, maybe call the Health Dept. and/or Social Services?
Try fixing a trash truck for a bbq resteraunt lol thing probably wasnt washed in 10 years, had mold, rotten trash in the bed, rancid water pooling in the front of the bed, driver seat had some sort of rag covering it that smelled/looked horrible and the underside of the truck had moldy/smelly/caked on dirt. It smelled and looked horrible and the water dripped on me while changing the fuel pump lol i almost barfed
After 20+ years of climbing in and out of customers cars, today I refused to get in one.
Tow truck brought in a lady's 2001 Caravan, no start issue. Walked out to hook DRB up to see what was going on and I about puked.
This car has roach's in it and I don't mean the kind the cops find in the ash tray. This is the smelliest, nasty, dirty, gross car I have ever seen. Some threw eggs against the rear windows, from the inside.
I called the lady back and told her the van wasn't coming in the shop, and no one was working on the car until it was cleaned and sanitized. She seriously got nasty with me. Told me I had to work on her car, that AAA said that we would. The lady showed up at the shop, nasty looking, wearing pajama pants, flip flops & and bunch of kids she let run all over the place.
I handed her a couple of trash bags and pointed to the dumpster.
Man I hope that car is gone in the morning.

did u make out with her in the van just kidding good for u
Good for you. I was a landlord for a decade. I've seen unimaginable things. I'm convinced that a full half of North America alone lives like complete trash.
You have not seen anything till you have seen some of the nastiest basement's I have had to work in !!!! I have been in the h.v.a.c trade for 28 years .....................................

I wasn't in HVAC/R that long, but I've seen plenty

Went out in the dead of winter to a 'vacation' place with a heat pump/ electric backup, so forced air electric furnace for an air handler. For some reason, this thing had a grill of sorts above the blower. I yanked out the blower and looked up in there to see.......feet and tails hanging down!!! About 20 dead mice!!!

One house we had an issue with temperature, so I went around all the rooms to check that the supply dampers were open. Got down and and reached under the bed for the damper and here are about 3 big sex toys laying there. My boss would not believe me that I found a "big pink d####"!!!!

One MEMORABLE house, I was not familiar with. We were putting in an add on central air unit, and there had been a mis--communication about how to route the refrigerant tube. So I was "snooping" in the basement to get the layout in my head, and opened a door which turned out to "should have been locked" The family sex dungeon was in there!!!! and the VERY embarrassed woman could only "ask me to keep my mouth shut." To bad she wasn't younger and better looking!!!!

Of course there's the usual "crap" dead mice in a condensing unit, dead animals of various types in chimneys and other vents and mechanical intake systems, as well as in blowers and fans.

I never left because of filth, but there was some close ones!!
Try owning a detail shop. Ive had cars with 2 month old spilled milk, a car with 6 gallons (yes I said 6 gallons) of spilled grape fruit juice, dirty diapers and cars people died in. we have special pricing for mini vans because they are all nasty

I dont think Ive had roach infested cars though.
I've got in some pretty nasty cars, but this one is the worst. I could have hooked up the DRB and stayed outside but the roach's were just too much.
I don't even want to know what's back there rotting. :vom:
Had a Chevy Venture I got into a bad accident with, I had just picked up a pack of 4 litre milk from the store, sure enough the entire thing exploses from the force of the accident. After two weeks sitting in the compound during summer, the insurance adjuster and the bodyshop people refused to enter the vehicle due to the smell being so bad beyond belief, vehicle was written off, thank God.
Years ago, when I owned a detail shop, I got a call from a local dealership that wasn't one of my normal clients, they had a brand new Saturn that just needed an interior detail. I was hoping to pick up some extra business so I told them to bring it on over and we would get right on it. When it showed up on a roll back I got a little suspicious so I went and checked it out. I'll spare you all of the details but the gist of it is, some poor salesman got his *** handed to him by his boss, walked out to the showroom floor, sat in the car and offed himself. I never let that car get off the roll back, called the guy back and pretty much told him to lose my number.
I've searched many vehicles in that condition, I've even been told by a few tweakers that they let the cars get that nasty because then most cops won't want to search or just do a skim search.

As far as houses I think the worst I've been in was a horder type situation, there were dead cats, trash and crap everywhere but the worse thing was the house was walled with thin paneling and a buddy pointed out that you could see the walls literally moving because of the roaches in them....
Well over 20 years ago, I was a **** up. I pulled a few months in the county. DWLS. My trustee job was at the sheriffs garage. One day, the mechanics told me to eat my lunch in a car (some brand x crap). So, i sat in it and started eating (there were weird stains and chunks of stuff in the seat), being a 19 year old kid, I didn't think much. Until a guard walked up and started SCREAMING at me. Turns out, that car was the very same car that some *** tried to run over a Sheriff in , at the local mall. The **** in the seat? Figure it out........( Blood, Bones, and what should have been a brain, had not a dumb-*** once owned it) :eek:ops:No Lie, I Could Not Make This **** Up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The officer made me finish my lunch elsewhere (and that was OK by me, once he told me I was trespassing on his evidence). It didn't bother me then, and it don't now, but it would today. Knowing I had some scumbags brains all over my little orange suit. I do construction for a living, and I have seen some nasty **** in sec 8 stuff, but I think that takes the cake.
We had a Nissan van come into the dealership I was working in 20 years ago filled with roaches. The owner said they were just "bugs", they don't hurt anyone. We blew off two of those Black Flag bombs inside it and locked it up over the weekend. The next Monday, there were still some alive, so we blew off a third bomb. By Thursday, they were dead and we could work on it.
About five years ago, we had a recovered stolen Honda in our shop. Didn't look bad but the insurance company totalled it because they considered it unsafe. Someone defecated in it.
Oh the car I did yesterday had chewing tobacco all over it and Im pretty sure the guy spit it on the passenger seat.
Been in your shoes manytimes with customers and thier cars. The one that tops it in my mind was a chevy celebrity station wagon. The women was a hoarder and it was filled with papers and trash to the point that thier was only the drivers seat open. So I hop in the car take it for a test drive trying to hold my breath as the car smelled terrible. Suddenly out of no where this fury thing jumps on my lap and scares the hell out of me. It was a CAT, so I get back to the shop call the women and she is so excited that I had found her missing cat. So at that point I said to her maybe its a sign to clean your car out.

James From
PST Marketing
Ext 316
NONE of you have camera phones? Seriously?
Had one where 15 cats were living in the car with her. Cat **** everywhere. We made her leave and come back without the Cats. I forget who actually pulled the Car into the shop. Sad part it was a pretty nice Older Oldsmobile in great shape outside.