New toy for you gun guys.



Restore it, Dont part it!
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
I have had an old 4 wheeler for sale for a while with no real hits. So a guy contacted me the other day with a offer I couldnt turn down. Being a gun enthusiast I absolutely love 1911s iv owned half a dozen or so and I have my old faithful one that I will keep forever. The plan was to sale the four wheeler for money to pay the machinist bill but now that I got this i dont know if I want to sell it Haha. It's a m1911 gi made by American tactical. It even came with an extra 22lr conversion slide. I shot the 22 today it shoots really well. Also in the trade I got a entire gallon of gloss black single stage paint, and a gallon of Eastwood epoxy primer. And a box or 22 shells lol I'm sure what I'm gonna do with the paint yet but I'm sure I can either sale it or find something to paint I may paint my project truck black!



I have had an old 4 wheeler for sale for a while with no real hits. So a guy contacted me the other day with a offer I couldnt turn down. Being a gun enthusiast I absolutely love 1911s iv owned half a dozen or so and I have my old faithful one that I will keep forever. The plan was to sale the four wheeler for money to pay the machinist bill but now that I got this i dont know if I want to sell it Haha. It's a m1911 gi made by American tactical. It even came with an extra 22lr conversion slide. I shot the 22 today it shoots really well. Also in the trade I got a entire gallon of gloss black single stage paint, and a gallon of Eastwood epoxy primer. And a box or 22 shells lol I'm sure what I'm gonna do with the paint yet but I'm sure I can either sale it or find something to paint I may paint my project truck black!

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You sound like my boy . Makes me wonder how some people can be so lucky !!
You sound like my boy . Makes me wonder how some people can be so lucky !!
I have been waiting this one out for a long time. I actually had a couple other offers but you can tell when someone is serious about a trade or not . I really enjoy trading with people just to see what I can get. I use to do it alot with guns back before Facebook shut down all the gun groups.
Made in PI? Interesting...Id like to shoot that 22 slider. Centerfire or rim? different hammer for the .22?
Made in PI? Interesting...Id like to shoot that 22 slider. Centerfire or rim? different hammer for the .22?
The 22 slide is a rim fire it's a 22 long rifle. Everything is the same on the bottom half (frame) of the gun you just slide it on put in the slide lock pin and a 22lr magazine and your ready to fire it is pretty neat. And shoots really accurate too. It took a few boxes to find some ammo it really likes, it seems to really like the regular lead roundnose ammo. Seems to jam on hollow points. I shot a golf ball size group with 20 rounds @ about 25ft standing not rested!
Three shootings in a weekend. Hang onto it.
Yea its very sad and unfortunate that I hobby I really enjoy has such a stigma because of a few crazy evil people. I'm not gonna get political here but if you think about it there has supposedly (according to cnn) been 250 mass shootings in America this year. I do not believe or agree with that number but that's not for me to debate. But let's say its true. There are 390 million guns in America, civilian owners in America make up 46 percent of the entire gun population in the world! So Americana own almost half a billion guns and 250 ppl do something horrible and the entire media focuses on the guns. I hate it for the families and the people who loose their lives and loved ones in such senseless acts of violence and I agree something needs to be done. But more legislation on law abiding citizens isnt the answer.
Yea its very sad and unfortunate that I hobby I really enjoy has such a stigma because of a few crazy evil people. I'm not gonna get political here but if you think about it there has supposedly (according to cnn) been 250 mass shootings in America this year. I do not believe or agree with that number but that's not for me to debate. But let's say its true. There are 390 million guns in America, civilian owners in America make up 46 percent of the entire gun population in the world! So Americana own almost half a billion guns and 250 ppl do something horrible and the entire media focuses on the guns. I hate it for the families and the people who loose their lives and loved ones in such senseless acts of violence and I agree something needs to be done. But more legislation on law abiding citizens isnt the answer.

There isn't a damn thing anyone can do about shootings after the fact, and we will never be rid of people that find a reason to do violent things to others.
Best we can do is kill the bastards and be done with them.
I don't claim to speak for everyone, but I don't think gun laws are going to help much.
If I'm that pissed at someone and don't have access to a gun, that isn't going to save em.
A baseball bat, a car, a brick, a rock, 2x4, there's lots of other choices.
We have spent the last 50 years as a country largely telling our youth that there is no god, no morals, being a pervert is normal. Killed millions of babies. If you are not rich, smart or a supermodel you are worthless. With that kind of stuff going on, what should we expect. We leave a lot of our population with no hope. We have been doing a lot of sowing, now we are reaping.

Guns have very little to do with it. The American people still can vote, so there is a great chance we can fix this, but it will take time.
... but I don't think gun laws are going to help much.
If I'm that pissed at someone and don't have access to a gun, that isn't going to save em.
A baseball bat, a car, a brick, a rock, 2x4, there's lots of other choices.

