Random pictures thread

I used to live in the St Charles MO area and worked at a place called Craftsmen Industries. While I worked there they built 5 of these weinermobiles . They where based on a GM 1 ton chassis.

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The one crashed above looks like some lighter foreign jobbie !
Yeah, that one is based on a Mini Cooper, it's not the full size Wienermobile.
Kind of like a road-worthy cocktail sausage.

Found this photo from 32 yrs ago of my 72 340 4 speed Demon
Was a black stripe car but I wanted white. Sold to a guy in Mi, and I then saw it in Hemmings for sale in Chicago, and last sold in NC. Still have the build sheet if the owner wants it.
Gotta love the shop temp in Florida when you have dark colored garage doors and medium colored stucco exterior walls!


No complaints though as I traded for this to escape the 9 cold months in Michigan. I'll take this any day!!
Gotta love the shop temp in Florida when you have dark colored garage doors and medium colored stucco exterior walls!

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No complaints though as I traded for this to escape the 9 cold months in Michigan. I'll take this any day!!
Say what? (Where's that big ol' red X? :))

No 'effin way, man! I mean, like I used to tell the Service Techs from Down South when they would come "up" to Mpls for training: "When it's cold out, you can always put on another layer. But when it's hot out, you can only get so naked!"

Not that anyone wants to see that...

Another one bites the dust ! Picked all the parts and pieces I could get off. .
One down ,one to go !
Say what? (Where's that big ol' red X? :))

No 'effin way, man! I mean, like I used to tell the Service Techs from Down South when they would come "up" to Mpls for training: "When it's cold out, you can always put on another layer. But when it's hot out, you can only get so naked!"

Not that anyone wants to see that...

:poke: No worries here...it only took me 44+ years to get here. Heat doesn't bother me. If I'm working in this:

and I get too hot, I have been blessed with this:

50' away to just go hop in for a bit. Then go back and hit the wrenches again. Rinse and repeat as necessary. No Red X needed!!

p.s. Keep in mind that "car season" is 9+ months down here. Longer if you don't mind the heat. In Detroit where we were, it was about 3+ months. Maybe. Great trade IMO!! (Bonus: got @RAT ROD AL to move nearby too :thumbsup: )
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