Well-Known Member
I check my FB updates once a day - takes all of 5 minutes to scroll through and maybe respond to 1 or 2.
facebook is a wonderful tool.. great for keeping up with family that isn't local with pics and video plus its a great tool as a customer.. most businesses have a fb page.. its a great too to log a complaint on.. you get a fast *** response by posting on fb man.. its incredible. there is a lot of good that can be had with fb. its up to you to use it as you see fit and to best serve you..
Thats funny slantsixdan because that is what they are saying. I even saw one guy post if all this is true then the previous owner of his had an LS1 put in when new and they say it is believable.I got a case of beer says if it hasn't happened yet, someone in that Fecebook thread about nonexistent '64-'66 factory Formula-S Valiants is soon to have a try at wallpapering over their bluff by going "Well, back then if you knew the right people the factory would make whatever you wanted if they had access to the parts and they'd fit together".
Don't matter much, anyhow; there's nothing such as truth or lies any more. There's just facts, alternative facts, and if you don't like either of those, you can just call it fake news.
Get off facebook, it's for kids.
I would beg to differ with that! I play in a band, and have owned the same band since 1989! Not in any other time could I reach as many people simply by posting in the band thread, and having it reach millions of people! I had a website, just abandoned it because it didn't get the traffic that FB gets in one day!!
It is a tool, and used the correct way, a very useful tool!!
That is the same as the business thing I mentioned earlier- it works but you have to over look the bad to get to what you want.
It is a way powerful tool that most dont even see the potential except either - " i love it." or "I hate it."
and "Look funny cat pictures."
Anyone wonder why such a lovely young woman is on eHarmony looking for a date. I was until she started talking about the cats
You realize that was a made up video, right? Don't believe everything you see on the internet.
I'm a beagle guy!!! Lol.I doubt anyone took her seriously, for one thing she's an actress!! But, you gotta admit, it's funny as heck!!! Aaaand, the sad facts are that there is probably 1000's of real life cat people just like this!!!
Starbucks....What's that? ;)
Facebook....what's that?
The State of Connecticut had at least 3 big block dusters they used for chase cars back in the early 70's. (…) The Dusters were short lived because they over heated too much while sitting and idling. I will assume they were 383 cars but alot of old troopers told me they were 440 cars. (…) Because my Dad was a State Trooper I got to talk to a lot of the older troopers when I was a teen ager and because I had a Demon, all those stories would come out at the Christmas parties.
Don't believe everything you see on the internet.