Stop in for a cup of coffee

Note to self, before welding in inner panel in wheelwell, work the
Outer panel flat after welding patch. Now i need to build some sort of tool to work the weld seam back up. Will take too much filler. And the funny thing is, i took my time to keep it cool.
So whats everyone's plans for today? Prob cut some Sheetmetal out of the parts car for a member since it will be near 40 today here.
Pay bills and finish going through edits.
if I get done early, go to the garage and do car stuff.
Nice day, but I got get this stuff done. Due in a week and want it out of here now.
Good thing I have to walk the dog.
Coffee is done. Time to start truck and drive to work. (300’)
Cant believe i burned 1/2 a tank of gas going to work and back. Without leaving my yard. Well i have left the yard a couple times.