Random pictures thread

Any other old timers remember these from back in the 50's and 1960's?

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We had one when I was a kid, maybe 8 or 9 then my mom wanted a new one and she bought a Filter Queen. I think it was expensive because my dad was not happy.. How the hell I remember that is amazing, when today I couldn't remember George Clooney's name, but I remembered his wife's name. Minds are weird at my age. :) :eek::rolleyes:
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We had one when I was a kid, maybe 8 or 9 then my mom wanted a new one and she bought a Filter Queen. I think it was expensive because my dad was not happy.. How the hell I remember that is amazing, when today I couldn't remember George Clooney name, but I remembered his wife's name. Minds are weird at my age. :) :eek::rolleyes:
Sure do. I recall riding on it when my grandma would vacuum a room! She'd pull me around on it.
I believe the first gen USPS LLV used an s-10 blazer chassis.
Gen II used an explorer chassis.

...and I see USPS is spec entering the already crowded "ugly van" market.

That thing may displace the current champion which is unfortunately the Ram Promaster.
That thing may displace the current champion which is unfortunately the Ram Promaster.
Man, I don't know about that one. At work here we have a fleet of these Nissan POS's (P'OS?), and the Service Techs just hate 'em.


Owner of the company says he bought them during Covid, when nothing else was available. And he says, "Now I know why!"

Someone may like 'em, but no one around here does.
Are you kidding me?

Despite being the initial champ edging out the Dodge "fat lip" last generation "B" van, that thing looks "regular" compared to the Promaster

Air Force People.
Remember this place?
For me, it started way back in September 1973 right after Labor Day.

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