Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have to say I have been quite impressed with the electric snow blower. Lots of power and nearly zero maintenance. It has tons of torque and can easily power through the 18” of packed snow piled 8’ deep at the end of of our driveway left from the plow truck.

Next year I plan to buy the battery operated version for lighter snow falls so I dont need to deal with the cord.

Last year I cleared a foot of heavy wet snow off the driveway including the giant plow berm in 30 problem.


Son of a gun. I was there from 830 to 1:30. I must have missed it, would have invited you to go with us to Hooters for lunch.

Get anything good?
Nope tried for a shirt but not my size. Looked for a carb for Craig. No good there. Talked to a bunch of people and had fun. Great to get away.
It would be a much better starting point! :)
True dat. I hope he decides soon. Warm weather is coming in the next 4-6 weeks and I don’t want to put any work into it if he wants it back.

Otherwise, I will finish assembling her in my vision...and drive the wheels off her before the summer is over. :D
Damn. I soooo much wanted to have a cheesesteak tonight, but the tooth extraction site just isn’t up to it yet. Looks like chopped spaghetti with an Alfredo Florentine sauce is as good as I can handle.

Oh well, I just have to be patient and eat what I can until it’s healed up enough to handle more.

I’m just glad to be past mashed potatoes and cottage cheese!
True dat. I hope he decides soon. Warm weather is coming in the next 4-6 weeks and I don’t want to put any work into it if he wants it back.

Otherwise, I will finish assembling her in my vision...and drive the wheels off her before the summer is over. :D
PM Dave....
Sooo I am going to buy back my 66 from Dave. I miss not having a car to wrench on, the 67 from my brother is still up in the air..
I’m so glad you want to take it back. You deserve to finish and enjoy the project you put so much time and effort in. :)
Ya know, a ‘66 Dart crossing the country from coast to coast to sit in a driveway for 18 months just to be returned home is an epic story of friends, fortune and the camaraderie of the Coffee Club...and a tribute to the bond we all share!
Ya know, a ‘66 Dart crossing the country from coast to coast to sit in a driveway for 18 months just to be returned home is an epic story of friends, fortune and the camaraderie of the Coffee Club...and a tribute to the bond we all share!
And kinda nutty. :poke: I like it. :thumbsup:
Sooo I am going to buy back my 66 from Dave. I miss not having a car to wrench on, the 67 from my brother is still up in the air..

I’m so glad you want to take it back. You deserve to finish and enjoy the project you put so much time and effort in. :)

Ya know, a ‘66 Dart crossing the country from coast to coast to sit in a driveway for 18 months just to be returned home is an epic story of friends, fortune and the camaraderie of the Coffee Club...and a tribute to the bond we all share!

Yeah it is. Weird how cars do that to people. Either way, happy for ya both!