Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well surgery is done, home from the dermo.
Have a nice 6" cut all stitched across my right forearm.
He removed a basil cell spot, done it a few times over the years no big deal. I have to take it easy for a few days.
I asked if I could lift a laundry basket and he said no.
If there were ANY questions that person could call in.
How do change what it says under your screen name??

I set it to "princess valiant" but that was so long ago, I don't remember how

so whats up. Are you guys still pissed at me for you assuming I am saying you're ancient

Hoppy was sure grumpy pants earlier
I'm closer to 68 then 48. I don't feel any different though then when I was 40.
Had some left over pulled pork. I made some chili today and stirred it in. Damn, pretty good stuff.
Well surgery is done, home from the dermo.
Have a nice 6" cut all stitched across my right forearm.
He removed a basil cell spot, done it a few times over the years no big deal. I have to take it easy for a few days.
I asked if I could lift a laundry basket and he said no.
If there were ANY questions that person could call in.
Hope all goes well Craig. I go in tomorrow to have this growth on my nose looked at. Hope it's not cancerous. I don't want them to take my nose off. LOL
As far as ancient goes.
Im feeling ancient.
Can hardly walk. Legs are aching.
Having hard time picking up left leg.

Cue Karl...:BangHead: