Request a few prayers for Rustyratrod

Hope everyone will be Ok in this one. Hopefully the person had insurance to cover all the damage.
Prayers continue......

Any new information?
Havent heard nothing yet this morning,figured I'd wait to call him since they are probably worn pretty thin from the ordeal...and hate to bother...soon as he gets near his computer I'm sure he will let us know,his main priority was Kitty's keep sending them upwards,he is going thru alot right now I can only imagine the stress and worry on his mind,I'd go nuts if my wife was hurt and nothing else would matter until I knew she was heart is heavy for him tho but feel it will all be alright,gotta stay positive,hope to hear something soon and if I do I will post it asap...Ken
Wow thanks yall. First, yes I was on the phone with John (greymouser7). Normally, taking phone calls is NOT on my to do list behind the wheel. BUT because of his Navy schedule, I don't get to talk to John often so I took it. It was still not the right thing to do, but the phone call had zero bearing on the accident. Here's what happened.

Was travelling north on Vineville Avenue in Macon......ironically going to Kitty's doctor's appointment for a heart checkup and EKG. This particular road is really bad in Macon anyway. It is a three laner with the center lane that switches direction with the flow of traffic. Toward town in morning rush hour and away from town in the afternoon. I was in the center lane. Saw the whole thing unfold and was pretty helpless to avoid it.

This car was simply turning into my lane from the right lane. I got as far over to the left riding ON the yellow line where on the other side was a steady flow of oncoming traffic. I got the front bumper past her, then the cab then the front of the bed, then I said to myself "thank God, I missed her" and of course then BANG.

Sent me into a skid towards the right. All I saw was an ENTIRE family in their front yard, and a car parked in their driveway. I knew if I kept sliding the way I was, I was going to plow a family down. So I cranked the wheel all the way to the left and went into a slide to the left and slid across two front yards and slammed into the family's car totally from the passenger's side. Kitty's side. I hated to do it. But I had to. Both airbags deployed.

Soon as we stopped I made sure Kitty wasn't with a dire injury and got out to make sure the truck wasn't on fire or anything close then got Kitty out. All this whole time, the family's father is screaming at me "you saved my son's life" over and over. Even all of the cops, fire and rescue guys and especially the cop that witnessed the whole thing kept saying what a good job I did controlling it after the initial impact......I take zero credit. It was God's hand. Not mine.

Got my sister to come get us because Kitty being the hard head she is did not want an ambulance ride or to go to the ER. When we got home, she changed her tune so we got in her car and spent from about 5:30 yesterday to 6:30 this morning in the ER. We are both SORE as hell. They SAY Kitty is alright, but I don't know. She is in a LOT of pain and I mean more so than just being sore. We have to still go get her EKG done today and if she's not feeling any better I may take her back to the ER. I will keep yall posted on that.

The truck. My poor little truck. It's done and over with. But it did its job. I will try to get to the impound yard and get pics. EVERY single officer said that I was not at fault. At least that's the silver lining, I guess......but now we're down to one vehicle. When it rains it pours.
Wow great you ok,in Gods hands for sure ,he will reward you for saveing that family,he cant take all the credit.
Wow Rob! Hopefully the extent of you guys injuries doesn't get worse in the coming days, and your recovery time will be short lived. Thoughts and prayers still going out...
Prayers sent. Hope all is well with your wife and hopefully all the pain is just from being sore.
Glad you & the Mrs. are ok Rob....or as ok as you can be. Hate that feeling of absolute helplessness.
Thanks. I reckon this is karma for me makin fun of Danica hittin the wall. lol
Hope the other meathead has good insurance. Best to you both. You guys sure did not need this, 'specially now.
Yeah. All I can do is laugh. Or I'll cry. Yeah, I hope the other person has insurance too. The cops were advising us not to go talk to the other driver, because she was really belligerent, so I stayed away. I have enough insurance for everybody involved, but since it wasn't my fault, it's not my claim.
Man....Sucks to hear. Hope the misses pulls through ok, and glad to hear you're ok RRR.
Hope it gets better for you....
Sorry to hear ,Rusty. Hopefully Kitty and you recover completely. Prayers sent.
Thank God....glad to hear you and Kitty are ok,request ins co to get you a rental trk.... your old butt is gonna be sore for awhile,traumatic both mentally and physically...glad to see you back on here..take care
That is a hell of a way to check Kitty's heart. I hope you both are ok. You may want to talk to a lawyer as insurance companys can be difficult to deal with. They sure willing to take your money but its tough to get them to pay up.
That is a hell of a way to check Kitty's heart. I hope you both are ok. You may want to talk to a lawyer as insurance companys can be difficult to deal with. They sure willing to take your money but its tough to get them to pay up.

I’m a little fuzzy on some of the details. It’s not important.
But it basically sounds like some airhead beotich pulled out in front of you from the right, you were knocked off the road and managed to avoid some bystanders.
Not your fault at all then. And a cop saw it.
Good job. I was just thinking Petty would be proud.
Then read your comment along those lines.
I’ve remarked before that I don’t believe in Karma.
I’ve got it too good for Karma to be true.
As I understand the theory anyway.
I prefer to think Providence and good driving skills are more to blame for the happy outcome of what could have been a much worse situation.
Best to you and your better half.