K-frame alignment?

Well stupidly I didn't see that there was more to the thread when I posted my first reply! Great news then! Glad to see it all worked out! That's reassuring! I will be putting my k in without engine or trans in place. Hopefully I will have no issues! But am a little worried now! Just waiting on parts then I will be attempting mine.
Well stupidly I didn't see that there was more to the thread when I posted my first reply! Great news then! Glad to see it all worked out! That's reassuring! I will be putting my k in without engine or trans in place. Hopefully I will have no issues! But am a little worried now! Just waiting on parts then I will be attempting mine.
I think my problem was I started with the transmission/engine twisted to one side. Putting the k-frame in separately or having a better jig to build from would have prevented that.

Once I got that worked out things got a lot better, other than worrying too much about applying a little concussive force to the torsion bar.
Yes I had all four corners on 6 ton stands before I removed it! I also noticed it when bumping in to it. lol That made me a bit worried! I bought the removal tool for them guess I can use that if need be to install too! Will let you know.
Do some measuring while the K frame is out. Best time to do it.
Yes that's a good suggestion! I may do that before I put it back up! Hopefully it's all good! On another subject, I pulled the torsion bars and they came out fine! I have identified them right and left. I counted the pivot bolt turns on taking them out, but have been reading about installing them that it is required to clock them or the keys correctly. I did not mark how they where clocked, didn't know I had to, so am I going to have issues going back in? I'm doing this without a shop manual and have had trouble finding one!
Yes that's a good suggestion! I may do that before I put it back up! Hopefully it's all good! On another subject, I pulled the torsion bars and they came out fine! I have identified them right and left. I counted the pivot bolt turns on taking them out, but have been reading about installing them that it is required to clock them or the keys correctly. I did not mark how they where clocked, didn't know I had to, so am I going to have issues going back in? I'm doing this without a shop manual and have had trouble finding one!
There is only one way you can clock the key and get it to work. You can't turn it dowward too far because it runs into the adjuster. You can turn it too far skyward, but you should be able to just look at that and know it's wrong.

Just a little bit past level is where you want it, then wiggle it around until the bar slips in. It won't go in the front until the hex lines up in the rear.
Thanks Uncle Bob, that's good to know when I go back to putting it in! Sounds simple and I kinda assumed it should be, but you know the saying about assuming! lol It's great having people who are or have been in the trenches to go to and get advice! This site is great and I appreciate all the good advice! I'm probably a day out from putting the k back in and I will definitely let you all know how it goes! Thanks again!