Stall and Shift RPM Question.

I found this in the past and have used it for two distributors with accurate results. This is for stock or 'old style' MP distributors.
One Mr. Gasket advance spring will help bring the mechanical in sooner. When I initially got my car, it had two Mr. Gasket springs in it and was effectively 'locked out' since it put all the mechanical advance in at idle :/

degrees advance / slot size
12... .340
14... .355
16... .375
18... .390
20... .405
23... .420
24... .435
26... .445
28... .460
30... .475
32... .490
34... .505
36... .520
Thanks to both of you. That is great information.
It was interesting to me that on the launch, there was no wheel spin however, 20 feet off the launch pad when it started to pull hard, bingo, right rear spun like I was on ice.
Gears will be this weekend I think.
If they go smooth, I will pull the dizzy and start the weld, grind process.
If as you say, I want to be in the 36-40* total, what should I limit the mech adv to?
My understanding is, I want as much initial as it can stand without detonation and without hot start problems fighting the starter. When I find that, do the math.
All in (36-40) minus initial = max mechanical.
i.e. (these numbers are just so I understand the math, not actual)
38* All in
18* initial
38*-18*=20* max mechanical.
Is that correct?

I would start with this:
34* All in
18* initial
34*-18*=16* max mechanical.
This starting point curve will allow you to sneak up on the initial without detonation.
That is what I will shoot for this weekend if the gears go smooth.
It will be my first MOPAR rear end.
Just finished fabricating the adjustment wrench last night.
Have the pinion seals, Axle seals, Pinion bearings, axle bearings, and carrier bearings.
Cant think of anything else I will need.
Sorry to hear your threads aren't going the way you'd like. Yes some guys post just to show off there knowledge. Others like to help people and know what their talking about but have a hard time putting it down in words so sometimes something they say may sound harsh but that wasn't the intent. Others are full of crap and think they know what their talking about. Crackedback last paragraph summed up the internet pretty well. The longer your around the more you'll figure out the ones that know what their talking about from the BS'ers

You are correct on your timing curve math. Also keep this in mind, timing changes can alter your a/f ratio so even though you have it tuned right now it may change some. If you don't end up altering the timing much you'll probably be ok. Small beans but something to watch for.

I agree on not needing the MSD distributor, but it sure is easy to change the timing curve on compared to a stock dist but if you get a stock dist dialed in it'll run just fine

Your heading in the right direction
This part at the bottom, @ $329 is probably all you want to spend on that 318 Dart.
It will run like hell, and all you need is the 7/16" bolt hole Flex plate and ARP bolts.

The above, plate requires a "new" Dakota size small starter to clear the edge of the plate on a 904 trans. The one below does not and fits the old Mopar starter.
This part at the bottom, @ $329 is probably all you want to spend on that 318 Dart.
It will run like hell, and all you need is the 7/16" bolt hole Flex plate and ARP bolts.

The above, plate requires a "new" Dakota size small starter to clear the edge of the plate on a 904 trans. The one below does not and fits the old Mopar starter.

I bought a 904 with a ACC 53023 converter in it. Took it to my converter guy to have it flushed and a new snout put on it cause it had some wear and he cut it open to flush it out and called me to come and look at it. He said it was the biggest POS of a converter he'd ever seen in 20+ yrs. of doing converters. The clearance in it was unbelievable. I threw it in the junk where it belonged