"Something in the Orange"

Just got back in from taking it up the Wynoochee, back down the Wishkaw, and back up the Chehalis with my daughter. She slept most of the way. It sounds and feels great! I often thought that circuit would be a lot of fun in orange car but must admit it’s better with one that’s much tighter w/ bigger brakes! Save for the farm truck using both lanes at one point, it was still a nice ride.

Replaced the horn relay and the air pump after the aforementioned short burned both up and the horn workED great. Then when I bumped the turn signal lever it honked again …. Grrr
At least I know precisely where that short is now but that’s the second switch I’ve put in there in as many years…. Ground wire off of the relay for now. I wanted to get some miles on it while the sun was shining.

Finally, while buttoning the dash back up I had an epiphany for my crummy dash pad:
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Painted original burgundy pad with bulls eye that predates me. I sanded the high spots off, filled the cracks with shoe goo, masked up the interior and shot it all down with undercoat!
Some of these repairs are “temporary” right? It beats staring at that spot I’ve had since 2011 anymore.

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What d’ya think?
Looks great!

nice of ya'll to say! There are some super quality build threads and real talent on this forum.... I'm just having fun really.
picked little dude up from kindergarten Tuesday with orange car. I think I got some dad points on that one. AND then the rain came back. Looks like at least a week of it so….


It looks like the bolt to the turn signal lever had worked itself out a skosch and was making contact with the back of the steering wheel hub and closing the horn circuit.


See that second set of marks further out from center? I reckon I have to use some locktite on that and one of the retaining ring screws. The pot metal threads in the column are crapping out! Not sure what to do just yet. TBC…
I think this is gonna work now. Fingers X'd.

Ok so how does one have a short in the horn bad enough to burn up a relay and an air pump? I mean the horn is blowing so how long would you let that go on, right? Well it happened while the car transport guy had it. So one contractor picks up the car and takes it to Bellingham or somewhere north of Seattle (from east Texas). We were still between houses and had to let them hold it for a couple days and then meet up in Poulsbo where I had a storage unit. They hired a local tow truck to take it on the ferry and meet me. They said late afternoon, I sat at the storage place until 11 p.m. When they finally got there the horn was blowin' it's *** off. LOL I think the poor dude in the tow truck had been trying to get a handle on it but couldn't. By the time I see him, he's about to lose it! (one of those cheapie 150 dbl air horns- inside a ferry ???!!!) . I pulled the negative off the relay as soon as I get my hands on it but it's HOT. It never worked again. My wife was going to accuse the moving co. of screwing the car up but I waved her off cuz I had a suspicion that something I did may have caused it....

a little background;

Turn signal switch; Rants and Raves

So this time I learned that the worn out threads in my pot metal column are probably why I had trouble bolting the first switch in and destroying it. The second switch came outta the box with it's own weird problems that I thought were rectified. Obviously it wasn't and it picked the absolute worst time to fail. So two things going on that led to the continued horn circuit short; 1 loose turn signal switch and 2 a jury rig that ya'll don't know about yet. I'll get to that.

poke some epoxy in the threads with a match then carefully drill and re tap them.
thanks for that. I used a little JB weld for aluminum I had for boat projects and that worked pretty good. I used some locktite too! It feels like it's going to stay put now.

Ok so the jury rig. If you read the thread on the attached link, you learn that this second switch had some issues. I thought the dark green wire being backwards was the problem but it wasn't the entire story. Both switches that I procured were made out of some really soft plastic. What I learned was the top end of the switch flexes enough that the top two contacts inside don't actually touch. So while I had a horn and the turn signal cancel was working the rear turn signals and brake lights were not. I noticed that a little bit of pressure with my finger while the hazards were running made them work. Voila right? I enter into evidence exhibit A:


I added a bit of plastic to provide the pressure and not jumper my hot wires. Kiss of death for the horn coupled with that loose turn signal! That head snuck out and kissed the back of the steering wheel hub and that was that. The fix unfortunately requires that the pressure is still applied however! So I went with exhibit B:


That's just a little circle connector with the insolation still on it mounted with the fat end toward the switch. This way that screw stays well away from the hub and I get that little bit of pressure to keep those plastic halves close enough together to make contact. I have a feeling that the manufacture of that backward mounted dark green wire was supposed to provide that pressure. But I disagree that smashing it up against the column is the way to go long term. What d'ya think?

it works by the way, I will keep from handing the car over to a shipping company while I conduct sufficient road tests !!! TBC (actually I hope this is the end of it)

I endeavored to finish the circumnavigation of the Olympic Peninsula today. It’s only 330 miles but it took me 13 years to complete. I just had the southwest bit to do really and it was a beautiful day. So my daughter and I went to the beach up at Kalaloch. I think car clubs do it in a weekend sometimes. We should wrangle up all of us west end A bodies and do it together. It be pretty cool on like a West End Thunder weekend. Anyway, it went well here are some highlights;

If I can get the blue mutt roadworthy enough, I would be up for the ride

Funny, I was out getting firewood near Humptulips a couple weeks ago and a group of about 100 Porches passed by going north on 101. I've seen bikers and Vettes do it too and thought, 'why can't we?' Keep me (us all) posted on your progress!

Saturday I left it in the street all day with a bunch of other old cars and today used it like a yard tractor…


desperate times call for desperate measures…
Took the wife’s dry cleaning and my daughter to town in it Thursday. As the kids grow, baby seats are getting moved around our daily drivers. Orange car gets the hand-me-downs. But she is now sitting high enough to see out the window and rides are much more fun! But the voltage gauge showed that the alternator stopped charging earlier in the trip. About 12 volts. Got home on battery power and went after that field cultivator housing that broke last time. (April’23 I think) i took it and the contact out and replaced. The collar where the contact sits over was slightly misaligned. It was completely broken last time. I’ll have to look back to see if I wrote anything in that.
Then I noticed the connection at the voltage regulator was kinda sharp and leaning on a wire harness. So I adjusted that somewhat. And now the gauge reads 14ish again…. Back on the road.
If that is one of the non conducive washers, then…

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Would you reckon that little plastic collar under there would also be there to keep the field from contacting the body? I can’t tell if it’s melted or broken but it seems some of it is missing.
Are y’all aware of where one might find a new one?
This was last spring actually. I tried repairing the plastic collar and then got in touch with Speedmaster to buy just the plastic holder or assembly. They had me send in the alternator and they changed the field cultivator with a slightly different shape…but it still has this diminutive collar isolating the mounting screw from the field current!?
stay tuned!