If I leave something out, such as rocker arms or oiling system, that means use stock stuff, because it is plenty adequate.
With respects Sir,
I will add one more 'tidbit' for the 'budget build' , ---
Lowering oil temp 1 DEG = lower coolant temp by 10 DEG ! (rule of thumb).
Oil is (in simplistic terms, no lack or respect intended or implied Honored Posters), The singular most important heat transfer element in an Engine.
For validation Sirs, just study Top Fuel configs !
Not trying to be an *** here, just an observation on Mr R's post.
With Respects Mr Rob,
I will add one point of personal experience,
Once upon a time--- lol ---
I am Running 'tinfish' flat out to pick up an friends daughter in trouble,
up the Truckee Grade I smell smoke--- the acrid coolant burning smell
any gearhead has been associated with --- lol.
Damn , popped an upper rad hose, coolant is pretty much gone at this
point--- still need to take care of business, I gave My word !!!
Drove another 28 miles to an repair shop, hose, coolant bla bla bla,
After the episode, I put another 38K miles on the same powertrain with out breakdown.
Back on topic,
'up volume' oil system components are a must & readily available
on the 'cheap' Mod !!!
Your Engines life blood is not ethylene glycol
Humble Thx for the topic Sir !!!