Removing push button auto controls.



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Apr 24, 2024
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This is a 1964 dart. Any good info on getting all the push button btrans stuff out? I'm trying to get the shifter out and the trim with out breaking anything. Is there any good info out there?
Do you have the 1964 service manual? If not then here is what it says.
If you do have the manual then hopefully someone can fill in some tips.

pushbutton control removal1.jpg

pushbutton control removal2.jpg
I can only see the set screw on one of the three controls. I might be blind is the issue
I looked at my '64 Dart and I see a set screw on the parking brake and wiper knobs but not on the headlight switch knob.
This is what the '66 service manual says about that:

headlight switch knob.png
Yeah I'm still confused on what exactly your supposed to do
Well looks like I gotta make a wrench to get these things off

The TSM provides instruction

There is a detent button on top of the light switch mechanism to release the shaft

There is a special tool to remove the locking nut, but you can manage with a couple of small screwdrivers or long needle nose plier

Use an Allen wrench to remove the wiper knob and the park lever knob

Remove the locking bolt on the back side of the wiper switch shaft

Once those are off you can remove the faceplate screws and slide that free

There are very small pins holding the ends of the cables in place

The cables are crimped into retainers. You have to be careful to loosen those and free the cables from the back of the mechanism. I've used a screwdriver to pry a little. You might find it easier to pull the whole mechanism forward out of the dash. But be sure to disconnext the wires on the the inside and have the cables loose from the transmission before doing that.

The shift cable end is held on by a very small retaining clip.
The park cable end is held on by a very small cotter pin

There are screws under the faceplate that holds the mechanism in. They may be under the felt.

You might want to take the buttons out. 1, 2, 3 and R should pull straight out. The Neutral button nto the shaft and requires a slight tilt.

I'll double check when I get to the house, but that's about all of it I think.

Go slow :thumbsup:





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Working with 60 year old plastic trim is the one thing I'll be extra careful about
To get the headlight knob out, you have to reach up behind the dash and feel around on the headlight switch until you find the pin to push. It will kind of feel like the head of a rivet sticking up about 1/8 of an inch. Like was mentioned above, it is spring it moves in and out of the headlight switch. Just push it down and hold it with one hand, and pull the knob on the outside straight out.
To get the headlight knob out, you have to reach up behind the dash and feel around on the headlight switch until you find the pin to push. It will kind of feel like the head of a rivet sticking up about 1/8 of an inch. Like was mentioned above, it is spring it moves in and out of the headlight switch. Just push it down and hold it with one hand, and pull the knob on the outside straight out.
Yeah the knob was easy I just didn't think it was literally the exact same knob Chrysler used forever at first.
Does a tool for this thing exist at all? I feel like I'm going to break it.
I've used needle nosed pliers to remove the headlight switch and wiper switch bezels on later stuff, but there were tools the dealerships used to remove them. Does yours look like the one in the picture in post # 7 above? If it does, maybe some snap ring pliers would work in the holes to move it.
I was using snap ring pliers... I think I'm going to have to make a tool
I've used needle nosed pliers to remove the headlight switch and wiper switch bezels on later stuff, but there were tools the dealerships used to remove them. Does yours look like the one in the picture in post # 7 above? If it does, maybe some snap ring pliers would work in the holes to move it.

Was just gonna leave it be but a local guy is building out a push button car so now I'm gonna hopefully hunt down the delete plate
I took these snap ring pliers and checked to see if it will remove the nuts on the wipers and lights of my 65 Barracuda. The tips don’t fit all the way into the little slots in the nuts, but it grips them tight enough to remove the nuts. These came from Northern Tool, but Harbor Freight may have some similar.
This is a 1964 dart. Any good info on getting all the push button btrans stuff out? I'm trying to get the shifter out and the trim with out breaking anything. Is there any good info out there?
I removed mine lickety split to install color matching LED. Use small allen wrench to remove the WW knob, Headlight switch comes out after small release button is pushed underneath the PB cluster, unscrew 2 lock rings, then the 2 bezel screws...... remove felt behind bezel, then each button....

I think you have it now.....
