shots from the garage...

Probably a good thing I haven’t been racing as the house got a new A/C system. Kind of important in these parts. Pushed the car back to make some room and was greeted with a small puddle of something…. Thought it was brake fluid but alas, it’s shock oil. So I guess the Afcos will get sent in for some love too.

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That’s a slick panel!
It’s been an interesting spring….. hearing about your friends attending races kinda sucks, but yet I really don’t miss the packing and hours of driving involved to get to the track. Got my shocks back from Afco and have the rears mounted and will have the fronts probably hung tomorrow night. I’ve made it racing every year since 1991….. I’m starting to wonder if that streak will be broken. I honestly think that if someone dropped me the right number I’d let it all go. We’ll let the summer heat pass and see what fall will bring.

Well I seem to be stuck in an interesting predicament. I know the K is bent, but I can’t seem to get the guy who built it very interested in building me a new one. I’d consider taking it off and attempting to straighten it, but that’d require a jig that I don’t have. I guess I’m going to have to look into some other set up. Can’t/won’t sell it in its current condition and definitely can’t race it.
Every year starts out the same ,always busy actually going to the track is something I have to work into the shows the same seems like there was more time when I was younger.