rant about foreign flag protocol

am i blowing this out of proportion?

  • NO, it is flag protocol and needs to be honored

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • YES, its just a parade

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • i dont know, im just here for the carnival food

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters


HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
little background story
i live in a city with a rich Dutch heritage, and a yearly week long festival to celebrate that heritage...including 3 different parades

now, during these parades, many of the local school fly all twelve of the Dutch Provincial flags but not in the proper order
(now, im sure you guys know, there is an order in which you would have to place all 50 of the state flags, running from Delaware to Hawaii, in order of first to last to join the Union)

now, i wont bother to tell you the order of the Dutch Provincial flags is by antiquity (which one has been in use the longest) but what drives me crazy is,
1 we are talking about 12 flags, not 50, 12. its not that hard to put them in order
2 since this whole week long celebration is to show how proud we are of our Dutch heritage, how serious can we be taken if we cant even follow simple flag protocol?

this section of video shows it pretty clearly
the flag that has preeminence here belongs to the province of Friesland (blue and white diagonal stripes with 7 red lilies) this flag should be 7th in line
the flag that should be first, Noord Brabant, is the red and white checkered one...which is flown in the 6th spot
BUT...what REALLY grinds me, is the flag flown in the number 8 spot. it has three horizontal bars, red on the top and bottom, and black in the middle, with three white crosses on it.
see that flag?
that is the flag of the CITY of Amsterdam.
IF you insist on flying a city flag, it needs to be BEHIND all the provincial flags, NOT in between

(and here is one from last year, just to show im not making this up)

now, dont get me wrong guys, i love seeing the kids in the old Dutch outfits (and yes, i DO wear wooden shoes around my house) but come on, do your homework.
this is America, if there is any country that takes their flag serious, this is it.
we should at least extend the courtesy to the country were honoring
And as far as that goes, if cities can celebrate their heritage with a week long festival and parades then why the &@$#*}*+{% are people so gung-ho on removing all things to do with the confederacy?? That's part of MANY people's heritage as well!!

If you want me to remove this post I will, I does have to do with the confederacy after all... :BangHead:

Oh, and I voted that flag etiquette is flag etiquette. They should be flown in the correct order!
If it upsets you and you truly want to help, why don't you contact the parade organizers and volunteer your time to be the "flag organizer/coordinator"? There's a lot of work that goes into organizing a parade and maybe the other person in town who knows about the order of the flags is ninety years old or dead.
And as far as that goes, if cities can celebrate their heritage with a week long festival and parades then why the &@$#*}*+{% are people so gung-ho on removing all things to do with the confederacy?? That's part of MANY people's heritage as well!!

If you want me to remove this post I will, I does have to do with the confederacy after all... :BangHead:

Oh, and I voted that flag etiquette is flag etiquette. They should be flown in the correct order!

why would i not want you ranting in my rant?
it comes down to the same thing, heritage
(especially since the libtards could argue that the Dutch were among the nations who profited the most of the slave trade, colonized the world and came up with the concept of apartheid)

If it upsets you and you truly want to help, why don't you contact the parade organizers and volunteer your time to be the "flag organizer/coordinator"? There's a lot of work that goes into organizing a parade and maybe the other person in town who knows about the order of the flags is ninety years old or dead.

excellent point

i did send an email to the parade organizer to explain the order of the flags, as well as the reason behind it
i did not offer to take any part in setting this right, though perhaps i should have

i do intend to call the local highschool that added the city flag and have a chat with them
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got a reply back from the parade organizer, it read as follows

"Thanks so much for taking the time to write and share your knowledge with us - we appreciate the effort. I will be sure to pass this valuable information along to all of our events where Dutch flags are displayed. I can also share it with the various parade entries, including the Holland High band, and the Dutch Village.
Again, sorry we got that wrong - and thanks for taking the time to help us make a correction. "

the reference to the Dutch Village is in regards to a local attraction, a small theme park, and they fly these provincial flags all year long...in random order and that is something that has bugged me for years (specially since the general manager of that place grew up in the Netherlands, a few miles from where i was born. as a matter of fact, his house was on my paper route, and so i feel he should have known better)

i'd be real tickles to see those flags fly in the right order each day i pass by there
why would i not want you ranting in my rant?
it comes down to the same thing, heritage
(especially since the libtards could argue that the Dutch were among the nations who profited the most of the slave trade, colonized the world and came up with the concept of apartheid)

excellent point

i did send an email to the parade organizer to explain the order of the flags, as well as the reason behind it
i did not offer to take any part in setting this right, though perhaps i should have

i do intend to call the local highschool that added the city flag and have a chat with them

Don't even get me started on apartheid. S.A. right now is a cesspool and it's all because the communists and left wing antifa's decided to involve themselves in a sovereign country's business. Had apartheid been allowed to work, South Africa would not be the sewer it is today.

