Last one to post in this thread wins!

When was the last time a 2x4 measured 2 inches by 4 inches ?

Lumber yards are all crooks
What I'm saying is that OSB will absorb water and will swell to 5/8 from the 7/16 . Dimension lumber has always been shorter than rough cut. Just trying to be funny with the OSB remark. Its just fine if it stays dry. Plywood is a lot more forgiving in that respect.
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Running words together and speaking fast is a person I can't hear even with aids in. Also I have to watch peoples mouth when they talk or most of the time I can't hear them. That's why I need to get them adjusted and hopping it helps.
Believe it or not we all lip read, deaf, hard of hearing or great hearing. When we took Jen to Toronto Sick Kids for evaluation and hearing aids that is what the audiologist told us. Have you heard people say they have trouble hearing when they take their glasses off. That's why. She said your naked eye picks it up without knowing it. Our bodies are a miraculous thing.
Believe it or not we all lip read, deaf, hard of hearing or great hearing. When we took Jen to Toronto Sick Kids for evaluation and hearing aids that is what the audiologist told us. Have you heard people say they have trouble hearing when they take their glasses off. That's why. She said your naked eye picks it up without knowing it. Our bodies are a miraculous thing.
Your body or someone else's body might be miraculous but mine kinda just has a brain fart once in awhile and I go with that. LOL
32* or 0*C and snowing again after all the snow was just about gone. Wet snow is not my favorite, it's kinda slippery, wet, semi frozen, can't move it with a snow blower kinda ****. It's a get the shovel out and try not to have a heart attack while shoveling it out of the driveway kinda snow.
Kinda sucks but not going any place to important tomorrow, well kinda...
When was the last time a 2x4 measured 2 inches by 4 inches ?

Lumber yards are all crooks
Go buy ruff cut off the mill and deal with the slivers. You can’t ever remember buying at 2”X4” piece of lumber. I remodeled a building from 1910 the lumber used was planned 2 sides to make it uniform. Crooks no trying to give you decent material in MODULAR dimensions for sure. Key word modular.
32* or 0*C and snowing again after all the snow was just about gone. Wet snow is not my favorite, it's kinda slippery, wet, semi frozen, can't move it with a snow blower kinda ****. It's a get the shovel out and try not to have a heart attack while shoveling it out of the driveway kinda snow.
Kinda sucks but not going any place to important tomorrow, well kinda...
Oh so your a bare driveway kinda guy. I pack the first few snow falls so I don’t blow the gravel off my driveway and break windows and such
Saw a high of 55*F today, a couple degrees short of the record high for today, but again the wind shifted and before long it was down to 39*. Still not complaining, been a really mild fall. Wind was above 40 mph again, got a picture of a building here in town that had the roof peeled off this week, will post it later.
Believe it or not we all lip read, deaf, hard of hearing or great hearing. When we took Jen to Toronto Sick Kids for evaluation and hearing aids that is what the audiologist told us. Have you heard people say they have trouble hearing when they take their glasses off. That's why. She said your naked eye picks it up without knowing it. Our bodies are a miraculous thing.
Hey just try the experiment I suggested to Fred. Just listen and see how many times an able bodied person says what? Or pardon me. I believe it’s a lot about how we talk as it is about hearing loss.
Oh so your a bare driveway kinda guy. I pack the first few snow falls so I don’t blow the gravel off my driveway and break windows and such
No like you have some gravel in my driveway about 60 feet and like you will pack it down as much as I can. It's the snow that blows in against my garage door that I have to shovel away so I can get my 2 wheel drive car out of the garage.
I won't buy a 4 wheel drive so I make what I have work or just stay home.
Might just hibernate if the snow gets to bad. LOL
No like you have some gravel in my driveway about 60 feet and like you will pack it down as much as I can. It's the snow that blows in against my garage door that I have to shovel away so I can get my 2 wheel drive car out of the garage.
I won't buy a 4 wheel drive so I make what I have work or just stay home.
Might just hibernate if the snow gets to bad. LOL
Hell, it aint even cold enough for hibernation here. Saw 59F and two bears yesterday. Full on brush climbing grazing bears on the first day of December. Crazy chit man.

Picture really doesn't show the full extent of the damage but gives a good idea of how powerful the wind was this week. Building is not much more than 10 years old.
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Picture really doesn't show the full extent of the damage but gives a good idea of how powerful the wind was this week. Building is not much more than 10 years old.
Not down playing your wind but ya gotta wonder about the quality of construction. It looks like an awning got tossed up there.