Site sucks for mobile users because of ads

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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2023
Reaction score
Planet Earth
No really, we put up with it enough, it's a horrible experience sometimes. I'm fine with ads, but the implementation sucks ***. These ads will cause things to lag, they will pop up and shift over the menus or whatever you are reading, take up half the screen sometimes, interweave in the background and what you are reading, be so ******* long in size that when scrolling on mobile you accidentally tap and go to the linked site and don't get me started on video ads. I'm sure ads can be implemented without being a huge annoyance for everyone, it has been done on other forum sites. I don't even know if I would ever pay for a gold membership knowing that everyone else is getting the shitty ad experience. Making money from ads should not mean ruining the user experience.

Thank you for reading,
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No issues here. Oh, I'm a Gold member. The site is free for you to use but it's not free for Joey the owner to keep running. If you don't pay, someone has to. Just sayin'
Yes,,,,,Gold is the Standard for serenity !

I hated it here until I found out I could fix all that with an upgrade .
Wow,,,,what a difference,,,worth every penny to me !
I’m just glad I read it (in wherever it was ) that the ads were gone and it was much faster when a Gold Member .
I highly recommend it !

No ads here on FABO but on FBBO, it’s a **** show to the point I don’t bother going there anymore.
I hear you. It's completely unusable unless I'm logged in. I'm not sure why they kill this site with ads but the other For <foo> Bodies sites aren't nearly as obnoxious. The worst is when you are trying to read a post and the ads keep resizing the page.
Gold is less than a subscription to a magazine for a product that is infinity more useful. About the same price as a 12 pack of good beer.
Gold is less than a subscription to a magazine for a product that is infinity more useful. About the same price as a 12 pack of good beer.
Less than $1 a week. This place is worth way more than that just for entertainment value alone. :rofl:
Funny how 100% of the ad complaints comes from non paying members.
What I find funny is none if them EVER take my advice and get a GOOD ad blocker. I've told everyone for years which one I use. Even when my gold membership lapsed, I had no ads.
What I find funny is none if them EVER take my advice and get a GOOD ad blocker. I've told everyone for years which one I use. Even when my gold membership lapsed, I had no ads.
Probably because your ad blocker doesn't pay Joey anything when he needs to replace his server to the tune of $5,000+ (that's a cheap one)
Probably because your ad blocker doesn't pay Joey anything when he needs to replace his server to the tune of $5,000+ (that's a cheap one)
I'm not talking about for Joey to use. I'm talking about for the non gold members to use.
I'm not talking about for Joey to use. I'm talking about for the non gold members to use.
And I'm talking about the more people that use ad blockers, the fewer people become Gold Members to get rid of ads, and in turn help fund the site.
And I'm talking about the more people that use ad blockers, the fewer people become Gold Members to get rid of ads, and in turn help fund the site.
Yeah Mike, I know how it works. I've owned and run web sites before.
Unlike gold members like us who live on here, some people may have a Real Life and doesn't feel it's worth 50 bucks to just check in for a while !
:poke: :thankyou: :lol:
Funny how 100% of the ad complaints comes from non paying members.
Nope. @RedFish and I have posted problems too. Its not just the ads, they just bog things down even more when bandwidth is even somewhat limited. The site does weird things that go beyond just the browser. The only time, the only time, my desktop computer has had problems is when on this site. When I can't afford to have the computer go down I avoid this forum like the plague. Don't know why but its a 1 to 1 correlation but random enough I can't predict it although there's about 1 second where mouse movements slow - then I know screen is going to loose signal.
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