Stop in for a cup of coffee

Ouch sucks for him
Just got back from the Vet. $700!!!!!!!!!!! Wife will pick the dog up tomorrow!
Ouch sucks for him
Just got back from the Vet. $700!!!!!!!!!!! Wife will pick the dog up tomorrow!
I think we paid about that several years ago when our last dog go ripped open. Same thing she was in house never acted like anything was wrong. I saw a big red patch and a flap of skin hanging on her side. Possibly an animal, but I think she got caught on barbed wire. They cleaned it out, and closed it up. Big $ with no insurance.
Lincoln mkx got a rack today.
What a pita. Customer helped, made it go easier. But i bet he feels beat up too.
Long day.
Note to self... you’d think you’d learned by now that even when you are right, you will never prove your wife wrong... even with security camera footage...
Can't wait to see @Ben Drinkin 's comment to that :rolleyes:
Really? You think that the word rack would 'rack' would spark me so much as to slip the bounds of good taste? I mean really?
There is such thing as a rack of ribs... Ranking weights... rack of lamb... And of course the rack and pinion alluded to earlier..

What makes you think that post would spark some juvenile breast reaction out of me?

Maybe it's cuz you're right!
Really? You think that the word rack would 'rack' would spark me so much as to slip the bounds of good taste? I mean really?
There is such thing as a rack of ribs... Ranking weights... rack of lamb... And of course the rack and pinion alluded to earlier..

What makes you think that post would spark some juvenile breast reaction out of me?

Maybe it's cuz you're right!
View attachment 1715361298
Oh my!!!
Really? You think that the word rack would 'rack' would spark me so much as to slip the bounds of good taste? I mean really?
There is such thing as a rack of ribs... Ranking weights... rack of lamb... And of course the rack and pinion alluded to earlier..

What makes you think that post would spark some juvenile breast reaction out of me?

Maybe it's cuz you're right!
View attachment 1715361298
Racks ?? I Like Racks !!!!
Good Morning...It’s Carlisle Wednesday!!
Set up day in the swap area which is an excellent time to find some good stuff!!
I worked some OT and then came home and spent some time with the older boy...

It's been a while since him and I hung out together for a couple hours...
You have been working a lot. I understand though been there done that.
Glad you are getting some time with the son...that’s always a good time!!
You have been working a lot. I understand though been there done that.
Glad you are getting some time with the son...that’s always a good time!!

Yep, we work 10 hour shifts for 4 days per week, sometimes we get mandated OT during the week...

I've been trying to spend some time with the boys when I can as they will not be home forever....

The younger one is going to live with his mom and attend college this fall... He's only going to be around for a few more weeks, so I'm trying to get as much father-son time with him as I can on weekends...

He's coming back to town Thursday and we are going to put the pistons in the 360 that we are building together... One rod was pinned backwards on the piston, and I have already have that fixed... Then Mancini didn't send the rod bearings with the oil squirt hole notch and I had to buy a set of bearings from Summit to get the right ones as Mancini says that none of their bearings have the squirt hole notch... If things go right, we may be able to get it all the way to the intake and oil pan soon...

We have only a few weeks to build the engine and get it ready to install in his 68 Valiant 4 door...