You can force people who have different cultures, religion, morals, language and heritage to live together unless someone assimilates. What is almost done in S.A. is being done here in the USA. We'd better wake up. We have millions of dissimilated blacks and millions of unassimilated Mexicans.we are slowly drifting towards a third world country.

So YES, uphold your standards and YOUR culture.
Could be worse, I heard some dingus in your town did this
I also heard that same person did due diligence to find out if that complied with flag protocol..and when it turned out it didn't that flag came down before the sun did
I am just ribbing you. But these kids deserve a break just like you did. Sounds like your email fixed the problem.
I am just ribbing you. But these kids deserve a break just like you did. Sounds like your email fixed the problem.
fair enough

and i dont mind giving the kids a break, its the adults in charge that should be educating them (which, it does seem like that is going to happen now)
fair enough

and i dont mind giving the kids a break, its the adults in charge that should be educating them (which, it does seem like that is going to happen now)

Nope, we no longer educate. We indoctrinate. When they stopped teaching Civics and changed it to social studies we took a hard left turn. And 97% of the population never figured it out.
fair enough

and i dont mind giving the kids a break, its the adults in charge that should be educating them (which, it does seem like that is going to happen now)
Well done! No one who is ignorant should ever be blamed for their ignorance if no one has take the time and effort to educate them...which you graciously have.

Another victory for knowledge shared and education embraced! Ignorance is a condition, not a choice...easily cured by education. :)
fair enough

and i dont mind giving the kids a break, its the adults in charge that should be educating them (which, it does seem like that is going to happen now)

Were you not an adult two days ago? Were you not an American Citizen two days ago?

2 Days ago you had a screwed-in and tattered US flag on your garage door and now you are championing Flag Protocol about some Dutch parade having their provinces out of order? "It drives you crazy" "if there is any country that takes their flag serious, this is it".

You are being a hypocrite and going out of your way to be offended by something you yourself are guilty of within days (and to a higher degree IMO).

I'll leave it at that.
I disagree with the previous assessment. I have to say the OP was initially ignorant of correct American Flag protocol but he also recognized that he was, and asked for education...which he accepted and decided what the right thing to do was.

He happens to be more knowledgeable about the Dutch Flag protocol and expressed his frustration that it wasn't being done properly (perhaps a bit overly critical) but then quickly took the time to help educate and correct the ignorance of those who didn't know what he did.

I find little in all of that that is hypocritical or "going out of the way to be offended". Perhaps a bit of an over reaction initially, but it was quickly followed with action to help educate...for which he deserves credit.

Nobody is perfect. Initial over-reaction, followed quickly by constructive action, is more than redemption enough...and is all that can be asked of any of us imperfect beings trying to do the right thing.

"Judge not, lest ye be judged"
Were you not an adult two days ago? Were you not an American Citizen two days ago?
yes, and no, i was adult but i was not, am not, and to date, have never been, an American Citizen
i am a resident alien who still holds a Dutch passport
(the reason for that, in short is that as long as i maintain my Dutch citizenship, any children i father will also be Dutch citizen, and since my wife is an American citizen, all children she bears are American citizens, and since both the USA and the Netherlands allow dual citizenship during certain situations, my kids have something to gain from me remaining a Dutch citizen. once we are done having children i will apply for my American citizenship, which will require me to rescind my Dutch citizenship)

all that as background, to shed some light on why i was ignorant of U.S. flag protocol, and to what degree i was guilty
no problem, i totally see how it can look hypocritical
i surely cant expect every one to know my whole life story
What is the advantage of them being dual citizens?

well, we live in the US, so them having their American citizenship is just sensible
but all my family still lives in the Netherlands
so with a Dutch passport my kids could visit their grandparents whenever they want, without needing a visa
but if they decided they wanted to not just sponge of my parents, but actually work, their Dutch passport would be all the paperwork they needed

now, if they decided they would rather work or study in England, France or any other country which is a member of the European Union their Dutch passport is all the paperwork they would need for that as well

so, it just gives them more opportunities
Don't even get me started on apartheid. S.A. right now is a cesspool and it's all because the communists and left wing antifa's decided to involve themselves in a sovereign country's business. Had apartheid been allowed to work, South Africa would not be the sewer it is today.

You can force people who have different cultures, religion, morals, language and heritage to live together unless someone assimilates. What is almost done in S.A. is being done here in the USA. We'd better wake up. We have millions of dissimilated blacks and millions of unassimilated Mexicans.we are slowly drifting towards a third world country.

So YES, uphold your standards and YOUR culture.
So you're a big fan of apartheid interesting so does that mean you're in favor of minority rule and if apartheid didn't work in 50 plus years what makes you think given more time it was going to change but I guess racist will always justify their position by any means necessary lol