Please read me !

Adam's always been fair........He's a rare bird and a good egg (strange combo, but it makes the point.)

As far as it being over next month, don't bank on it if it's a close election......that's what I dread.

Kinda like when I take off for a cruise-in or a show, and I'm SURE I took care of everything that needed attention.............well, you know the rest of the story.

It happens.
Which is why I didnt say it isnt allowed. I simply asked that you take it to a site that is for the topic. I wouldnt go to a Mopar site for Legal or health advice just like I wouldnt go to a political site and ask about restoring my Mopar. Just because something is allowed doesnt mean its the best place to talk about it.

I can see this thread isnt making a difference to those who are in to politics but at least I can see Im not the only one that doesnt want to hear about it all the time.


And seeing what happens and whether people will actually respect Adams wishes goes a long way towards how others on the site will extend help in the future. Trust me, there are some that will not help others based upon what's happened the last few weeks. Those that carry on as has been in the last few weeks have really alienated some long time members and that ISN'T what this board is about IMHO.

Politics, religion, abortion... three topics to get people all over each other.

Leave them at the door, nuf said.
Thank you Adam. I have my views but I try to keep them to myself. Like you say, I come here to escape the TV and endless political commercials as well as the humdrum, boring details of everyday life. I don't like being bombarded. I make my own political decisions and a post in a Mopar forum (liberal or conservative) isn't going to change my mind.

Good move and I for one most certainly approve and appreciate it.



I could have not said it better.

Whenever people are talking about politics and religion there is never a winner. I agree that there are other sites for those that like to argue about those topics. The reason I like this site is we can get away from the B.S. and work together to make something better that we can have some control over. Thats my two cents.
This kinda reminds me of an event many years ago when I was in the Porsche club.

I had a GF from Botswana. I took her to a Father's Day picnic the club was having. For some reason she started freaking out, and began ranting about how "people were fighting for their lives every day where she came from." And "how could we carry on this way."

I said "this is a social organization, and we are here to FORGET about our problems. We aren't here to try to SOLVE the world's problems."

Like here, the Porsche club is a social organization dedicated to lust for all things Porsche. BUT....we were involved in other things as well. We talked politics. We made charitable donations. We were involved in other aspects of society.

We NEED political discussions here. We NEED to know what "our" government is trying to do TO us. I've actually testified before a committee in Austin (Texas Capital btw) which was considering legislation which would have been harmful to OUR hobby.

I'm guessing there aren't many on this site that can say they've been that involved.
I hate to be the one to pee in your BBQ, but we DON'T need political discussions here..... PERIOD.

But what do I know....

Merely your OPINION.

And opinions are like assholes. Everyone's got one
I hate to be the one to pee in your BBQ, but we DON'T need political discussions here..... PERIOD.

But what do I know....

Well I guess you are right you dont need-or have to tolerate-any type of discussion about anything at all. However, do you really want this site to be the new version of Moparts? I hope not.
Relax Franktiregod, this site's got a long ways to go before it degenerates to the point that it's even close to being like Moparts. But like most sites it's up to the members to make sure that the discussions don't slide into the cesspool of life (I like that saying) requiring the administrators to step in.

Relax Franktiregod, this site's got a long ways to go before it degenerates to the point that it's even close to being like Moparts. But like most sites it's up to the members to make sure that the discussions don't slide into the cesspool of life (I like that saying) requiring the administrators to step in.


I can't stand the censorship at MoParts either, and the LAST thing I want to see is this site over-moderated, but consider this:

Over 7,500 members. NO ONE is going to agree on ANY political agenda. Why stir it up?

This is a Mopar enthusiasts message board. Wanna talk about politics? Wanna know how bad a beating my wife & myself are taking with our investments? My 401K is in the shitter too. And not for a small amout either. I also have a house I'm trying to sell that de-valued over $80k this year.... That's right... EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS.

And finally, it's not wise to use the term ASSHOLE when arguing with a moderator. The only reason I sent a warning and didn't give him a 7 day time-out is because the party involved is an active, contributing member. And I like the guy....

Everyone please cool it with politics. Now...
The comment was ill timed Fastback, but I don't think it was meant in a personal way.......just about opinions in general.

And again, I understand that some boys just can't get along during certain discussions, but to ask everyone on the site to refrain from discussing politics in the general forum just before the most important election of modern times is an extremely difficult request...........

Our members are hurtin', they're worried, and they need to discuss somethings with those that they deem their "family".........I can't speak for everyone, but I consider FABO part of my extended family.

I said it before, and I'll say it again.........If you can have porno here, you can also have an "anything goes" section for discussion about politics and the like. A volunteer mod can watch it, and if a discussion gets out of hand, it can be dealt with one on one like all the rest of the forums.

We can't pretend that our nation and hobby are not in trouble. Reality won't go away by ignoring it.
I joined this site because I thought it was the best place to consort on the world's greatest hobby, Mopars, I have been so sick of all the political and racist crap some morons think is funny that I actually dropped out and I know others that have as well. I know that these morons are actually few and far between, but they sure can ruin a good thing. I actually believe that those jerks are bowowtie or phord freaks, or even worse like maybe even toyota enthusiasts. I have a lot more to offer the club than what I receive, but I'll pack up and go again if some folks can't keep their acts clean. Thanks for the opportunity to vent! Road Rage Raul.
This is exactly my point. I asked for a favor which was totally ignored. Is it my fault ? I could have just said it wont be allowed any more and start deleting threads but this site has never been like that and I dont want that to change. A few topics on politics is one thing but every other post is unrelated to our hobby here lately.
Thats how I would have went about it...Askin for it to stop first.Not your fault.
If you have a favorite forum of your own please feel free to post it in this thread.


Adam, No disrespect here for what you're dealing with, but no one has posted another favorite forum.....:toothy10: This is the "Hood" of choice.

However, you need to keep in mind that we're living in historic times, and it's very difficult to totally avoid politics in the "general-non-automotive" section when considering just what the candidates may actually stand for.

How can there be a general section with censorship of subject matter? We have a "blue forum" where it states that "anything goes"........I don't go there, and I could use the argument that "this is a Mopar site and we should talk about Mopars".........forgive me, but you can go to **** sites for that stuff, can you not? Why here? I believe that the issue is that arguments can be offensive and divisive........well, so is the blue area to some........but I don't go there, so I don't worry about it.

Especially in this political climate, and with so much at stake right now in the nation, there should be a political and legislative forum where these views and concerns can be expressed.
Doc 8)

Doc.....:thumblef: Well usual.

AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR Captain Adam. :toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:

Agreed......and a good one at that :king:

The comment was ill timed Fastback, but I don't think it was meant in a personal way.......just about opinions in general.

We can't pretend that our nation and hobby are not in trouble. Reality won't go away by ignoring it.

What everyone needs to remember it that our "lawmakers" are throwing around zeroes like they're candy.


Think about those numbers for a bit.....:shock:.......absolutely mind boggling. :angry2:

Do the math.......

FABO is a great neighborhood and thumbs up to the Admins & Mods for "still" allowing free speech.

No problem. We can all come back here when we dont have cars and discuss what it used to be like when we were allowed to own them.

Or maybe we can talk about what color we would have painted that A body if it werent being crushed to help the "enviroment".

SEMA surely does get involved in politics. Maybe they know something that some of you dont know!?

Our hobby is under attack. Our COUNTRY is under attack. Sorry that interfered with some of your American Idol rewind worlds.

So your house lost 80,000? You would think that alone would make you a little concerned about what is going on.

Threats of suspension? Wow. Next we wont be able to mention ebay.