Right on the money. Guy in Paris used a truck. Sickos in Japan used Serin gas. 9/11 guys used box cutters and 3 planes! Gun control laws can only affect law abiding citizens. Mass shootings make me sick, mass "shooting up" and dying is a national disaster: over 15000 citizens died of ****** overdosing in 2017. Guess what: ****** is illegal! You should not even be able to get it at all (but you can get the tools to use it for free in any big city). Imagine if big cities gave out cheap 9mm autos at the clinic but the ammo was 'illegal'? Before we outlaw the tools, let's look at the mind behind them first. F the civil liberties clowns that say we cannot protect crazies from themselves and ourselves by putting them in a controlled environment. We had funny farms up until the Reagan years until some ACLU lawsuit got a federal judge to pull the trigger on those. We have facebook algorithms that catch gun fans, youtube filters that block Christianity, yet they do not have hate speech triggers, or psychotic "kill/murder/waste/etc" rant alarms where these loonies post their diatribes or manifestos on prior to their acts.
So, been to any good car shows lately? Tell us about it, we need some good news.
Nice gun ! a claw hammer and it gets messy. lol
Right on the money. Guy in Paris used a truck. Sickos in Japan used Serin gas. 9/11 guys used box cutters and 3 planes! Gun control laws can only affect law abiding citizens. Mass shootings make me sick, mass "shooting up" and dying is a national disaster: over 15000 citizens died of ****** overdosing in 2017. Guess what: ****** is illegal! You should not even be able to get it at all (but you can get the tools to use it for free in any big city). Imagine if big cities gave out cheap 9mm autos at the clinic but the ammo was 'illegal'? Before we outlaw the tools, let's look at the mind behind them first. F the civil liberties clowns that say we cannot protect crazies from themselves and ourselves by putting them in a controlled environment. We had funny farms up until the Reagan years until some ACLU lawsuit got a federal judge to pull the trigger on those. We have facebook algorithms that catch gun fans, youtube filters that block Christianity, yet they do not have hate speech triggers, or psychotic "kill/murder/waste/etc" rant alarms where these loonies post their diatribes or manifestos on prior to their acts.
So, been to any good car shows lately? Tell us about it, we need some good news.
Yep I agree 100 percent. I know I will get some flack for this statement but I dont care! I think video games and movies raising our kids have alot to do with it too! Video games are not like they where when we were kids. Its not digital 1d graphics anymore these games are so realistic now I have played some of the new call of duty games and they are real there was certain scenes that bothered me as an adult I cant imagine what it does to a to a child's mind! It has to desensitize young people mind. And they play that crap for hours and hours for years and years by the time their adults they have no compassion for human life because all they have done for their entire existence is simulate killing ! Have you ever noticed most of the shootings are from people 15-25 not all but most!
I love my 1911.

It is a real numbers 42 though. Still tight and shoots straight.


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So, been to any good car shows lately? Tell us about it, we need some good news.

Yesterday as a matter of fact, and a big car parts swap meet along with it.
It's an annual show and swap along with a pretty good demonstration/show of antique hit and miss motors of all sizes and military vehicles and such.
A couple comes up from Phoenix every year and we go together.
I can not ever recal how many time i have argued the fact that "gun laws only affect law abiding citizens."

Its crazy to me that more people dont understand this.

My sister was one of the people who voted for the "assault weapons ban" when i found that out i was pissed. I sat her down and we had a long talk about how assault weapons are already not legal. After our talk she said, "oh i never knew all that..."


Nice new toy. For me the 1911 just isn't the right fit for my hands but i sure do love my SIG!

Just a few weeks ago i took a customer to the range who is in a wheelchair. He always assumed that he couldn't shoot guns because of his situation. I took him out and let him run A TON of ammo through some of my favorite toys and he had a blast!

He will be buying a pistol shortly. Me and him are gonna go to the indoor pistol range where he can rent any pistol and see what he realy likes.

He is not the first person i have convinced that guns are not evil and dam it sure did feel great seeing the smile on his face!

I would say 99 percent of gun owners are great folks. When me and him got to the range it was fully packed. This range only has 2 wheelchair accessible benches. A guy and his lady were using both benches. I asked if he would mind giving up one for my friend and lickety split he moved his stuff.

In fact the guy has a old truck that he wants fixed so i gave him my card and me, my buddy, the guy and his lady had a great time SHARING the bench. He even shoot his mouser! (Spelling?) And i let him shoot my 308 and .556.
Oh wow! That is beautiful! Iv always been a huge 1911 fan iv always wanted a "real" one. Iv had 3 rock islands this ati and 2 paras iv shot kimbers and Tauruses there's nothing like a colt imo! I really like my rock island tho.

