Stop in for a cup of coffee

I've got a heck of a mess of tools to clean up in garage. Have bunch of tools (mine and shop) that I brought home from work. Plus ones from home that I have not put away in last couple weeks.... I can do that aftr th rain starts today. I do want to pull a plug and maybe change them today. But No big jobs planned today. Maybe I will rake the front flower bed. Need to check my mulch pile. I just save all the bark off my firewood and let it lay till it breaks up easy. Maybe run a couple wheelbarrow loads up.
That was funny, I played the second one and the cat went nuts! LOL
That is pretty funny.
The one that used to drive me nuts was the Whip-por-wills. Never saw one close enough to be sure, but at night, during the summer (mating season) they'd be going on for hours. Loud!
Eastern Whip-poor-will -
Their sound track doesn't begin to do them justice. There was no 'quiet' sound in between the loud calls! Wouldnt stop till late and then start up again pre-dawn.
You know the wood 'mulch' that is so popular in the stores make a great habitat for fungi ? Can make the siding look pretty bad- some of them shoot their spores out. We were using wood mulch in the park around some of the trees to keep the mow and trimmer cowboys from cutting up the trunks, and on some walking paths but thats about it.
Been doing it 30 years never had a problem. Might be geographic location??
Hey Hoppy, I can chip in some money to fly Ben out to Carlisle, don't know how he will get back tho.......
Been doing it 30 years never had a problem. Might be geographic location??
Could be. Even just the local environment or tree species.

The stuff we were using around the playground was some sort of special 'clean' mulches. Never found out what the specs were. I've also seen just bark used. I think it doesn't decompose as fast.
Hey Hoppy, I can chip in some money to fly Ben out to Carlisle, don't know how he will get back tho.......
I don't think he would mind staying at Hoppyland indefinitely... @Ben Drinkin

Morning all, little sore this morning, spent the weekend setting up my lift. Coffe is on, getting ready for my oil field run.
Morning everyone. Sunny 70 and coffee to start today. Been beautiful so far. About 80 during the day and 50 at night with very low humidity. Went for wings at lunch yesterday...2 for 1 full glasses of Basel Haydens....whew...what a mid day that was. Then tried this beer and cigar... Mmmmm


Hey Hoppy, I can chip in some money to fly Ben out to Carlisle, don't know how he will get back tho.......
He will be in the car your trailering back! We shall see what happens. That's his busy work time. Surprised he came to lift day actually.