Stop in for a cup of coffee

Speaking of Guberment…. I am at work catching hell. SO I thought I would get on here....maybe they will fire me for using Guberment property to play. The Boss lady came at me about a problem. I responded with an email and included the 2 bosses between she and I. The one is all upset that I responded to her and not him. He doesn't want me telling her personally and that he will handle it. He hasn't thus far and I am merely covering my behind. I will be at Carlisle tomorrow...
Troublemaker! :poke::lol:
Nice day here (at least till it gets near 90 later) So I opened the windows on the duster to get some moisture out. Apparently its not sealed as well as I wish. I put floor mats in a little while ago and carpet is a little wet under the drivers mat. Others just had a trace of dampness. I want to at least clean inside of all the glass today. Want to polish and wax too. Have all day tomorrow to do that if needed. Probably pull it in the garage for that. Easier without the direct sun. Plus, if I leave it thre for the night, then Friday I can just roll out early to Carlisle. If I leave it outside it will be wet with dew in the morning...

I see the new Alro building has all the steel up and the concrete walls. It pretty darn big. They have hiring signs up already too
oil drained into put away.floor swept.
ready to start the day.more work coming,i cant catch up...
interior glass cleaned. check
Think I will start putting some things away in garage to clear a parking spot....
I brought it up a min. ago. She had already read it Monday. There are a group of old guys that do nothing but cause trouble for the city. The things they say and write come from someone else. They are someones puppets. We call them the "back row boys". The sit in the back row of the council meeting and step up to the microphone and complain about most every item on the agenda. They hang out at the local Legion and scheme about the next meeting.
We have the same guys here, they sit on other end of the bar from me at legion! I just shake my head and figure they are just really really bored. That clutch of folks are in any town USA at coffe shops and local Legions. They never grow tired of stirring up crap all the while effectively accomplishing nothing. In the words of Shakespeare " voices full of sound and fury signifying nothing" I likely butchered the quote but I am close!
Ever since pot was legalized here, the same old guys end up talking about it every time they get together. They can only speculate what the effects are, as they are all too chickenshit to try it. And of course it always leads to pot leading into harder drugs and the crime spree that follows. Its hilarious
We have the same guys here, they sit on other end of the bar from me at legion! I just shake my head and figure they are just really really bored. That clutch of folks are in any town USA at coffe shops and local Legions. They never grow tired of stirring up crap all the while effectively accomplishing nothing. In the words of Shakespeare " voices full of sound and fury signifying nothing" I likely butchered the quote but I am close!

The ones that complain that the parkways need more trees and then whine about the sidewalks being broken by the tree roots :rofl:
Ever since pot was legalized here, the same old guys end up talking about it every time they get together. They can only speculate what the effects are, as they are all too chickenshit to try it. And of course it always leads to pot leading into harder drugs and the crime spree that follows. Its hilarious

Nothing a couple hits off of a controlled substance delivery device wouldn't fix :lol:

It's Willys Wednesday! Gooood morning.

I see the new Alro building has all the steel up and the concrete walls. It pretty darn big. They have hiring signs up already too

They are building another warehouse up there??? I didn't know that...

Our Indy warehouse got hit by a tornado a few weeks ago and we are helping cover some of their orders to maintain their customers...
The coffee cup is empty and the sun is coming out, early I might add, time to embark on an adventure.
Stay safe out there, or at least use the appropriate safety equipment while engaging in questionable acts :lol:.
What do you guys use for wiper blades? I got a set of the old metal frames I would like to find refills for. I thought someone said NAPA had them. Stopped there and they said no go. Right now I am running a set that I painted silver so they would look close to original.. I looked at the 'classic', but the back is a single piece and just looks wrong...
They are building another warehouse up there??? I didn't know that...

Our Indy warehouse got hit by a tornado a few weeks ago and we are helping cover some of their orders to maintain their customers...

I remember we talked they had a building here a while back, but this new one is impressive for sure. Right next to EAA air venture grounds. I will try to get a picture of it.
What do you guys use for wiper blades? I got a set of the old metal frames I would like to find refills for. I thought someone said NAPA had them. Stopped there and they said no go. Right now I am running a set that I painted silver so they would look close to original.. I looked at the 'classic', but the back is a single piece and just looks wrong...
I know there was a guy at Carlisle selling them. Think it might be the same guy Ray knows from FLA, with the cowboy hat. If not, I think you can still get them from Carquest.