let it snow

we got 4-6 with some good drifts can u spot who gets to park in the garage

Picture 090.jpg

Picture 091.jpg
we got 4-6 with some good drifts can u spot who gets to park in the garage
I see you kept the wife's car in :cheers: Heck it took me 3/4 of an hour to get this one ready for the road.



I would have to say we got around 2 feet so far here and its still snowing here also. Darn 4-5 foot high snowdrifts. It should end sometime this afternoon. I didn't get started snowblowing and cleaning off trucks yet. I been hearing rumors that another storm for the middle of next week could be like this storm.
The good, the bad and the ugly of winter.

Blame it on Al Gore's global warming !!


according to the "wether man" the snow is still 40-50 miles west of me but it snowing out.

my opinion of snow....:thebirdm:
Got close to 30 inches, I think. Hard to tell since it drifted like a ****. Screw this crap, I'm painting my driveway with uranium to keep the snow from sticking!


For some scale, the tires on the Ramcharger are 33/12.50's w 4" lift
Got close to 30 inches, I think. Hard to tell since it drifted like a ****. Screw this crap, I'm painting my driveway with uranium to keep the snow from sticking!


For some scale, the tires on the Ramcharger are 33/12.50's w 4" lift
i like that ramhog nice very nice
Those who wish for more snow are either school kids or don`t have to shovel this crap. Yes our area has been getting slamed hard this season:angry7:. Now what to do with all this white crap on my truck?

2010 feb 5-6 snow 013 (Small).jpg

2010 feb 5-6 snow 016 (Small).jpg
Or final count was 22 in. Supposed to get possibly another foot tomorrow but
It could be freezing rain I hear. All this snow has got me out of school and put a few extra bucks in my pocket from clearing driveways.
All the snow everywhere is sending the COLD weather to Florida way more then we are used too. I hope it ends soon. I hate the cold weather thats why I moved to Florida.
thats alot of work mike
My hips and neck are on fire Motopsycho #-o
We got hit with another 4 inches and it's been hell on the hill :protest:
I seen where I said I like snow in one of my post's here :happy10:
I would like to retrack that statement :banghead:
I am on my way outside to sweep the snow off Treva's car AGAIN and drive a couple girls to work.
I have seen enough snow this year. :toothy2:
I just walked outside and started her car and took these pictures this morning

SUPER BOWL IVIV 2010 034.jpg

SUPER BOWL IVIV 2010 035.jpg

SUPER BOWL IVIV 2010 036.jpg

SUPER BOWL IVIV 2010 037.jpg
Mike, I saw that post where you said you liked snow. I wondered what you were smoking down there. It quit last night after getting another 6". Come up and dig my wood pile out and try and pour concrete. You'll change your mind. This is hell on the building trades. Lucky i have my spec house to hang and tape sheetrock in. Then it's the hardwood floors, cabinets, doors, trim, O.H. doors in the garage so i've got plenty of inside work to keep me busy. Need to dig the entrance into the house but not with this crap on the ground. Watch the idiots on the roads guys.
Small Block
Mike, Watch the idiots on the roads guys.
Small Block

I am heading out the door and see how many idiots got out and should have stayed home Bill 8) The Wrecker services are doing real good :happy10:
You have a safe one bud 8)

Got a warning ticket this AM for excessive speed in snow in BOF, our 67 Dart! (2 mph over posted 35 on a divided 5 lane hwy)

He had a hard time catching me off the light in his durango!!!
Wanted to make sure I wasn't going to crash and hurt someone!

I assured him I wouldn't want to crash my 67 & that the 200lbs of sandbags, newer tires including studded snow tires, and only 25lbs of air in each tire pretty much lets me travel at will, other than getting stopped! Besides the SUV that just went by was doing 50!

Nice cop, just "warned me with a written".

Don't think he was expecting someone twice as old as him driving BOF.

I think BOF is being is being profiled and pulled over due to loud and not slipping all over when taking off at an icy light!!!

Here's snow pics for your enjoyment!8) more to come after this storm!!

69 snowbound.jpg

lex & 69.jpg


