One Day



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Winnipeg, MB
Hi all,
Right now, I could be a candidate for one of those Cars in Barns websites. Even down to the comment by the poster that "the cars aren't for sale.. he's gonna fix em up one day".

I've driven A-bodies exclusively for a large part of my life, and for years used them as daily drivers and or winter beaters. Each one was always fun to own, more fun to drive, and always a conversation starter. Each has its share of great stories!

Out of neccessity I learned how to turn a wrench. It started with simple jobs, and progressed into engine rebuilds and bodywork. I'm sure many of you can relate.

Over the years, I came across some cars that I felt were excellent candidates for restoring in the future. I have kept them in storage, and finally have been able to bring them home. I have the go to build my shop... once I finish renovating our house.

So next time you come across someone who doesn't want to sell you your dream car (lol), maybe we really will "fix it up some day" :thumbup:
Hey, way to go and welcome!
I had a friend in High school that would never come off of anything and he said he would build something someday. To this day he still won't part with anything, but the imortant part is it is all under a roof and not just rusting away in the back yard. It took 8 years of coercing to get my Duster off of the guy who sold it to me and finally he let it go.
I say as long as it's under a roof someday will come, but to let a car rust into the ground is just downright obstinate.

Glad you found this great site!!
Jump on in and enjoy.
Welcome. you sound like a good friend of mine. Has more cars than he knows what to do with, and most of there are A bodies. Would love to see pics of your collection.
Thanks for the welcome. I have some pictures still unpacked (in other words in an unamed box), but I found this one of my 69 cuda.

Yeah, my story is so similar. I've sold cars to people before because they convinced me at the time that they would fix it up, and I was just letting it be wasted, only to find that they took a couple of parts off of it to recover their money and then had the rest crushed! My place looks like a cars in barns reunion! Now I sell parts for reasonable prices to enthusiasts fixing their cars, project cars to people that really are going to fix them up,but do not sell parts cars to anyone, because they just don't get it. these cars are getting harder to find parts for, and it's incredible what's left on a car that is stripped, a lot of times I give parts away to guys if they use them, and not sell them, lots of orig. clips, screws, bolts, trim etc. Being a true enthusiast of these cars, I do the best I can to keep these parts cars from being crushed, I'm lucky that I have the space for them, too bad most people don't have this luxury, and don't have a choice. :-|