Stop in for a cup of coffee

Actually with his ETA at 1:30, that puts him in Western Ohio. I’m guessing he rolled on past Indy last night and stayed there a few hours. He said he only stopped a couple hours the night before. Dude is a driving machine
Best I ever did was Long Island to San Jose in 39 hours non stop. Pretty much fell out of the car when I got there. Amazed I did not get pulled over how fast I was going.
Pulled the tarp and blankets off the duster and put them flat in the driveway. Once they dry out, I will fold them and get that plastic out to cut it up. Need to get that done before rain creeps in this afternoon.
Was going to start loading the truck today, think I will wait until tomorrow after the rain stops.
Morning guys. Supposed to be sunny and 80 today. Humidity in the 60% range.
Just one if I cant fit it in. Have plenty of stuff for him to sell. Prob 4-5 totes. I got all the rebuilts packed up. Have way to many test sets prob 100 of them. Hope they go fast like they did last year and a ton of nos stuff also that I have accumulated in lots I bought and some ignition stuff also. Definitely have some cool stuff this year. Bringing one distrib machine just to run one to get people in. Not for sale one of my back ups.
Just one if I cant fit it in. Have plenty of stuff for him to sell. Prob 4-5 totes. I got all the rebuilts packed up. Have way to many test sets prob 100 of them. Hope they go fast like they did last year and a ton of nos stuff also that I have accumulated in lots I bought and some ignition stuff also. Definitely have some cool stuff this year. Bringing one distrib machine just to run one to get people in. Not for sale one of my back ups.
Sounds like a good batch of stuff for Carlisle. I meant does he have anything on now coming in.
Actually tempted to keep that Sun Sleuth machine it is like new, but have a small 12v scope I am keeping and the big one on the wall we used on your car so I am more than covered. Just a really nice machine hope it goes to a good home.
Sounds like a good batch of stuff for Carlisle. I meant does he have anything on now coming in.
Not unless Chris backed out and he met him along the way. Chris picked up a exhaust analyzer for me. Pretty much stole it.
Don’t think that happened unless Chris loaded it while Tim was still moving. Lol. Actually sounds like Chris is going to make it! :eek:
Dam a guy cant make it this year and is selling spots for this year only right down from mitch. To bad the trailer is full of scrap metal. Still might be good to park the truck on though. Hmmm
Don’t think that happened unless Chris loaded it while Tim was still moving. Lol. Actually sounds like Chris is going to make it! :eek:
Don’t worry, I’d still say the odds are 3:1 at best...
Cool and maybe clear this morning. Smoke is quite heavy this morning. Worse further north where my son is.
We are heading for a train ride today,should be fun.
Morning guys. Supposed to be sunny and 80 today. Humidity in the 60% range.
Good Morning!
So, Mike...You gonna make it to Carlisle? (I know, It ain't Mopar)
Just shot the guy a pm on the parking spot. Would still make it easier for me and hell half price almost!
O190 Just down from Mitch the new spot is in, would use it but to many people picking stuff up at O 190. Can see it easy from where I am.