Stop in for a cup of coffee

I tell you what. The off roaders from the San Joaquin Valley will be happy with the weather forecast at Pismo Dunes this weekend. Low 70s. It'll be like dune buggyin' in their living rooms in Fresno with the AC on and lots more sand :lol:
Mornin's the coffee
Even when it's bad it's good.
I have a local radio station that plays the old stuff I listened to as a kid. Still enjoy listening to it.
When we travel we have a satellite station and can pick between 60's and 70's music.
I like to put the oldies stations on in the duster. Either that or pop in one of my 50 year old cassettes.
Just sounds right over the junky radio I have. lol
And I just burned a bunch of vinyl's. I couldn't find anyone who wanted them. Even had them at Carlisle
I have a newer turntable that plays a digital signal. Need to find a place to set it up and record some of my albums to something I can play back in the car.
Do you know what a 45 album is???

If yes, then you're ancient....
A 45 is not an album.

You folks remember 78’s?

Looks like more for phone/data cable work. I need a crimper for the packard types. We have one at work I want to find for myself. It’s an ‘AMP service tool’.

Good Morning

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I have found it's very hard to stay at work when I look out the wont stop staring at me!!!!

just not into this work thing today.all morning to sort out 1 wire.fuel tank I will pursue the choke heater wiring,but I think its tied into the oil pressure switch.guess I can go yank it off parts truck.
then calls,texts and drop-ins,keep breaking my concentration.
back at it I guess.