Last one to post in this thread wins!

Took a couple days but finally got the lab out of meat processing mode. 3, 12 cubic freezers stuffed full. 2 here one at my sons. Sure don’t take long for that meat smell to get into things. Washing the floor with dish soap and pinesol does the trick. Have a great day guy’s. I’m going to sit here and figure out how I’m going to mess the lab up again because I really like cleaning it up. To bad you can’t detect the sarcasm in my voice. :rofl:
Took a couple days but finally got the lab out of meat processing mode. 3, 12 cubic freezers stuffed full. 2 here one at my sons. Sure don’t take long for that meat smell to get into things. Washing the floor with dish soap and pinesol does the trick. Have a great day guy’s. I’m going to sit here and figure out how I’m going to mess the lab up again because I really like cleaning it up. To bad you can’t detect the sarcasm in my voice. :rofl:
:rofl:You bet nothing like making a mess and spending the day cleaning and make another mess.
Reminds me of a story Pat McManus wrote for Field & Stream years ago, along the lines of the stories people tell of their first deer, and how it gets bigger over the years with each telling.....

Hey, this is pretty cool! I just did a search on this and found a Youtube video of someone reading the story! If you have the time I recommend it!

Can't hear it my computer speaker isn't working for some reason. :BangHead:
Merry Christmas to all my friends here, have a fun, safe new years

You as well Mike. Cool picture.
Hope your back and your wife's wrist is doing better.
Doing MUCH better my friend, last night we stayed busy wrapping and decorating, front porch full of trash for me to take down the driveway, its so much nicer getting up and down it now, heading to the liquor store on the Arkansas Missouri state line to pick up a few things for my friends the to the dispensary to top of on some flower products I will need now that I am off pain meds.. you have a special and family filled Christmas my friend


was in Minot today and stopped at a smoke shop and bought a cheap cigarette making machine with tobacco and papers with filters. Makes 250 smokes and the total coast was under $23 bucks. Tried it out and kinda like reloading bullets. Tastes about the same as what I buy over the counter but way cheaper.
I know I'm a bad boy but what the hell I enjoy it and to old to stop my rotten habit.
Morning guys.
Had a nice visit with my friend, just not long enough and met his son as well. Nice guy like his dad.
Might get some freezing rain sometime today but I'm not going anywhere.
The countdown is on now so you better be good
was in Minot today and stopped at a smoke shop and bought a cheap cigarette making machine with tobacco and papers with filters. Makes 250 smokes and the total coast was under $23 bucks. Tried it out and kinda like reloading bullets. Tastes about the same as what I buy over the counter but way cheaper.
I know I'm a bad boy but what the hell I enjoy it and to old
Good for you bud