Please read me !


No problem. We can all come back here when we dont have cars and discuss what it used to be like when we were allowed to own them.

Or maybe we can talk about what color we would have painted that A body if it werent being crushed to help the "enviroment".

SEMA surely does get involved in politics. Maybe they know something that some of you dont know!?

Our hobby is under attack. Our COUNTRY is under attack. Sorry that interfered with some of your American Idol rewind worlds.

So your house lost 80,000? You would think that alone would make you a little concerned about what is going on.

Threats of suspension? Wow. Next we wont be able to mention ebay.

How would crushing an A Body help the environment?
You've got a hat big enough to cover "IT".....?

Now this I gotta see. :glasses7:
So your house lost 80,000? You would think that alone would make you a little concerned about what is going on.

Threats of suspension? Wow. Next we wont be able to mention ebay.

Wow Dude.... your another one that needs a backrub and a glass of Wine. Or is that whine? If you think I'm not concerned just because I'm not venting here, you are sooooo wrong....

How about we all listen to me vent to my fellow gearheads about the economy and how deep I'm taking it in the pooper... THAT'S why people come here! Never mind those "cars" things.... And then we can all TALK about what we're gonna do! Then we'll ALL be TOGETHER in this, like we're not already....:roll:

You guys are gonna get your political forum. And you won't have to worry about us Moderators messing it up. But just remember.... if any of it spills into these forums, we WILL be involved. And if this is too restrictive for you, maybe you can go to Moparts and see how accommodating that crowd will be.

Now excuse me while I click my heels together and goose-step to the kitchen for a glass of milk.... :-D
You guys are brutal....
Its of no surprise here what the political leaning is of the majority of the people that insist on keeping the politics on the Mopar site . Its amazing that its not allowed for people to come to a site to celebrate something that we all have in common. Instead we all have to be reminded that we are separated by class,belief and so on. Driving a spike in community does nothing but make us weaker as a nation. Its silly that after bringing up your home page and seeing politics ..and turning on the tv and seeing politics and picking up the paper and seeing politics and going to work and talking about politics that people still feel the need to make sure that an A bodies site remembers that republicans and Democrats dont get along or somethign as silly as saying if its not posted here folks just dont care enough. It dosnt in any way educate me reading out of context interviews and silly internet rumors from BOTH SIDES. hell not even the media tells the real story.I dont come here to keep up on current events because as one poster said "opinions are like *$$holes".

And as far as the OMG OHNOEZ the liberals are going to take my classic car..
while i vote Democrat as any union worker should...I wouldnt support the bill just as i wouldnt support guns being taken away from law abiding citizens
just as i wouldnt support the governments move to take away a woman's right to her body.
Or taking away rights of privacy regardless of what we are told its for

Its not so cut and dry people.. and it really dosnt do anybody any good having to skip over every other new post here because John McCain farted and everybody needed to know about it Or Obama had to go to the bathroom and diddnt hold the door for an old lady thus clearly making him the devil.

I like you folks , all of you ...when your talking about cars. Republican or Democrat doesn't matter when your talking shop and it should stay that way.

Seeing as we are in fact opening up a politics thread apparently it possible to keep it out of the new posts section? it would be a shame to miss a post about cars ...(my god who would have guessed) because Sarah Pailin was seen speaking in tongues again and someone had to let the ol mopar guys know. because as we all know by now ..she speaks to god. :roll:
Jesus John, with that goose stepping comment you've gone and invited the, dare I say it, NEO NAZIS to get involved in this discussion. What's next MAM (mothers against mopars).

Ya know I'm just goofing around John, John don't touch that delete button. Oh god the inhumanity.

See? this is how it continues...and continues...and continues....

I'm not gonna do it, but I see it coming!
This kinda reminds me of an event many years ago when I was in the Porsche club.

I had a GF from Botswana. I took her to a Father's Day picnic the club was having. For some reason she started freaking out, and began ranting about how "people were fighting for their lives every day where she came from." And "how could we carry on this way."

I said "this is a social organization, and we are here to FORGET about our problems. We aren't here to try to SOLVE the world's problems."

Like here, the Porsche club is a social organization dedicated to lust for all things Porsche. BUT....we were involved in other things as well. We talked politics. We made charitable donations. We were involved in other aspects of society.

We NEED political discussions here. We NEED to know what "our" government is trying to do TO us. I've actually testified before a committee in Austin (Texas Capital btw) which was considering legislation which would have been harmful to OUR hobby.

I'm guessing there aren't many on this site that can say they've been that involved.
I agree. Politics, and the governing of our country is actually more important than pretty much anything else we discuss here because if the wrong people end up in charge our hobby could end up as nothing more than a memory. Have some of you forgotten about the "clunker" laws that were all the rage not that long ago?
Trust me, there are some that will not help others based upon what's happened the last few weeks. Those that carry on as has been in the last few weeks have really alienated some long time members and that ISN'T what this board is about IMHO.
Wow. I would hope that isn't true. No matter how heated the discussion gets (and they don't seem to be that bad here) I would never hold anything against anyone that disagreed with me. That would be exceedingly childish.
:bootysha:I'm soooo glad I invested my 401K in MOPARS!!!

He's not the mesiah!!!! B.O. that is.... :snakeman:
I love rambling, It's what I do best. Actually I like to see the humour in an otherwise humorless world. Sorry for the subtitles

And know for something better (Monty Python saying)
Don't you mean "and now for something...completely different".
What`s going to happen after Nov.4th and the votes are counted? Or Jan.20th? Does the forum go away? Interest will assuredly wane. Is it a political forum only or will include all of the other moot issues? It could be the 3G`s and EEC forum, God, Government, Guns and Everything Else Controversial. You`ll probably have to warn people to enter the forum at their own risk. I just hope that the people here can discuss their passions with consideration and respect for others. The last thing I want to see is FABO members wanting to eviscerate one another over personal views on non-Mopar subjects. If all can play nice then more power to it!