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Do you have a Cold Case radiator in your car?
Do you have a Cold Case radiator in your car?
You saw what mine measured. It's a factory 340 car. I don't know what the difference is between the two. Are you measuring just the opening for the radiator? I've been looking through all the sources for a factory 26 inch radiator support in an A body. I'm not having much luck at finding any information. I measured my friends 318 Duster, and another friends 340 Duster and asked another friend of mine to measure his 71 340 Demon and all measurements were 22 inches. Maybe you or someone else on here can find out why there are discrepancies. Would a factory A/C car have a bigger radiator support and 26 inch radiator? Maybe I can find the answer with some digging.
Well I'll be. Wonder what the difference could be with mine being a 71 340 car and yours too. But yours has the 26 and mine the 22? I'd sure like to find out why. This has me puzzled. But I do believe with a good 22 inch radiator properly set up with a Milodon high flow water pump, 160 Milodon performance thermostat, good mechanical fan that draws well along with an electric fan to use for sitting in traffic that it should cool pretty good..Yes, just measured the opening for the radiator. 26". Mine is a factory 340 1971 Demon. I know of a 71 Duster 340 car also with 26". Typically, at least on B bodies, any AC car has the 26". My 68 Charger is 318 with AC and it too has 26" core support
Well I'll be. Wonder what the difference could be with mine being a 71 340 car and yours too. But yours has the 26 and mine the 22? I'd sure like to find out why. This has me puzzled. But I do believe with a good 22 inch radiator properly set up with a Milodon high flow water pump, 160 Milodon performance thermostat, good mechanical fan that draws well along with an electric fan to use for sitting in traffic that it should cool pretty good.
I've been reading up on these Cold Case radiators.They appear to be a decent radiator. I have an aluminum radiator already but it has the tanks on the side like a Chevy radiator. I'd have to weld aluminum angle on the sides so it would bolt up to my factory holes plus it looks a bit small. Your Dads car switching to aluminum may cool a bit better especially with the better designs of today.A good 22" should be fine. They make some really nice ones nowadays. Dad's 69 Barracuda was /6 car, now a 383 runs 180-190 most days with 22". He is going to a aluminum one this winter
Messaged Cold Case Joe. He hooked me up. Ordered my radiator today.
Measure just the radiator opening. End to end. Mine measured 22 & 3/4'sNow you boys got me curious. I will measure my Demon tomorrow while I am out in shop. I don’t remember off top of my head. I just bought the biggest radiator I could fit in there!
Roger thatMeasure just the radiator opening. End to end. Mine measured 22 & 3/4's
no. at the moment i have a new, stock radiator, for a 74'-76' 360 a-body that i'm trying because of space issues with my March pulley setup. my aluminum one is a 5 or 6 year old Champion that's probably going back in the car with a contour fan setup. if i end up getting a new aluminum rad it would be a Cold Case.Do you have a Cold Case radiator in your car?
22 inch..A 26 would be too big for the radiator at the moment i have a new, stock radiator, for a 74'-76' 360 a-body that i'm trying because of space issues with my March pulley setup. my aluminum one is a 5 or 6 year old Champion that's probably going back in the car with a contour fan setup. if i end up getting a new aluminum rad it would be a Cold Case.
did you go 26" or 22"?
Measure just the radiator opening. End to end. Mine measured 22 & 3/4's
I ordered a Cold Case radiator. Should be a direct fit and bolt up to my factory holes. The setup I'm going to use should work pretty good. I'll be getting it in today so we'll see how it goes.I just went and checked, mine measures 23" in a factory 318 Duster. 26 radiator fit right in though, ~1" per side is blocked, but I wouldn't consider it useless, still a larger fluid capacity in the radiator.
It sure did. And they even threw in a billet aluminum radiator cap cover. It was boxed nicely and looks awesome. Fit my Demon just like an original. I ordered the one they sell for a 67-69 Big Block Dart. Part # MOP756A-5..did that come with the brass petcock? nice
It sure did. And they even threw in a billet aluminum radiator cap cover. It was boxed nicely and looks awesome. Fit my Demon just like an original. I ordered the one they sell for a 67-69 Big Block Dart. Part # MOP756A-5..