Stop in for a cup of coffee

I have seen almost every episode. Been on boob toob for almost a year.
Same stuff through all the episodes. Guy with the dreads was on highway to hell, was blasting rock along a highway. Producers found out he was building a shop/business and got in on it...
Think I'll go out and burn a steak on the grill for supper, wife's off on cruise with her sister so I need to fend for my self !!
Steak should do it!!
I'll get in on some of that.. 1792 tonight.. And had some jalepeno spam fajitas for dinner.. Life is good!
Don't know what the 1792 means, probably some kind of disgusting alcoholic drink ??

But you sir are on to something with the jalapeno spam fajitas. Be right over
Having hard time picking up left leg.

Cue Karl...:BangHead:

How are you gonna pee????

Dog passed out on floor. Snoring.
Wife is complaining..
Seriously? Is it really a problem while you are sitting on couch, not sound asleep in bed? Wtf??
Wife is like a demon spawned chainsaw,continous. Relentless.
Dog passed out on floor. Snoring.
Wife is complaining..
Seriously? Is it really a problem while you are sitting on couch, not sound asleep in bed? Wtf??
Wife is like a demon spawned chainsaw,continous. Relentless.

That's one thing I don't miss about being married....

Maybe you should trade her in on a newer model... Or a foreign model like Mitch... :D
Dog passed out on floor. Snoring.
Wife is complaining..
Seriously? Is it really a problem while you are sitting on couch, not sound asleep in bed? Wtf??
Wife is like a demon spawned chainsaw,continous. Relentless.

When I was married ant the wife used to try to talk to me while I was watching TV (She wouldn't even wait for a commercial), I learned to "super focus" on the tv and not hear anything she said... Just throw out a couple "Uh huh, or ok's" here and there and lesten to the tv program that I was watching...

She would then walk away if she figured out that I wasn't listening to her...

Kinda like the lyric in the Linkin Park song, "The less I hear the less you say"...