Stop in for a cup of coffee

Goooood Morning...snowed all night, wind is blowing, and can't really tell how much we have. Maybe 3 or 4 will continue until mid-morning.
Clearing the snow will be fun. Wind chill is -20 all day!!
We sold our other RV, will be nice to have it off the property. It got the last laugh tho, have to change a toilet valve on it this a.m. Gotta love it when a problem shows up while someone is enroute to look/buy. Shouldn't be too bad. Then I'm moving our fire pit that's stacked up on the side of the driveway, 4 foot diameter 4 rows high.....I hope this is the last time for a while!
not sure about 'the chill' but we are supposed to hit single digits a couple nights this week
Well this snow is the light powder stuff so wind will just be moving it.
40's by Wednesday, hopefully we are about done for the season.
Well this snow is the light powder stuff so wind will just be moving it.
40's by Wednesday, hopefully we are about done for the season.
I’m normally the guy asking if not begging for snow. This winter though has been brutal, I’m ready for it to be over
I think this is the turning week here. Then daylight savings starts and I will feel much better!
Well there's this

I am about done also really has not been to bad just that week of really cold was prob the worst SO FAR! Last few years it usually ends with a dump over a foot.
So I guess I'll do something today. I've got the air cleaner blasted and ready. Maybe today is the day I take it to the basement and wrinkle spray it??
Other than a possible afternoon trip to the gym, and clearing a couple driveways, I won't do much and stay warm.