memike found a 66 dart

Check around the cowl area up under the dash. My 66 was pretty rusty around the fresh air holes.
Ah yes, I remember that '63 for sale on here. I like that one a lot, but I can see it had problems and was probably more work than you're looking for.

I wouldn't trust the guy to look underneath and give you an honest opinion, I mean he's the one selling it! Conflict of interest, don't you think? Go look yourself! Take a flashlight and look hard. Take some digital photos and post them here for us to look at and analyze. :)

I don't know where you live, but there's a '66 Valiant (canadian one, looks like a dart) for sale here from a guy I know. It was owned by some Nuns. Very good shape, I think he wants $5000 cdn for it, but it's really rust free and ready to go. It's a /6 though, but that's not hard to change. In fact, I have an early a-body V8 centerlink I'll give you if you need it.
Your 66 Dart look's good I like the blue!!dartcuda.:cheers:

Yes my 63 had a lot of hard work to be dun to it.
I am leaving tomorrow morning with camera and flash light
and a magnet in hand.
I will post my finding's for sure as soon as I get back,
Thank's 65s for the offer and info on this little driver.
Like I said I ran the vin number's LH23D69129699 and loved the out come.
Its hard to believe the belle is rust free, So I will get a close look and push some pressure up from the bottom to be sure of it's health.
He said I will love the way the car drive's and how good the motor and trans run's out but it will need some attention to the carb.
With a factory v8 dart it will be a breeze to get the motor out and do a good
prep and paint and drop my 36? in it and the 8 3/4 narrowed rear will fit without moving leaf springs. I have forgot how wide the posy rear end is but it was a perfect fit for my 63, I believe I could be very happy with this 66 dart
It's a v8 coup with factory air and as you probably now a 5 hole small bolt
that I can do a disk brake upgrade on.

Has the day finally came for me to be a hole person again.:toothy10:
I like it myself. Doesnt look to bad rust wise. Take a good look underneather. Torsion bar crossmembers tend to get soft, Frames rails etc.
AdamR you have two fine looking children and happy to be in your car, Congratulations
I am off, let's see I have my magnet, flash light and 2 cups of coffee in me.
and a fully charged camera. And a print out from map quest.
I will be back this evening, I will stop and see some family on the way back they live close to black river. Thank's everyone for your help.
have a good day. memike:cheers:
Looks like a clean car - these are hard to find in decent condition. the rear quarters are usually the worst part on these cars. I am partial to 66's and think they are the best looking of the early darts.
here is some pic of the 66 270 fact 273 fresh and sweet and perfect.
no rust and is the best condition I have ever seen . here are pic's I need a shower. be back soon

66 004.jpg

66 006.jpg

66 007.jpg
Those pics look great! Looks like a clean original there. Get us updated as soon as possible..clean or not :)
Ok it was a very hot day 94 deg, This car looks perfect I could not find nothing at all rusted he has owned the car for a bit over a year and he is wanting a 68 to 70 dart. The int is all factory it almost looks like some one
could have kept it off the streets.The car color is a rust color not red.
fender tag was intact and that metal card that holds some info that hangs under the hood in a pouch is still on the passenger side inner fender under the hood. when it started up I did not here nothing not even a lifter.I am use to hearing some thing from a 66 273 motor, I did not check for matching eng number's like I said it was a hot day.
No smoke and good throttle response. The steering wheel looks real good but starting to flake a bit. All new 2 1/2 in pipes from motor to the bumper.
The oil filter is just touching the pipes. Nothing is missing from this car.
The paint job is not perfect but nice. enamel. What impressed me all door seals and truck seals looked factory and in good shape.
the seats look to be from factury are in real good shape and has never been re dun.
This car look's unbelievable like someone restored it 15 years ago.
the pic of the inner rear quarter is perfect and it looks that way all around.
drive's good and the trans has a leak at the dip stick and front seal.
Here is the fender tag numbers.
22107629 LH23 H4x QQ1 B.
I was told I can not afford this car until sept.
This car will be sold to to cheep. It is in a small town Population 370.
Know I am going to have a two week pout.:angry7:
one more thing it smells like there is a dead mouse or something in this car. and I think is well worth $6.000.dolors and if this guy would but it on a rack and take some good pic and a video sound bite of it it would fetch it easily. I hope something go's wrong on ebay with it just so I could beg barrow and steal to get it!! Not steal. Just wishing he could wait so I could get it. Don't I feel selfish.

66 0033.jpg

66 0055.jpg
Sept!!!!That sucks Mike. Nice car =P~ I think you should "bug" the guy everyday until you drive him nuts and he can take you no more!! He just might toss a coin or two :munky2:
I feel for ya buddy, that looked like a really nice Dart :(:crybaby:
Dont give up on her yet memike!

