Stock Market

I am cautiously optimistic and bought another 200 shares of my 12.65% dividend paying real estate stock today.

...even though I fully expect a serious correction in real estate prices and a housing glut in the near to mid term.

It pays monthly, so at least if I need to sell, I have been collecting the entire time.
I am cautiously optimistic and bought another 200 shares of my 12.65% dividend paying real estate stock today.

...even though I fully expect a serious correction in real estate prices and a housing glut in the near to mid term.

It pays monthly, so at least if I need to sell, I have been collecting the entire time.
12.65% dividend??? Damn. Is that even sustainable?
I've held it for 7 years.

...and the value of the stock has gone up 56%!
With income like that "ordinary tax rate" is not really a big deal.
I've made tens of thousands from them over those 7 years.
...but it's time to start watching the real estate market like a hawk.
I left a little on the table with

But did great on LLY (strong quarterly results). And ok BSX

401K also best it’s been but no thanks to me! I moved a bunch out of the S&P last November and missed out on that initial JPOW spike the following month.

Let’s see what happens tomorrow and NVDA earnings is next week I think.

happy hunting
I left a little on the table with

But did great on LLY (strong quarterly results). And ok BSX

401K also best it’s been but no thanks to me! I moved a bunch out of the S&P last November and missed out on that initial JPOW spike the following month.

Let’s see what happens tomorrow and NVDA earnings is next week I think.

happy hunting

Great score on Lily, hang on to some of that, it could double, or more, if it does as advertised.- set a Loose stop .
I'm going to pick up a few next pullback .
Good job.
The Fed finally lowered rates, he lower 1/2 a point insteada 1/4 point,
This bodes well for everything .
Now consumer prices will continue to drop as borrowed money is cheaper, lines of credit more available and cheaper giving more flexibility to small business.
There is a real possibility of a high 5% mortgage soon, refinancing is on the increase and will escalate, homebuilders are full speed ahead.
The gobt is pounding it's chest on the retailer gouging since Covid, and expect some heavy fine announcement soon.

There doesn't seem to be much out there to mess this up except geo/political.

You should see increases in whatever investments you have, including your house, banks are paying increasing interest on accounts, even savings accounts.

The lower middle-class is struggling, credit card usage is high, late payments on the rise, - this rate decrease will really improve the decline of consumer pricing.
The competition between retailers is continuing, with Xmas coming, the sales will drive the prices lower, to more acceptable levels.

My personal feeling is the New Year should be a new start , politics aside.

I picked up 5 Costco last big dip, I expect it to split when it gets to $1k ish.
I also picked up some SG on a Josh Brown recommendation, it's a robot Salad store, - with a "stop", but it's really cool, and probably a for-runner of fast food preparation and sale, warp speed. - I don't do salads, but my wife sure liked what she saw on the menu . sweetgreen | Menu

Another I picked up is NDAQ. It is newly available (IPO) stock, shares of the actual Nasdaq Exchange, think of it as the "tollbooth/pipeline" that all Nasdaq shares pass through, the actual brokerage that collects a tiny bit on billions of share a day.

I know some sources continue to say our economy is screwed, I also hang in trader chat rooms around the world while I'm here.
Folks, traders around the world think we got it made, subject to change, cuz you just have to keep an open mind .

Set your stops, sell the dogs.

Talk to who-ever you can- congressman etc.
DONT SELL U.S.STEEL ! ! Stop the sale, type an email NOW .

Anyone want to know about charting, and how they can help guide you ?
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^^^^^^ The main real issue I see was the out of control Biden spending trying to prop up the economy and stay out of a recession.
I am cautiously optimistic and bought another 200 shares of my 12.65% dividend paying real estate stock today.

...even though I fully expect a serious correction in real estate prices and a housing glut in the near to mid term.

It pays monthly, so at least if I need to sell, I have been collecting the entire time.
I am losing what I thought was a good income stock next month since the company was/is being bought out by a private company. Care to share the company name and symbol? I thought 7% was good with the previous holding I had.
^^^^^^ The main real issue I see was the out of control Biden spending trying to prop up the economy and stay out of a recession.

There is absolutely no sign of recession

Think about it. The country has only been productive 2 yrs. since Covid.
Whoever is running things has brought us from complete dependence on gobt subsidies, empty shelves, creating a deficit while feeding, sheltering, giving spending money to everyone, deficit cuza Covid, whoda thunk.

Now 2 yrs into recovery we have a deficit slightly higher than the previous 4 yrs term, which raised the debt ceiling 3 times if iirc,
and this term, was the debt ceiling raised at all, even for Covid? ( I honestly don't know).

We should be good.
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So why did Biden drop how many trillion in his "inflation " bill? Why did Fed drop rates yesterday? Back when GDP was neg, 2 consecutive quarters means nothing? Just wondering.
I edited previous post to you.
I don't have all the answers, I just know what affects me and mine, and try to pass on what guidance I can, often with a different perspective. lol
Housing availability on both sides of our border is a real drag on middle and lower incomes. A booming economy is a hard sell when a lot of folks spend more than 30% a month just for a roof over their heads. Recreational 2nd homes, air bnb, corporate landlords, building regulations, the cost of logging, and REITs are all major contributors to the supply issue. My $0.02 the economy has a perception issue.
Housing availability on both sides of our border is a real drag on middle and lower incomes. A booming economy is a hard sell when a lot of folks spend more than 30% a month just for a roof over their heads. Recreational 2nd homes, air bnb, corporate landlords, building regulations, the cost of logging, and REITs are all major contributors to the supply issue. My $0.02 the economy has a perception issue.

