My Luck

I detect a recurring theme...
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Coming soon to a theater near you:
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You miss the point.
The first two are private individuals spending their own money.
The third is the American people getting what they voted for.
Now, ask yourself, "Why would they vote for that?"
Next time, post this retarded false equivalency in the N&P section and you can be rebutted in the manner you deserve.

You miss the point.
The first two are private individuals spending their own money.
The third is the American people getting what they voted for.
Now, ask yourself, "Why would they vote for that?"
Next time, post this retarded false equivalency in the N&P section and you can be rebutted in the manner you deserve.

View attachment 1716375554
I think you missed MY point- we're on the same page.
Comparisons of a common denominator.
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A woman visits the doctor, concerned about a strange red mark on her stomach.

The doctor examines it carefully and then grins.

"By any chance, do you have a boyfriend who goes to Wisconsin University?"

She furrows her brows. "Uh… why do you ask?"

The doctor chuckles, "I’m not just a doctor, I’m also an amateur detective. This mark? It looks like someone’s been pressing against you while wearing a sweater with a big embroidered letter. My guess? A ‘W’ from a Wisconsin sweater—probably your boyfriend’s. The rough stitching must’ve been rubbing against your skin."

She nods, impressed. "Wow, doc! Not bad at all!"

The doctor smirks. "So… am I right? Your boyfriend’s from Wisconsin?"

She grins. "Nope! But my girlfriend is from Michigan!"