Give him a call if Sept is doable. It's only two months away. If you let the seller know your attachment to his car, and if he is not in a panic for the $$, he might take a token deposit or your word to hold the car. Hit him with the truth about your situation, and how you've been looking for "exactly" that car. Hey, nothing lost by trying. :)
Looks good man! What do you mean you can't afford it until September!? Go to the pawn shop and trade in some stereo equipment or tools or the wife if you have to! :) hehehe...

If it's as nice as you say, and you really like it, don't let it slip away. Tell the guy you'll pay whatever he wants if he cancels the auction and sells directly to you, something like that.
Hey the auction ended and the reserve was not met. You still have hope buddy. Call him up today and put down a deposit until September. I think this is the second time the car has been listed. I've seen it before. Tell him you'll give him $3000 cash. $500 now and $2500 in September. He keeps the car until you pay up. He might be reasonable. Give it a try since you are so close. Hock some stuff if you have too.

If he tries to sell it again on Ebag he is going to take a hit with the auction and listing fees anyways. This could be a good bargaining point eh
My wish came true!!:cheers:
I will call him tomorow and offer him 500.00 to hold it and pay off sept 25th.
We all know his reserve was 3.500 hundred, how much do you think he had to pay to put it on ebay?.
He has a tractor business and maybe we can do a deal grabber with 750.00
to get the deal dun if he don't think 500.00 will do a deal.
This car will show as is!!:cheers: except for the dead smell inside.
Well all I can do is hope for the best.
Sorry for giving false hope's and dream's to everyone here.
I felt terrable for not thinking this out better before I drug yall in on it.
I have dun this a few time's before to yall and I am sorry.:pale:
Hey, I hope you do get it, you have waited too long to get your a body, and you can't go wrong with a 66. They are one of the best body style of the 60's. I also like the 65's and hope someday I will be able to start on my 65 Vert
I don't know about everyone else, but I'm having fun reading along. I can only afford one vintage car (well actually I just bought a vintage van, but that's another story) so I like to live vicariously through other people when they're buying a if it was ME buying the car. It's exciting!

Another guy I know has a '66 Barracuda and it's got a bad motor. While looking for a new motor he happened upon a nice '65 Dart and ended up buying it! Now he's fixing that up and his Barracuda is collecting dust....isn't that how it always happens!?
65s nailed it on the head. Owning these cars is as much about the journey as it is the destination. I've chased my stuff whether drivers or projects or even parts, and doing each deal was the most fun. Usually always had to scrounge or wheel myself to make up for lack of cash. Going through it vicariously is as much fun as doin it myself! the deed. Close it. Bring her home anyway you can!
Make it work. I bid on my Dart on e-Bay and was the highest bidder when the auction ended but the reserve wasn't met. I called the owner within a few minuites and bought the car for $500 more than my bid. No regrets! I've been having a blast with it ever since. toolmanmike
I just talked to M & M Tractor sales and I talked to the owner of the car.
He said a man from Capejerardo is coming to look at the car and someone that works for Home Depo is talking to him and did not want to do anything to tie the car up. He said he owes 3.500 on it and said he would not sell the car for no less.He said I have been the only person that has looked at the car, And enjoyed my visit. He said to stay in touch that he will not be putting it on ebay again for a mouth or two and he may have the dart when I can have the cash. This will give me time to raise the money needed to get the deal dun and this FINE 66 Dart in my life.:toothy10:
Time for me to get some stuff on ebay, and beg and borrow.
I sure would hate to sell my boat sense I do use it and has been in the family
for 35 year's and my father left it to my brother and my brother gave it to me.
I was left out of his will, brother got his house and car and boat.
Before he past I let him know that I did not need and Ken my brother lived with him all his life to let him be the recipient.
I am off to the race's to raise the money.:clock:
A prayer from every one will not hurt. Thank's again Guy's and Gall's.
I will keep yall updated.
This is weird!! I had two people that looked at my old home place today.
I don't even have a for sale sign in the yard. :toothy10:
I was mowing and a man that live's just behind me 1/8 mile ask about the
house so I took him for a walk around and in the old house and showed him storm shelter and shop that he did not know was there.
I priced it to him and told him I have not put it up for sale yet.
But I was here today to get a sign up and get it on the market.
Glenn Frances the race track owner stopped by on his way in to Jonesboro
when he seen me mowing. A good friend and neighbor for 20 years and told me that he would like a chance to buy this property for a family member!!
so I priced it to him and told him about the other guy that stopped by.
And that I was going to put it up for sale and get it of my back.
I have lived here 21 year's and no one has lived there for a year know.

How many people out there been pray'in for me.
Ain't this weird!!

Pic of my old place and pic of what is going on across the street.
1 1/2 acre with some great tree's some and most Treva and I planted.

home 0011.jpg

home 0022.jpg

home 0033.jpg

home 0044.jpg

home 0055.jpg

home 0088.jpg

home 0100.jpg
Here is what is going on straight across the street.
a corn and bean field when I moved here 21 years ago.
full of quail and rabbit and deer.

home 013.jpg

home 014.jpg