nail gun whoops



Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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Grand Tetons
Anybody ever have a mishap with a pneumatic air framing nailer?
I shot my thumb with one on accident over the weekend. Never trust the built in safety on these things. The nail got slowed down by a 2x4, but still entered the side of my thumb, and fractured the bone in the last digit.

It cant be set, just have to deal w the pain till it heals. I always used care when using this tool, however it was late in the day, and i was tired, this is when this happened. Probably should have put it down before this happened. Had to pull the nail out. I used a belt to bite down on , and a pair of plyers to remove . I can feel that its fractured. Its swollen up like a sausage, and has a tiny puncture wound in the side. I wasnt worried about getting pix with.a framing nail sticking out of the side of my thumb and blood everywhere. I was more concerned about removing the nail and stopping the bleeding. Currently taking ibuprophen for the pain. I think i got off lucky.

I guess the moral of this one is dont use power tools when tired or intoxicted. I was tired, and one careless mistake jacked me up pretty bad.

Cant get a tetanus shot either, im allergic to it.
Feel for you! Was using an old nailer at an awkward angle once and it bounced after firing a nail, shooting a second through the webbing of my thumb and into my palm. Thank goodness for narcotics.
I saw a framer using a nailer with a faulty safety shoot a nail in behind his kneecap when he put it back in his holster...after the second time 'that day' he stopped using the gun. :) Tough little **** went back to work....after getting the bleeding stopped. careful ......this is horrible to hear bcoz stuff like that takes a long time to completely heal.

take care of yourself
Seen a guy on the jobsite wire back the safty and head up a ladder to fix a gable end .
Coming down the ladder the trigger whent off shot a 3inch nail tru his knee cap . Bet it hurt like hell at the hospital when they had to pull it out .

Safties are there for a reason ( Usually)
Late in the day + tired = accidents.

Been there done that. I HOPE (not sure) I know when to quit for the day.


Joe Dokes
My old neighbor was falling off a scaffold while doing some siding work with a Nail gun in his hand. As he was falling off the scaffold his right hand dropped holding the nail gun and he shot is work partner right in the Heart. Buried the nail all the way past his skin. This was probably 20 years or so ago. They used it in an episode of the show 911 when it first was running strong on TV. The guy lived.............
Don't you always feel stupid as you enter the epic fail? I fell off a ladder that was hanging on a tree branch I was cutting with a chain saw. The branch jumped up when the branch weight dropped and then the ladder fell while I held a revving chain saw. I dropped the saw and prayed I didn't land on it!:banghead:

Thank God you weren't hurt too bad!!!
I'm with Ed. pics or it didnt happen.
Number 1 rule when using an air nailer of any kind is---- Do not get your hands to close to the area where the nail is going. I know this after nailing my thumb to trim a few times.

Hope you heal good, get well soon.

I was working on my A-Frame and putting the outside facia board on standing on a 12' ladder..last step. It was hot and I was sweaty and I was holding the board with my left hand and using a framing nailer in my right. I slipped because the ladder moved, pulled the nailer back at my hand because I slipped on the ladder and pulled the trigger.. The nail actually missed my index finger and went thru my leather glove.. All I could think about was hanging there all night 15' in the air before anyone would come back in the woods and look for me.. After frantically tugging at my glove for what seemed like an hour, it finally ripped free.. then I fell/jumped off of the ladder because I pulled so hard and lost my balance... I then called it a day.. Even if there were pictures, I wouldn't show anyone
I, too, was nailing spacers on 16" centers between the facia and last rafter. I was working from the basket of a Genie lift. On Sat., I hit my pointer finger with a 20oz. Framing hammer (damn Bi-focals)! Since I couldn't hold a nail with a double size finger, I hooked up the framing nailer. Sunday morning, I went back up in the basket and the wife went to Church (I should have gone with her)! I was positioning the boards with my left hand and shooting with the right. I was up about 20' and halfway up one gable end when I pulled the trigger and felt an immediate sharp pain in the end of my middle finger. The nail hit a knot, came out the side of the 2 x 6 and split the end of my finger - luckily it went to one side and didn't hit the bone. Try spreading the fingers on one hand to reach both buttons to lower the lift while your other hand is wrapped up in the sleeve of your flannel shirt. I put a butterfly bandage on it, wrapped it up and worked the rest of the day. Bedtime was not fun, thumped like crazy. The up side, I now have a garage to work on and house my 5 - 66 A-Bodies and my truck!
Late in the day + tired = accidents.

Been there done that. I HOPE (not sure) I know when to quit for the day.


Joe Dokes

I was putting new carpet in my boat a couple yrs ago... full day job.
Beautiful day in sunny So Fla... sun out, no clouds, tunes, beers etc

By the end of the day, started to get tired but wanted to finish. Beer and sun kickin my butt. Anyway- ran out of blades for my razor knife so pulled out a pack of new 1 sided razors. Having to change blades often, I was down to my last blade and only a few more cuts.
Marked my lines on the last piece and started to cut line... but it wouldnt cut. I press again, gripping sides, a little harder... nothing.
So- I put my index finger on the blade and put all my weight down on it.
I wish I didnt have my sunglasses on, otherwise I would have noticed I had the blade UPSIDE DOWN and I was pushing down on the razor!!! Thats why it wasnt cutting. :violent1:
Needless to say: the blade cut down thru my index finger to the bone.
Hello Emergency Room.

Take care of that thing... the last thing you want is an infection. Good luck.... hope it heals fast
I can't believe you didn't stop to take a pic. God knows whenever my stupid self asserts itself, my first thought is to grab the camera because "the gang is gonna love this".....

Get a medic to eyeball it and maybe give ya a lil something for infection. Heal well amigo.
Happens to me on occasion when someone distracts me. Leave people alone when they are using power tools is my creed. Nailed my hand to a facia once. Had to stand there on the ladder and pull the nail to free myself. They don't pull easy.