Great design in general. It is fun to hit the range with this one. Folks in the know gravitate and see it from afar. I try not to shoot it to much though. One clip a month is good!
I can not ever recal how many time i have argued the fact that "gun laws only affect law abiding citizens."

Its crazy to me that more people dont understand this.

My sister was one of the people who voted for the "assault weapons ban" when i found that out i was pissed. I sat her down and we had a long talk about how assault weapons are already not legal. After our talk she said, "oh i never knew all that..."


Nice new toy. For me the 1911 just isn't the right fit for my hands but i sure do love my SIG!

Just a few weeks ago i took a customer to the range who is in a wheelchair. He always assumed that he couldn't shoot guns because of his situation. I took him out and let him run A TON of ammo through some of my favorite toys and he had a blast!

He will be buying a pistol shortly. Me and him are gonna go to the indoor pistol range where he can rent any pistol and see what he realy likes.

He is not the first person i have convinced that guns are not evil and dam it sure did feel great seeing the smile on his face!

I would say 99 percent of gun owners are great folks. When me and him got to the range it was fully packed. This range only has 2 wheelchair accessible benches. A guy and his lady were using both benches. I asked if he would mind giving up one for my friend and lickety split he moved his stuff.

In fact the guy has a old truck that he wants fixed so i gave him my card and me, my buddy, the guy and his lady had a great time SHARING the bench. He even shoot his mouser! (Spelling?) And i let him shoot my 308 and .556.
Mauser is the correct spelling lol I love old guns especially mausers I have several of them and have build a few of them they are great guns.
You are absolutely correct about the people who haven't been around guns and have never shot. Once they try it and are taught how to do it safely they have a lot of fun and usally become a addict lol
It's always a hairy subject talking politics and guns some people just dont get it. Most because they have never used one they think guns just kill people all on their own. Like said before if someone wants to do an evil act if they dont have a gun they will use something else.
Great design in general. It is fun to hit the range with this one. Folks in the know gravitate and see it from afar. I try not to shoot it to much though. One clip a month is good!
At one time I got really good with my rock island (my original one the one I still have) I shot it alot I put tons of ammo thru it and just had a connection with it I was extremely confident in my ability to hit almost anything with it. Me and my brother in law was at the range shooting one time and we was shooting a 8 inch steel gong at 100 yards with rifles. Well my brother in law hit the chain and was swinging by one chain we got up the go fix it. I said wait a minute I want to see if I can hit it with my pistol. He was like no way man that's impossible.
So I drew my 1911 and in the first shot...Ping! He said no way you just did that. Do it again. So I shot again Ping! I laughed and put my gun up he just stood there like he couldnt believe it. I couldnt do it now but at that time I could really drive tacks with it. I use to do all kinds of trick shots with it I even split a card with it a couple times. That is incredibly difficult its alot harder than they make it look on youtube lol
The M1911A1 I shot in boot camp couldnt hit a bus at 100 yds. That girl was just worn the F out. Probably had 1/8 play in the barrel bushing. I can only imagine how many rounds that training pistol had through it. Every 3rd round "stove piped" on mine, didn't eject fully and was just sitting up there like it was giving me the finger. Would like to shoot one again.
Made in PI? Interesting...Id like to shoot that 22 slider. Centerfire or rim? different hammer for the .22?

I'm looking for where it is made.
Don't see it.

At the web site. Duh.:rolleyes:
American Tactical Inc.


WARNING: This product can expose you to the chemical lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to (CA Health and Safety Code Section 25249.6)
Mauser is the correct spelling lol I love old guns especially mausers I have several of them and have build a few of them they are great guns.
You are absolutely correct about the people who haven't been around guns and have never shot. Once they try it and are taught how to do it safely they have a lot of fun and usally become a addict lol
It's always a hairy subject talking politics and guns some people just dont get it. Most because they have never used one they think guns just kill people all on their own. Like said before if someone wants to do an evil act if they dont have a gun they will use something else.

Takes a wood and metal rifle to do it correctly.
None of this plastic stuff.

Congrats on the new toy! I'm an enthusiast too with a Mossberg 500 Pit Bull that's just my size, and a new to me Kimber Combat Tactical II that's absolutely the smoothest, finest handgun I've ever had the pleasure of firing.

Some people enjoy polls; this one I saw and answered yesterday was pretty enlightening and I personally liked the results.

Humans are an emotional species and always will be. That's something that can NEVER be regulated or controlled, and creating new laws or increasing penalties will never change that fact. A quick glance at the EU and other countries with strict gun laws, exorbitant crime rates and a population silenced by force for speaking out only shows us one thing: giving up our weapons is a quick road to tyranny, and once the Second Amendment is obliterated our other rights are sure to follow.