
Im new to the club but an old time mopar guy. I will be bringing my first time shown 69 340 Swinger
Is there an official area just for FABO members or is it something that just happens ??

I just got off the phone from talking to the girl at MoparFest, she said you had to register under the FABO Group to park inside the ball diamond with them, if not you will have to be parked out side of the diamond. Nine cars have registered.
I did a map to show the directions to the ball diamond where FABO will be, bring your lawn chair and sit with us.

View attachment part-entry.jpg
I thought I did as well.I'll have to check my paperwork.I want to be parked with the gang! Photo's a must! I'll be there wearing Yellow!! lol..


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I doubt my package will get here before I leave on Friday night but barring any impossible to repair hidden problems found by the tranny shop tomorrow I should be good to go ,I got 2 of those pick your package up at the local post office tomorrow cards in my mailbox today so my rad should be here and the plating shop called to say my trunk trim panels are both polished and ready to pick up . It's getting hard to go in to work in the morning with so much happening all at once -Christmas in August rocks
Bud light ? I thought we were talking beer I'm brimging a selection of Island craft brews some light some heavy maybe a honey mead ?
Doesnt look like the 65 Dart will be ready, but i will be arriving with 65Vart.
Bud light ? I thought we were talking beer I'm brimging a selection of Island craft brews some light some heavy maybe a honey mead ?

If you are driving all the way out from B.C. you better save your money
for gas and leave the beer up to us. LOL

i didnt get regestered online but will try at the gate. Mt nemo where are you gys leaving from id like to join the trail ride down if possible. pm me with the location and depart time thanks.
Kevin, I'm going Friday after work. Got the room for two nights. Wally, if you didn't get one, you can hang out in mine. That way, you won't have to watch Steve's gay **** this year.:D
Got my yellow tag today , put the rad in tonight ,cobbled up alower rad hose ,hope it holds it's only 2700 miles ,anyone along the who wants to mandrel bend me a piece of aluminum pipe to go from thr drivers side pump to the passenger side rad inlet let me know can pay with cash or beer or both lol