Project 6-71 340 Demon

Cool! Then it should be ready for the Atlantic Nationals? I will let the RCMP know that you are coming.
Thanks, I'm sure they will just love me.

I figure I will have a few weeks of shakedown runs to work the bugs out and make sure all is well but the Nats are looking good right now.

I had a few problems this weekend and didn't get it fired up. The thermostat housing is to tall so I have to go another route there. I went to put the oil filter on, no filter adapter. WTF!!! Where did that go? I still can't find it so I will have to get another one. On the good side the engine is in, the blower and carbs are on, after rebuilding the carbs. It looks like most everything else is set to go. I also forgot to get new plugs, so I will pick them up tomorrow. I also have to cut a huge hole in the hood. LOL

jack dont forget to set up the video camera for that first fire up .... i wanna see the look on your face when that thing lites for the first time lmao
I also have to cut a huge hole in the hood. LOL


How much do you want to chop out of the hood?

I can get you exact measurements from my hood, only I had to cut a bit more than most people would like, because I was salvaging a damaged hood. A previous owner of the hood on my car used a torch to cut a hole for a scoop, so I cut out past the damage to save the hood and use it on my car.

Here was the massacre that was left over after I salvaged my hood.

Is this thing ever fighting me. I spent most of Saturday figuring out how to make my cooling system work. I finally managed to get an Intrepid dual electric fan to fit in and work. I just have to wire it all up now. I have everthing I need to do it, just takes time. My next problem came about when I went to prime the oil system. No oil pressure and no oil to the upper end. There is oil getting to the filter so I know the pump is working. I am beginning to think I may have missed an oil galley plug somewhere. Sorry for no photos of all of this but I forgot as I was so wrapped up in this engine. I will see if I can get a photo or 2 this week.

you probably know this but in the rear of the block on the drivers side oil gallery to the lifters there is TWO plugs. one inside the other. when the inside one is missed all the oil goes into the lifter valley right next to the distributor. you should notice this when priming as it get a little loud with all the oil splashing.
It's ALIVE, sort of. I fired it up today. Unfortunately I had to shut it down right away. The oil pressure gauge showed zero. I don't know what is going on with this oiling problem. I took a valve cover off and sure enough, no oil to the upper end. I had oil getting there, now I don't.

I am very close to having the car going but I will not run it with no oil pressure.

I am going to work on it this week and get it sorted out.

If anyone can do some Back tracking you can Jack...... I am keeping the faith
and crossing my fingers you figure this out soon...