Nicks Garage, 572 HEMI, Here we go....

So, the video ends with no pulls and a diagnosis of, “needs new carbs”?
Yeah.. but it's not the ending that matters, it's the journey... super harsh back fires through carbs? toss a ton of gas down em and then complain the plugs are too wet :)

And he's going to put on a single 4bbl and then try for 600hp!

Best part is we know what that engine actually makes so it will be funny to see how it turns out
The sad part is, the flooding carbs could likely be cured with new needle & seat orings, which get hard and shrink after being exposed to todays pump gas……then sitting around dry for a few years.
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Yeah.. but it's not the ending that matters, it's the journey... super harsh back fires through carbs? toss a ton of gas down em and then complain the plugs are too wet :)

And he's going to put on a single 4bbl and then try for 600hp!

Best part is we know what that engine actually makes so it will be funny to see how it turns out
Since he didn't even manage one baseline dyno test, I hope he re-installs that marine intake with the same carbs (working) and re-tests--would be interesting. J.Rob
Since he didn't even manage one baseline dyno test, I hope he re-installs that marine intake with the same carbs (working) and re-tests--would be interesting. J.Rob
no way he will do that... i can't believe he said you have to throw away holleys after 3 years of sitting, i have literally seen ones pulled out of the mud and rebuilt.. replace the soft parts and they go forever (cept shaft bushings of course)
There was a period of time when Holley carbs could fall victim to “zinc pest” if they sat around for a while.
But the carbs on that Hemi are probably aluminum.

5 mins pulling the bowls off would answer the question whether a kit would fix them or not.
They are aluminum and have been gone through and have very very low hours on them-unless they are full of corrosion it would be an extremely easy fix J.Rob
The sad part is, the flooding carbs could likely be cured with new needle & seat orings, which get hard and shrink after being exposed to todays pump gas……then sitting around dry for a few years.

When he was messing with the accel pumps and how they weren't working, that should have been the FIRST clue that other items using that type of material maybe rock hard/shrunk... like N&S o-rings.

What a mess. Trusting carbs that have been sitting for a couple years and not knowing if they were emptied or allowed fuel to evap off. The carb acting like old faithful when getting primed. Stop right there and straighten it out. Sheesh.

My other favorite part was when they were doing the test to find TDC compression on #1 with the cap off just trying to break off the tab on that rotor. Total lack of organization or problem solving.

That whole thing made UTG random idiocy seem smart. Oh the humanity. :)
BTW, near the end of the video when they are done there is a overhead shot and one of the intake valleys between ports is full of gas on the passenger side... just give it all the fuel :)
I still say though, that of the “home grown” type of you tubers………from a production standpoint, Nicks videos are pretty well done.

I’d say at this point, any regular viewers should know by now what they’re going to get.

If you’re looking for more technical oriented content, there are plenty of other options.
Like David Vizard for example……..who has written tons of books on various topics about increasing performance.
But I find his YouTube videos to be unwatchable.
Nick was right when he said
... "it sucked"...
, but it wasn't the fuel sucking that sucked the most.

That was ****.
Click bait , with fake suspense pissed on top.
Now it's getting more views on here, that's irony.
I still say though, that of the “home grown” type of you tubers………from a production standpoint, Nicks videos are pretty well done.

I’d say at this point, any regular viewers should know by now what they’re going to get.

If you’re looking for more technical oriented content, there are plenty of other options.
Like David Vizard for example……..who has written tons of books on various topics about increasing performance.
But I find his YouTube videos to be unwatchable.
David's are the worst.
Plus he spends too much time patting himself on the back for supposedly being the best/1st on everything.
Plus he spends too much time patting himself on the back for supposedly being the best/1st on everything.
Especially for someone who hasn't built a engine in decades. Time has past that guy on by
Video was a waste of time! I got frustrated with his slow diagnosis of what needed to be done and the stupid assumption that it ran as it was assembled in front of him.
And of course…waiting for the weed to kick in.

What else is there to do while waiting for that????
idk, the crossword? research 318 cam specs? go out to the garden and pick veggies? call around town looking for a set of magnum rings that apparently nobody has sitting on a shelf...

i mean, lots of things... woah. wait. what was i saying? man i am hungry all of a sudden. anybody else want a sub?
I feel sorry for the owner of that engine. Hes probably paying a lot of money to stand around and watch a guy cluster-f#$k his new purchase. All the while standing there grinning and giving a thumbs up as the poor thing labors on 4 cylinders. Unbelievable
Diagnostics- I never ever ever ever ever believe what someone else did to a car. I will always always always confirm previous work first before I move on. I have worked on too many cars that previous people have messed up.
Yeah no kiddin. No tellin how much that thing cost the guy. I wouldda done a complete teardown and inspection and replaced and repaired as necessary. It was beyond stupid.
So, the video ends with no pulls and a diagnosis of, “needs new carbs”?

I usually ask the owner if they’re “sure” the distributor is in correctly.
Some say they don’t know, so I check it before trying to start the engine.
If they say it’s in correctly, but it doesn’t fire pretty much instantly…….I stop and verify it’s correct before going any further.
It was pretty obvious right from the rip. That first backfire was it for me.