Totally agree no-one in the boardrooms should be making $100 million salary with perks, without paying decent taxes, nevermind "option" bonuses etc.
They've made enuff off the middle class, and it's hurting those of us, - apparently paying higher proportional taxes than millionaires!
Making millions and paying $850 in personal tax, and donate it to the country, my ***.

Everytime you read/hear the word "tariffs", -
Think - "I pay those at the cash register".

Everytime something lands on a receiving dock, there will be a newtariffs on the bill.
Everytime the cash register rings. There will be several tariffs accumulated to that item, since it landed on our shore, tariffs that weren't there before.
Think about it . You pay the tariffs, everyone.

"I collected $100 trillion in tariffs from China my *** ! !
We paid that $100 trillion and wonder why our cost of living is so high . .? ?

The rich will still be widening rivers to get their yachts to the ocean.

Some just want to eat and educate their family.
Others want you to pay for their Caribbean cruises on their yacht. Airfares to exotic "private" estates .
They prob pay less than $1000 income taxes each year as well.
"Good accountants" save you more than they cost. (They own yachts too).

The rich want to stay rich, and vote that way,
I just want to feed and educate my families,

I vote to Tarrif the crap outta the rich, and leave us reg folk alone, <$400k yr.
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This is a candlestick chart of NDAQ, the actual brokerage that charges for each transaction, billions of trades a day.
The red and green lines are "exponential moving averages" at different speeds.
When the lines cross, is an indicator, or trigger to get in or out of the stock.
"D" is dividend payment .
Lines up from the bottom is the volume/# of shares traded that day.

Just checked our RSP accounts and the Wife's mutual fund. We're up 6% since April 25th. So about 14%/year if it keeps going.
Totally agree no-one in the boardrooms should be making $100 million salary with perks, without paying decent taxes, nevermind "option" bonuses etc.
They've made enuff off the middle class, and it's hurting those of us, - apparently paying higher proportional taxes than millionaires!
Making millions and paying $850 in personal tax, and donate it to the country, my ***.

Everytime you read/hear the word "tariffs", -
Think - "I pay those at the cash register".

Everytime something lands on a receiving dock, there will be a newtariffs on the bill.
Everytime the cash register rings. There will be several tariffs accumulated to that item, since it landed on our shore, tariffs that weren't there before.
Think about it . You pay the tariffs, everyone.

"I collected $100 trillion in tariffs from China my *** ! !
We paid that $100 trillion and wonder why our cost of living is so high . .? ?

The rich will still be widening rivers to get their yachts to the ocean.

Some just want to eat and educate their family.
Others want you to pay for their Caribbean cruises on their yacht. Airfares to exotic "private" estates .
They prob pay less than $1000 income taxes each year as well.
"Good accountants" save you more than they cost. (They own yachts too).

The rich want to stay rich, and vote that way,
I just want to feed and educate my families,

I vote to Tarrif the crap outta the rich, and leave us reg folk alone, <$400k yr.
In an Objectivist kinda way, I think producers of innovation and inventors of things that raise the standard of the species deserve whatever the market will bare. The delta between CEOs and the worker bees however is a troubling precedent that will be difficult to walk back from.
In an Objectivist kinda way, I think producers of innovation and inventors of things that raise the standard of the species deserve whatever the market will bare. The delta between CEOs and the worker bees however is a troubling precedent that will be difficult to walk back from.

Exactly my feelings, - 3rd, 4th VP of advertising, c'mon .
I topped up Ba Boeing last week, planes have stopped crashing, lotta drone use, should be good to go, blasted off today . . till . .
LYV Live Nation looking good, event season coming .
Added to ULTA, see if it goes back to $500ish.
Bull mkts back .
Question is..How low can Boeing go?
Some say it will take 5 years for them to rebound. Wanna hold onto a dismal stock that long?
Question is..How low can Boeing go?
Some say it will take 5 years for them to rebound. Wanna hold onto a dismal stock that long?

Boeing, , my stops, s, were tripped a long time ago, many times.
I felt, as many, that the only 2 wide body jets, Boeing was pretty safe., and re-entered a few times, the stops did their job, thankfully.
Like Tesla, it has disappointed time after time.
I'm in no hurry to re-purchase either .
Boeing was a "sector leader" for decades, it was an excellent choice, not so much now.
It will come back, unless China gets their wide-body production going.
I expect a coupla years till Boeing becomes favorable, or the planes stop falling outta the air, whichever comes first.
Wish I had a more favorable view, there are lotsa stocks going up.
If you're in love with BA, sell half. Buy a tech. NVDA, AAPL, COST, MSFT, till BA changes direction, - set a stop.

That NDAQ is a huge brokerage, I parked some. $$$ there, for now .

Next time you buy a stock, play with the little "drop-downs", on the order form.
Set a "stop" $10 less, and move it up as the stock goes up.
Phone your broker, a coupla quick questions/instruction, you will
likely limit any loses in future, Boeing woulda been cash in your account.
Tape "CNBC 1/2 time report", dude named Josh Brown, level headed dude.
Speaks smart during troubled times, and I expect trouble election time.
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