Please send Prayers for fellow Friend/FABO Member

Please send some prayers for fellow FABO member Dart_Doctor....Asa spent part of Christmas day in the hospital (but home now), not sure exactly what is wrong, he just said he felt really lousy with some nasty chest pains. Lets get a prayer chain going so our buddy can feel better!!! Asa, if you read this, get some rest and we are here for ya, get well soon :glasses7:

Prayers from this corner of Moparland! Get better, get back to where ya belong--under the hood!

Glad to hear you're back home! Don't mess with high blood pressure and definately quit smoking.......well as much as you can, e-cigs are a start in the right direction.
Asa, BRO. You cant be doing this crap. Get well and I say enough of Fabo members getting sick or having loved ones in turmoil. We should all just be well and happy.
Get well soon,as we get older we gotta start to eat better,quit/reduce our boozein,quit smokin, what i'm tryin to say is with age comes complete boredom. Get well soon and do what the doctor says you'll be better off i'm living proof.
I'm not much for prayers Asa, but I will be thinking of you. Get well soon and why don't you join some of us that are doing our best to kick the smoke habit. It can't hurt.

Thanks again Im stil not running on all 8 more like 4 lol .But this thread brings me up evry time i look it and read the new post . I see a few of my friends are being smart butts lol thanks guys i needed the lol . talk to you guys soon
keep heading in the right direction because no one here will give up on praying for you and hoping for a speedy recovery .including me . i understand the quitting smoking part as well i want to badly but my wife smokes like chimney and when i told her we were quitting it lasted about 3 days before she drove me so nuts i was either gonna start drinking start smoking again or commit myself . needless to say i started again but i went from 1- 1 1/2 packs down to 1/2 a pack . i get a pack before i go to work in the morning take 10 out lock the rest in the car climb in my semi and go . when they are gone theyre gone until the next day when i grab the other 10 . my wife is a lil different she goes through 2-3 packs a day and if she doesnt have em look out its wwIII at home lol
Howdy yall Im still here just not posting like i always do lol still not up to 100% . Im chilling out waching john wayne Movies thanks too all of ya talk to ya soon I will not know nothing intell after the 1st when my Docs in .