Paxton supercharger

How does the bypass valve work? I know it relieves the boost when not needed?
What activates it though?

Mine has a spring pack that's adjustable through the addition or removal of shims. There's a "vacuum" line that connects the actuating piston, and coil spring, to the engine's intake system. When intake vacuum overrides the spring pressure in the bypass valve, it opens to let the compressed air escape into the atmosphere instead of keeping it bottled up behind the almost closed throttle butteflies. The signal it "sees" comes from downstream of the carb, not between the carb and turbo, so when there's not much load on the engine, there's a vacuum there. The supercharger doesn't know that, so it keeps making boost... gotta dump it somewhere.

If this is wrong, maybe someone can correct me, but that's the way I see it.



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Where did you get the bypass valve from???
Again thats really neat!!!!

Thank you for your replies!!!
Im wondering whose bracket that is, i have the vortech in the garage from my mustang days....
Im wondering whose bracket that is, i have the vortech in the garage from my mustang days....

I made my own mounting plate. I have an extra one, if anybody wants it.

$110.00 shipping included to the lower 48 states. Fits the bolt pattern on the end of a '92-up Magnum cylinder head. I used it to mount a V-1, S trim Vortech. Half-inch thick aircraft-quality aluminum (stiff!)

E-mail at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Standoffs not included...


  • 100_1926.jpg
    58.1 KB · Views: 786
I made my own mounting plate. I have an extra one, if anybody wants it.

$110.00 shipping included to the lower 48 states. Fits the bolt pattern on the end of a '92-up Magnum cylinder head. I used it to mount a V-1, S trim Vortech. Half-inch thick aircraft-quality aluminum (stiff!)

E-mail at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Standoffs not included...

Plate sold...
you are pretty impressive sir. I see you milled a relief and is that where the supercharger fastens?
you are pretty impressive sir. I see you milled a relief and is that where the supercharger fastens?

My friend, Bobby Roper, a master machinist did all the machine work on that plate; I can't tighten a screw with a screwdriver without stripping the screw threads, or breaking the blade... (That's his '69 Camaro in the wheelie picture I posted, earlier.)

But, thanks, anyway... I should have given him credit, before.:sad11:

That relief was necessary because the plate was about an eighth of an inch too thick for the supercharger to mount properly (it surrounds the mount at that point.) Bobby's retired, but still has his lathes and vertical mill, and is a pretty good welder; all things that have made MY life easier in my mis-directed efforts to build fun cars.
**** I didnt get a notification, he have them in CAD to whip another out? I would have been all over that... just my luck.

I dunno if they're in CAD or a different program, but I'd bet they're in SOME digital database, so they can duplicate them at will.

I'll call them tomorrow, and see what the deal is.
any updates?
ACC Aqua Contour, Inc.

97 Gunn Pl.
Russellville, AR 72802-8343 map
Phone: 479-890-3884

This is the place that cut the half-inch aluminum for my Vortec head mounting plate(s).

I called them awhile back (can't remember when,) and they said yes, they still have the program in their computer to cut identical plates. It was not expensive at all.... can't remember exactly how much, but the figure $20.00 sticks in my memeory... Might be more, now; dunno. You supply the aluminum plate.

The attaching holes were drilled by me, and the machined relief was cut by my friend, Bobby Roper, on his vertical mill. He also made the standoffs, but regular 3/4" pipe would work just as well for that.

Hope this helps.

If you think you'd like to have a plate or plates like this, I-M me and I can call the water-cutting company and give them permission to use that program (if they even need permission; I sure don't care.)

Just let me know...:cheers:
Vortech purchased Paxton a couple years ago from what i have read. Seems like a first rate company now from recent reviews and personal contacts that I have made.
If my electric fuel pump had a problem -quit- What could I do to shut my engine down before it leans out.There is a great article in MOPARMUSCLE about a guy that put a Procharger on a Buetifull Challenger. But he had a fuel problem twice and toasted his motor twice and once his Edy heads??? He quickly rebiult everything both times. His supercharged 440 eventually dyno'd at 856HP I'm on a budget and a blown motor means I'm racing around in my wifes sporty beetle with the flower in the middle???(sad) all summer' I am only planning on running 8psi or so if I go supercharger

Most guys running boost run Multiple Fuel Pumps partially for this reason. You would want to over fuel pump it so you don't run out of fuel, or if 1 quits working the xtra pumps will handle it. I am running 3 Walbro GSL-392's. Problem solved. This set up is good for well over 1600 Boosted EFI HP. This complete set up is cheaper than an A-1000 and will feed easily twice as much motor and they are WAY quieter. With all 3 Running you can barely even hear them.

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where the hell are you gonna mount that frickin beast?

-have you ever heard an a1000 pump in action? just curious...I have one of those inside my fuel cell...

-where did you get those fuel pumps, and what was your cost each on them? how much was that fuel log setup?

these the fuel logs?


im just asking, but how did you come up on that setup being cheaper than an A1000 pump, (being $333) if you got everything at a bargain, awesome! im just asking, not trying to argue or anything. you should know me by now, Louis. lol

I too, am thinking of going boost, but there's no way i can do what you just did, holy hell no way. i just want a bolt in setup, and have fun. id be fine with 700-800 horses.
We need to bring this thread back to life. I am planning a Vortech V7 YSI, blow through, for my 540 in the KOS Demon. E85, maybe some Meth, non-intercooled.
where the hell are you gonna mount that frickin beast?

-have you ever heard an a1000 pump in action? just curious...I have one of those inside my fuel cell...

-where did you get those fuel pumps, and what was your cost each on them? how much was that fuel log setup?

these the fuel logs?


im just asking, but how did you come up on that setup being cheaper than an A1000 pump, (being $333) if you got everything at a bargain, awesome! im just asking, not trying to argue or anything. you should know me by now, Louis. lol

I too, am thinking of going boost, but there's no way i can do what you just did, holy hell no way. i just want a bolt in setup, and have fun. id be fine with 700-800 horses.

They fit in the spare tire well no problem. Pumps are $95.00 Each, Fuel Logs are $100.00 for 2, Misc fittings about $100.00. The A1000 sounds like a Chain saw when mounted outside the tank. In tank, I don't know because Ive never seen or heard one.

That set up I posted is good for 1600 EFI Boosted HP. Carb would be way more than that, like in the 2000HP Range. They are also real quite. All 3 running you can barely hear them. The guys on use them all the time with great success.

I actually have 1 of these GSL-392 pumps on my Carburetor set up in the scamp. I am using a Mallory 1407-M Regulator that is good 4-25psi and ready for boost regulating. My fuel pressure is dead on like a rock at 6.5 PSI. It never moves.
I would like to set my timing at 22 total for the first couple weeks and not use the MSD Spark Retard.
What are the negatives?
Sorry to steal. I am interested in the Paxton also. I cant find numbers on the head unit as far as flow numbers or what kind of hp it will support. Old mustang paxon only supported like 450 hp kinda like a trim vortechs. I need something that will support some where closer to 650/700 flywheel.
I have that article and have read it several times.
Procharger is about $7500.00 vs $4000 for Paxton
The Paxton is more affordable but going back 10 years had terrible reviews with quality and service?
Paxton was bought out by Vortech and it looks like its a different company with its act together!! Paxton answers my Emails and are responsive on the phone. I am just looking for a little more assurance.
I know I could get a 6-71 roots working but the centrigigul works better for my application.Roots generates to much heat for roade racing. Just don't know much about the Centrifigul blowers? I'm learning

P1sc is 3-5000. 7k is a F2 procharger