My 71 scamp!



The Green Manalishi
May 2, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I am finally just starting to get some time to post some pics of the 71 scamp that i picked up in April...I live in Ontario, Canada and traveled to michigan with my father to buy it....since then I have been working on it non stop, collecting parts and holding tight to my budget....Im only 19 so the car will be my daily driver (not in the winter though), so it will definatly be tons of fun...Car is currently in the process of getting ready for paint, and I have done all the bodywork myself so far, with my dad helping me out where nescessary....Car is minitubbed and will be getting a mild 340, 727, and an 8-3/4 with either 3.91's or 4.10's...anyways here she is and hopefully when its done it will be a car to reckoned with8)







I need to post some more pictures of the body in its current state, but my camera is broked right now...and yes my gorgeous girlfriend has helped me out with some sanding and is totally understanding about me being consumed in finishing the car (she can't wait to go for rides so that could be it lol)...thinking a brandywine colour for the body, but im not fully decided yet...colour choice is a very hard decision
Finally, I get to see it. Looking good. Keep us posted, with more pics when you can.

Ontario Canada were? Belleville here.should be sweet in the end.All MOPARSsssssssssssssssssss are cool.
Nice job on the tubs.
Pretty girl too!
Hey, can you ask your dad what kind of trees are behind you two in the first picture? I want some for my yard. I figure if they can grow up in Canada, they can grow down here in CT! LOL

hey guys i live in Markham, Ontario....not much muscle around here, especially of the mopar dad has a 69 dart with a 440...he's over on and his user name is gt if you want to see his car...And yes the tubs are great....thankfully my dad is a welding teacher, otherwise it would have been a monthlong job for me on my own lol.... George R, those trees that me and my lovely girlfriend are standing in front of are called mophead catalpas...gave my parents a good laugh when i told them why i was asking lol....anyways stay tuned for more guys, i plan to post some more recent pictures up soon
Cool car. I had a 72 Scamp the same color and it got sold to a buddies nephew when he was 17. He's been working on it and drives it in the summer. He just turned 21.
Thanks for asking your parents about the trees, and sorry for getting kinda off topic.
Now to find where to buy those trees!

Hey guys thanks for the replies, I will definatly get some more pics up soon (gotta borrow my girlfriends camera next time shes over)...And George, anytime lol
Cool another Scamp owner!8)
It's looking good so far,what are your plans for it?
plans are 340, 727 with manual valvebody, 8-3/4 with either 3.91's or 4.10's (havent decided still), and a 28x13 tire under the rear...hopefully it will be enough to get into the 13's
nice to see someone doing the same car however ur's look's to be in alot better shape lol. look's like you have a great start. Good luck
Thanks still trying to get a camera so i can get some more recent pics of it in the bodywork still trying to decide colour scheme and wheel torn between brandywine, sassy grass or sublime and winchester gray and whether or not i want black steelies or weld prostars...such different looks both so cool, just cant decide which i want to live with lol...
i dunno i was thinking black stripe with sublime....since its such a bright colour i think it needs some black to break it up...maybe even steelies with the sublime, but im still not sure yet....i keep looking at different colour schemes and wheels and the ideas dont stop....all i know is that i gotta decide soon since she will see paint soon and it needs a colour
oh man i cant remeber how i posted pictures now lol
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
There we go....these are some current pics of my car right now...its pretty much all shaped with 80 grit....i just started blocking it with 180 yesterday, and hopefully will soon be putting some primer on



I had to put a a whole new patch panel in behind the rear tire on the quarter which is why there is all the bondo in this pic
last post here are a few more...sorry for the messed up posts, couldnt figure out which photobucket link i was using before lol



and here are some pics of my dad's 69 big block dart that he just finished...its missing some trim and other stuff in the pictures, but he has that stuff on now



That's a solid looking Scamp you have there. You're doin' good with it, don't rush it.

It'll be better lookin' then your pop's. Just kiddin' those are fine looking A bodies you guys have there.

All the best

Thanks Giles...hopefully next year we will have both our cars in Moparfest...thats my goal anyways =)
Working on the car is getting real hard back in school fulltime, and working....i have to try to finish all my schoolwork as fast as i can so that i can work on the car, not to mention dodging bad weather, and trying to have it in paint before i put it in storage for the winter (still have no idea where the heck im storing it, which is another thing i have to still figure out)....the stress levels are rising, but i'll keep you guys posted....she's getting primer tonight, and then more blocking will begin..ill get pics up soon