Last one to post in this thread wins!

Wow one hell of a day, sorry to hear that.
I am sure that his plan was to break in to the house, and he was knocking softly at first to see if anyone was home. He could have easily walked into the neighbors yard across the alley without having to climb a fence.
I am sure that his plan was to break in to the house, and he was knocking softly at first to see if anyone was home. He could have easily walked into the neighbors yard across the alley without having to climb a fence.
If he walked into my house uninvited, he'd be shot. Damn crack heads. :mad:
We had an unexpected event at about 6:15 this morning. Someone jumped over the 7 ft fence from the alley into our backyard and was in my opinion trying to break into the house. There is about an inch of fresh snow on the ground and I can see that he checked the basement windows before making his way to the back door where he was knocking very lightly on the door.
Both my wife and I got up to see what was going on and found a 20ish year old male at the door. He continued knocking, louder and demanded that we let him in, claiming that he was cold. I called the police, and he continued to bang on the door. His story changed several times, including asking to use the phone to call the police. I told him that I had already called them, then he asked me how long before they would be there. I said 'I don’t know, I'm not a cop', and he walked away, but we could hear him 2 or 3 doors away doing the same thing.
Happy f'ing new year.
Still waiting for the police to come more than 1.5 hours later.
When we lived in our other house my wife heard the back door rattling. She got up and pulled back the back door curtain and there was a guy trying to cut a hole in our cedar door. They looked at each other and then he walked away.
Long story short we called the cops and he asked if he brought some pictures around in the morning would she be able to recognize him. She said yes. That was back in 1993 and we're still waiting.
What is their Moto To Serve and Protect. Coffee time comes first I guess
An old local guy, who was well known for his "tales" told a story about being hungry and asking for a hand out. The old woman denied him so he started eating the old woman's grass. Well, the old woman pitied him and took his poor soul by the hand and lead him into the house and out the front door exclaiming the grass in the front yard was much better.
It was a still night a few years ago, walked out on the deck to have a smoke. Heard voices coming from around my lab, went back in house and got 12 gauge pump came back on deck could still hear voices. Held shotgun by the slide and operated it with one hand. Next sound crashing through the bush lmao No mistaking that sound. My sign in window of lab.
Kinda early, got a query. Are any of you guys into your 2nd day of hang over? I was a good boy New Year’s Eve, BIL not so much. He’s still moaning and groaning LMAO. Server’s him right for licking a 40 ozer out from the inside.
Good morning guys and happy Friday to ya.
You as well. A balmy -17 F here this morning. Got to try out my booster pac this morning, son left the interior light on car wouldn’t start. With the Booster pac it fired up no problem. A lot less hassle than cables and a battery I have to say. Not nearly as much swearing or frozen fingers either. Fire in lab finishing last cuppa Joe. Then out to lab to see what kind of trouble I can get into today,
Make it a great one guys
You as well. A balmy -17 F here this morning. Got to try out my booster pac this morning, son left the interior light on car wouldn’t start. With the Booster pac it fired up no problem. A lot less hassle than cables and a battery I have to say. Not nearly as much swearing or frozen fingers either. Fire in lab finishing last cuppa Joe. Then out to lab to see what kind of trouble I can get into today,
Make it a great one guys
Warmer here, at 12 below but clear skies.
Heading to the garage soon and clean it up.
Warmer here, at 12 below but clear skies.
Heading to the garage soon and clean it up.
Ya cleaning the lab up is necessary, a royal pain in the *** but. I walk into some of my friends shops and there’s a path from the door to the toolbox wonder how they get anything done.
Ya cleaning the lab up is necessary, a royal pain in the *** but. I walk into some of my friends shops and there’s a path from the door to the toolbox wonder how they get anything done.
I can't handle a messy shop for long and seeing some guys with an over crowed shop drives me nuts.
Hi Guys,
Went shopping and I drove haha.
Been nice and sunny but really windy and cold.
Weve had snow all around us but I think I saw 5 flakes and that's fine with me.
1 hour North of here they're supposed to get 2 feet.
My son was driving home from work and he always calls us. I asked how the snow was and he said it's lovely and clear. 15 minutes he was in a blizzard and couldn't see the road for white outs. It gets real nasty real quick where he lives.
Have a great evening and enjoy your weekend