Moderating Threads

by moderating that post and stating your feelings your creating the same situation. well done, get over it, I got almost half my head blown off and get **** on by replying to the post. ok, whatever your problems are I didnt do it .wont reply to your lame listing anymore as I dont want it to become as popular as the helicopter deal, if ya want to kick me off your board do it, as your all dumb *** followers anyhow. so go for it,fast is pissed cause he lost on a conversation on the guy with the 360 problems hahaha get over it, it gets much worse in life you hissy sissy yall are totally lost.....
wind is nothing but a (edited by ME) reservist punk, but hey, all glory to him
embaressed of what jack? God? as for bad watch your views triple on this Poopy <---(edited By ME again, using my 4 year olds words) thread you started and instigate me a a trouble maker. better think before you act.....I seem to have a lot of people that hate me but it sure does bring in the views dont it? moderated against me? hahaha Thank God I dont follow
Great job on the moderating...I really enjoy this site and have learned a TON!

wind is nothing but a ******* reservist punk, but hey, all glory to him

Wow...the last thing Wind needs is me (never in the service) defending him. However...ALL you guys in uniform have my TOTAL respect...until you start acting like an idiot. 1962...I realize you have issues and injuries...maybe you need to stay away from the computer for a while.
hahaha here it goes again, gonna sit back and just read and laugh at the stupidity
embaressed of what jack? God? as for bad watch your views triple on this shitty thread you started and instigate me a a trouble maker. better think before you act.....I seem to have a lot of people that hate me but it sure does bring in the views dont it? moderated against me? hahaha Thank God I dont follow


I am definitly not embarresed of god, hard to be embarrased of something you don't believe in.
I did not start this thread so you better read it again and get your facts straight.
I can understand why you think people hate you, you bring it on yourself by being such an asshole.
I don't know who turned you over and made you their *****, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't me.
I think you better go back to your doctor and ask for more anger management medication because what your taking isn't working.

Your Pal forever. ROTFLMFAO

I was reading through this post, and i saw a lot of positive support for closing that thread. I want to whole-heartedly agree that that had degenerated into something akin to a squabble among immature teenegers about who knew more about their own opinion. I should know, i am one.

So back on track, good job. I've read a lot of your posts Fastback340, and i see that you are a fair individual, who is not out there on a 'power trip'. I know far too many people like that, so i tend to recognize them off the bat, even through internet wall posts. lol. You're a good guy, looking out for the happiness of the site.



And now, a word to anyone that wishes to post anymore rude comments directed toward other members, not explicitly concerning MOPARS, upon this site. I'm ashamed. I'm 17, and i'm telling all you adults who choose to continue posting rude comments, that i am ashamed. Please stop.
Good move 71....that was headed nowhere good.

Cody...wise words from a young member...I am sorry for fueling the fire again!
It took this guy 500+ post to snap.... What happened? I read the post , but stoppedwhen it was getting heated. Was this all of a sudden? or along time coming?
Let's just say the Moderators decided to take out the trash. If it rolls back on the lawn (under a different name) please let us know.

We'll kick it back to the curb..... :thebirdm:

Now... I guess there's no reason to gloat, brag, high-five each other, or any non-sense like that. Let's get back to our cars..... 8)
Just thought I'd add my thanks to the Mods for their neverending job.

My buddy is a Moderator on one of the fishing forums that I belong to up here in BC. I know what kind of time it involves. And the babysitting required.

You'd think sane, mature adults wouldn't need to be babysat, but this thread just proves it. I could never understand why some people feel the need to swear in type. It's not like you can really get the feeling across. In person is one thing...............

Good on you, too, 'tree, for your upstanding attitude.

If anyone gets the opportunity to hit BC for some fishing, feel free to ask for information. Between my friends and I, we know pretty much every hot spot there is, and what's working.
We can't thank you guys enough for the work you do, FABO is the best forum on the net, and it's greatly due to you guys.

Mucho Kudo's

If anyone gets the opportunity to hit BC for some fishing, feel free to ask for information. Between my friends and I, we know pretty much every hot spot there is, and what's working.

I just might take you up on that...
I want to say thanks to the moderators for the job they're doing. I think things have been handled in the best way possible. I stayed out of the argument because I didn't want to fuel the fire. I try to stay calm & look at things here in the best way possible, but I have to say that guy just seemed to be spoiling for a fight. Let's hope things are back to normal.
I noticed a change in this board since last March, and it all had to do with one person. I really think there is something wrong with that certain person, and I fear it really does have something to do with the fact that he was injured. It's not his fault, but at the same time, it wasn't mine either. I do my part to make this world a better place and I'm sure he did too. Thanks and sorry all at the same time buddy. Maybe he can find a place to occupy his time where they will appreciate him, but it wasn't here.
I noticed a change in this board since last March, and it all had to do with one person. I really think there is something wrong with that certain person, and I fear it really does have something to do with the fact that he was injured. It's not his fault, but at the same time, it wasn't mine either. I do my part to make this world a better place and I'm sure he did too. Thanks and sorry all at the same time buddy. Maybe he can find a place to occupy his time where they will appreciate him, but it wasn't here.

GTS, I noticed the same thing but I think there might have been more than one. I am only making light here but I think there should be a
"Best of FABO" list and one of the subcategories should be entitled "Angry Folk." You know, the ones that absolutely lose their cool and go to their dark place while the rest of us sit back in wide-eyed amazement. As history has shown, they either get the boot or self-exile themselves. If this ever took place, I would to nominate the following thread for review:
Yeah that one belongs in the Hall of Fame. Or should that be Hall of Shame?
I missed that one.
" shmucks ?? that what she called us..all I did was comment on her comment...?? Obviously a 'right' she extends only to herself. Sounds like a very unhappy lady. I think her husband deserves a medal for what he has to deal with. I do wish her well.
HMMMMM... I think her "husband" may already have that medal.
GTXperience, thanks for posting that link. I missed all of that thread somehow. It was a very humorous read. I'm sorry to the members who took the brunt of that one, but that makes great reading for me.
As for mopar62, your loss buddy(yes,we know you are still coming on here, and reading all about our great A-bods).

This site has the best moderators of any boards I read.
Thanks guys, and thanks to all the great members